



  • 政治的には、アメリカは「クーデター」の段階を経ており、その結果、社会主義体制に移行しつつあります。このクーデターは、バラク・オバマ前大統領、ジョージ・ソロス氏、習近平国家主席、世界経済フォーラムを含むグローバリスト同盟によって画策されたとされています。彼らの目標は、アメリカを社会主義国に変え、最終的には共産主義国にすることだとされています。
  • 経済的には、アメリカは世界の準備通貨としての米ドルの地位を失いつつあります。これは、中国、ロシア、インド、ブラジル、南アフリカを含むBRICS諸国が、米ドルに代わる金本位制の通貨に移行しようとしているためです。この変化は、世界的な経済シフトを引き起こし、アメリカの経済力を低下させる可能性があります。
  • 社会的には、アメリカは違法移民、フェンタニル危機、児童人身売買の増加という問題に直面しています。これらの問題は、アメリカの社会構造を蝕み、国民の間で恐怖と不安を引き起こしています。







フリン氏は、アメリカが「クーデター」の段階を経ており、その結果、社会主義体制に移行しつつあると主張しています。 このクーデターは、バラク・オバマ前大統領、ジョージ・ソロス氏、習近平国家主席、世界経済フォーラムを含むグローバリスト同盟によって画策されたとされています。 彼らの目標は、アメリカを社会主義国に変え、最終的には共産主義国にすることだとされています。


  1. ヒラリー・クリントン氏を大統領にする計画: グローバリストは、当初、ヒラリー・クリントン氏を大統領にすることでアメリカを社会主義国家に変えようと計画していました。
  2. トランプ前大統領の当選妨害: トランプ前大統領の登場は、グローバリストの計画を狂わせました。そこで彼らは、2016年の大統領選挙で不正を行い、ヒラリー・クリントン氏の当選を画策しましたが、失敗に終わりました。
  3. トランプ政権の妨害と2020年の選挙不正: トランプ政権発足後も、グローバリストはあらゆる手段を使って政権運営を妨害し、2020年の大統領選挙では再び不正を行い、バイデン大統領を当選させたとフリン氏は主張しています。
  4. バイデン大統領の排除とカマラ・ハリス氏の擁立: グローバリストは、バイデン大統領を操り人形として利用し、その裏で権力を握っています。そして、次の段階として、カマラ・ハリス氏を大統領に擁立する計画だとフリン氏は考えています。



フリン氏は、世界の準備通貨としての米ドルの地位が失われつつあり、それがアメリカ経済を崩壊に導くと警告しています。 これは、中国、ロシア、インド、ブラジル、南アフリカを含むBRICS諸国が、米ドルに代わる金本位制の通貨に移行しようとしているためです。 この変化は、世界的な経済のシフトを引き起こし、アメリカの経済力を低下させる可能性があります。 フリン氏は、バイデン政権がすでにこの動きに加担しており、中央銀行デジタル通貨の導入を推進していると非難しています。



  • 違法移民問題: フリン氏によると、アメリカには1,000万人から1,200万人の違法移民が存在し、社会に深刻な影響を与えています。 特に、国境地帯では、違法移民による犯罪が横行し、地域住民は恐怖に怯えています。
  • フェンタニル危機: 中国から流入するフェンタニルがアメリカの若者を蝕んでおり、多くの死者が出ている現状をフリン氏は強く非難しています。
  • 児童人身売買: フリン氏は、アメリカが世界最大の児童人身売買市場になっているという衝撃的な事実を告発しています。 そして、政府機関が85,000人もの子供たちを見失っている現状を厳しく批判しています。



フリン氏は、これらの危機を乗り越えるためには、アメリカ国民が現状の深刻さを認識し、国を守るために立ち上がらなければならないと訴えています。 特に、2024年の大統領選挙は、アメリカの将来を左右する重要な選挙であり、アメリカ国民は、トランプ前大統領を支持し、共産主義の脅威から国を守るべきだと主張しています。






  • 2016年の選挙: フリン氏は、グローバリスト同盟が当初、ヒラリー・クリントン氏を大統領にすることでアメリカを社会主義国家に変えようと計画していたと主張しています。トランプ氏の予期せぬ勝利により、彼らの計画は頓挫しました。
  • 2020年の選挙: フリン氏は、2020年の選挙は「アメリカの選挙史上最も恥ずべき選挙の一つ」であり、「不正行為が行われたと考える理由がない」と主張しています。 彼は、COVID-19パンデミックを利用して郵便投票が導入され、それが大規模な不正行為を招いたと主張しています。 特に、郵便投票とそれに伴う票の収集が不正の温床になったと指摘しています。 彼は、多くの共和党知事がトランプ氏を嫌っているため、選挙不正の可能性を認めようとしないと非難しています。
  • 選挙制度の弱体化: フリン氏は、グローバリスト同盟がアメリカの選挙制度に対する信頼を損ない、国民の選挙への参加意欲を低下させようとしていると主張しています。 彼は、世界経済フォーラムの創設者兼会長であるクラウス・シュワブ氏の側近が、人工知能を使って選挙結果を予測できるようになるため、アメリカの選挙はもはや必要ないと発言したことを指摘し、危機感を募らせています。

フリン氏は、これらの不正行為がアメリカの民主主義を脅かし、国を共産主義に導くと警告しています。彼は、国民が現状の深刻さを認識し、選挙の integrity を守るために立ち上がらなければならないと訴えています。




フリン氏は、最近の共和党予備選挙における投票率が「登録有権者の35%未満」、一部の州では「30%未満」であったことを指摘し、アメリカ国民の政治的無関心を危惧しています。 彼は、ネブラスカ州での予備選挙の投票率がわずか27%であったことを例に挙げ、危機感を募らせています。

フリン氏は、トランプ氏の集会には何万人もの人々が集まり、熱狂的な支持を示しているにもかかわらず、実際の投票率に結びついていない現状に疑問を呈しています。 彼は、多くの人々が「本選挙まで投票を待つ」と言い訳をしているが、それでは手遅れになる可能性があると警告しています。

フリン氏は、投票率の低さが、アメリカファーストを掲げない候補者が議会に選出される結果につながりかねないと懸念しています。 彼は、2022年の下院選挙では、共和党が辛勝したものの、一部の議員が離党したり、共和党指導部が期待通りの働きをしていない現状を指摘しています。





  • 政府改革と説明責任の重視: フリン氏は、トランプ氏が大統領に再選された場合、政府改革と説明責任を最優先に取り組むべきだと主張しています。彼は、政府内部に蔓延する腐敗を根絶し、国民への説明責任を果たせるような体制を構築する必要性を訴えています。
  • 経済の立て直し: フリン氏は、トランプ氏が経済分野において優れた手腕を持っていることを認め、再び経済成長を実現する必要性を強調しています。具体的な政策については言及していませんが、トランプ氏が以前行ったような減税や規制緩和などの政策を再び実施することで、経済を活性化させることができると示唆していると考えられます。
  • 国際的なリーダーシップの回復: フリン氏は、現在のアメリカは国際的なリーダーシップを失墜させており、トランプ氏が大統領に復帰することで、その失地を回復する必要があると主張しています。具体的には、「アメリカが戻ってきた」と世界に示し、力による平和ではなく、アメリカの力と決意を示すことで、国際秩序を再構築する必要性を訴えています。
  • 不法移民への厳格な対応: フリン氏は、トランプ氏が公約している大規模な強制送還を実行するために、具体的な計画を策定する必要があると指摘しています。単に強制送還を宣言するだけでなく、90万人に上る州および地方レベルの法執行機関と協力し、場合によっては軍隊も動員するなど、実現可能な計画を提示する必要性を強調しています。
  • 明確なビジョンの提示: フリン氏は、トランプ氏が国民に対して、大統領としての任期中に何を達成しようとしているのか、明確なビジョンを示す必要性を訴えています。抽象的なスローガンではなく、具体的な政策課題に取り組み、実現可能な計画を提示することで、国民の支持を集めるべきだと主張しています。




マイク・フリン氏は、アメリカの選挙における不正行為の背後には、グローバリスト同盟、特に世界経済フォーラム、ジョージ・ソロス氏、習近平国家主席、そしてバラク・オバマ前大統領が関与していると主張しています。 フリン氏によれば、彼らは連携してアメリカの選挙を操作し、自分たちに都合の良い結果を得ようとしていると述べています。


フリン氏は、グローバリスト同盟の最終的な目標は、アメリカを社会主義国家に変え、世界的な支配を確立することだと考えています。 彼は、彼らがアメリカの民主主義を破壊し、自由と自由市場の原則を覆そうとしていると主張しています。


  1. ヒラリー・クリントン氏を大統領にする。 フリン氏は、グローバリスト同盟は当初、2016年の選挙でヒラリー・クリントン氏を当選させ、アメリカを社会主義国家に変革しようと計画していたと主張しています。 しかし、ドナルド・トランプ氏が予想外に勝利したため、彼らの計画は頓挫しました。
  2. トランプ政権の弱体化と妨害。 フリン氏は、トランプ氏が大統領に就任した後も、グローバリスト同盟はあらゆる手段を使って彼の政権を弱体化させ、妨害しようと試みたと主張しています。 これには、ロシア疑惑の捏造や弾劾訴追などが含まれます。
  3. 2020年の選挙でトランプ氏を敗北させる。 フリン氏は、グローバリスト同盟は2020年の選挙で、COVID-19パンデミックを利用して郵便投票を導入し、大規模な不正選挙を実行したと主張しています。 彼は、この不正選挙によってジョー・バイデン氏が不正に当選したと信じています。
  4. バイデン政権を通じて、社会主義的な政策を推進する。 フリン氏は、バイデン政権はグローバリスト同盟の傀儡政権であり、彼らの指示に従って、アメリカを社会主義国家に変えるための政策を推進していると主張しています。
  5. デジタル通貨の導入による世界経済の支配。 フリン氏は、グローバリスト同盟はデジタル通貨の導入を通じて、世界経済を支配しようと企んでいると主張しています。 彼は、彼らが中央銀行デジタル通貨(CBDC)を導入し、人々の金融取引を完全に監視・管理しようとしていると警告しています。




  1. フリン氏は、バラク・オバマ、ヒラリー・クリントン両政権下で、アメリカがどのような政治体制に移行したと考えているか、説明してください。(2~3文)
  2. フリン氏によると、ドナルド・トランプ前大統領の当選を阻止するために講じられたとされるクーデターの第一段階とはどのようなものだったか、説明してください。(2~3文)
  3. フリン氏がCOVID-19パンデミックについて提示した陰謀論とその目的を要約してください。(2~3文)
  4. フリン氏は誰がアメリカと世界を本当に支配していると信じているのか、リストアップしてください。(2~3文)
  5. フリン氏によると、2024年の大統領選挙の前に起こる可能性のある、アメリカがコントロールできない3つの出来事とは何ですか?(2~3文)
  6. フリン氏がアメリカの軍事指導部について表明している懸念を説明してください。(2~3文)
  7. フリン氏は、2024年の大統領選挙で共和党が直面している課題として、有権者の投票率について、どのような懸念を表明していますか?(2~3文)
  8. フリン氏がドナルド・トランプを支持する主な理由を2つ挙げてください。(2~3文)
  9. フリン氏は、トランプ氏が大統領に再選された場合、取り組むべき最も重要な課題として、どのようなものを3つ挙げていますか?(2~3文)
  10. フリン氏が2024年の大統領選挙後の潜在的な危機として示唆している懸念を説明してください。(2~3文)


  1. フリン氏は、オバマ、クリントン両政権下でアメリカが社会主義体制に移行し始め、連邦政府が司法、立法の両部門を支配するようになったと主張しています。彼は、この変化が1990年代に本格的に始まり、特にオバマ政権下で加速したと主張しています。
  2. フリン氏は、2016年の大統領選挙でヒラリー・クリントン氏が勝利することを確実にすることが、クーデターの第一段階であったと主張しています。選挙での不正工作が失敗した後、オバマ政権はトランプ氏の政権を弱体化させるために積極的な措置を講じたと彼は主張しています。
  3. フリン氏は、COVID-19パンデミックは2020年の大統領選挙で不正操作を行うために中国が仕掛けた生物兵器攻撃であるという根拠のない陰謀論を繰り返しています。彼は、このパンデミックを利用して郵便投票を拡大し、大規模な不正行為を許したと主張しています。
  4. フリン氏は、世界経済フォーラム(とその会長であるクラウス・シュワブ)、ジョージ・ソロス、習近平国家主席、バラク・オバマ前大統領を含む、グローバリストの同盟がアメリカと世界を支配していると主張しています。
  5. フリン氏は、アメリカがコントロールできない3つの大きな出来事が2024年の大統領選挙前に起こる可能性があると予測しています。(1)デジタル通貨への世界的な経済シフト、(2)新たな生物兵器攻撃、(3)イランとその同盟国によるイスラエルへの攻撃です。
  6. フリン氏は、米軍指導部が「woke」になっている、つまり過度にリベラルで政治的に正しいことに執着していると非難しており、米軍の有効性と準備態勢を損なうと主張しています。
  7. フリン氏は、共和党予備選挙の投票率が低いことを懸念しており、これが有権者の無関心と無気力を示していると解釈しています。彼は、この傾向が、本選挙で「アメリカ第一主義」ではない候補者の勝利につながることを懸念しています。
  8. フリン氏は、ドナルド・トランプを支持する主な理由として、(1)アメリカの経済を強化できる実績のある人物であること、(2)国際舞台で断固たる指導力を発揮できること、の2つを挙げています。
  9. フリン氏は、トランプ氏が大統領に再選された場合、(1)政府改革と説明責任の強化、(2)経済の再活性化、(3)外交政策におけるアメリカの指導力の再構築、の3つの課題に取り組む必要があると主張しています。
  10. フリン氏は、2024年の大統領選挙の結果として、アメリカで政治的な暴力が発生する可能性を示唆しています。彼は、トランプ氏が勝利した場合、「進歩的な左派」が政権移行を妨害しようとする可能性があると示唆しています。


  • ディープステート: 選挙で選ばれた指導者ではなく、官僚や軍関係者など、隠れた権力者たちが政府を支配しているという陰謀論。
  • クーデター: 暴力や違法な手段を用いて、合法的な政府を転覆させること。
  • 社会主義: 生産手段の社会的所有と統制を特徴とする経済・政治システム。
  • グローバリズム: 国家間の相互依存と統合を促進するイデオロギー。
  • バイオウェポン: 細菌やウイルスなどの生物剤を用いた兵器。
  • デジタル通貨: 物理的な形態を持たず、デジタルで存在する通貨。
  • ペトロダラー: 石油の国際取引に使用される米ドル。
  • アメリカ第一主義: アメリカの利益を他のすべての国の利益よりも優先する外交政策の立場。
  • 共産主義: 生産手段の共有と階級のない社会を目指す政治・経済のイデオロギー。
  • 憲法共和国: 政府の権力が憲法によって制限され、国民が代表者を選挙で選ぶ政治体制。

HIGH ALERT! “The next phase of the COUP is coming” Gen. Mike Flynn warns | Redacted w Clayton Morris – YouTube

(00:05) over the past few weeks we’ve seen multiple assassination attempts on President Trump’s life a deep State coup that removed President Biden from Power a massive banking outage that I guess Americans totally forgot about remember that day when you couldn’t go get money out of your Banks Banks closing across the United States I’m sure it’s nothing nothing to really worry about um what the hell is happening in America right now it’s like we’re sleepwalking through a disaster someone who knows all too
(00:31) well how the Deep State the Deep State permanent government operates is General Mike Flynn and we’re thrilled to have him here on redacted General great to see you it’s a pleasure to have you here on the show yeah Clayton thank you so much thanks for all that you’re doing and uh and to your audience I know you got a great loyal audience and I want your audience to understand that boy if they one place to look for uh you know just some very authentic uh reporting is to you because I I you know look at clips
(01:01) of you all the time I know I you and I have not so yet but I will come back on for maybe a longer uh you know an hour or so but yeah I want people in this country to understand that this this is it you know we are we are at the at the end of a very uh thin uh thread uh of of an experiment in democracy called a constitutional republic that frankly our Founders wrote about you know there’s uh eight I think it’s 89 Federalist Papers I’m not going to sit here and tell you that I read them all but I’ve read many of them and
(01:42) I’ve studied our history I’ve studied world history I’ve been at the top levels of the intelligence Community uh to include the Director of National Intelligence level I was the assistant director and running one of the largest Intel agencies in the world the defense intelligence agency as well as serving as the most senior intelligence officer in the Department of Defense the entire Department of Defense and for a very brief time was the National Security adviser to the United States of America
(02:12) you know under President Donald J Trump where I was fully read into the nuclear uh the entire nuclear code program you know the everybody always talks about the football I mean I you know sat there with Trump and went through that whole thing so I have you know a lot of De depth of knowledge and insight into the kinds of enemies and opponents that we are facing around the world and have studied enough of what uh we are um up against globally and now uh for the last probably you know really I can take you back 50 years I won’t you know bore your
(02:54) audience here today but maybe another time we’ll come back and talk in more detail but certainly for the last uh you know the last couple of presidents uh you know not counting Trump I think Trump was an anomaly in fact it is an anomaly it still is that we we have been being transitioned and transformed uh like like the word that you know Barack Obama used fundamentally uh into a socialist system of government where the federal government has really taken over much more Authority uh taking on the Reigns of
(03:33) power even over uh the legislative branch and clearly over the judicial branch and that really that that taking over of those those two elements you know they started uh in Earnest in the 90s under the Clinton Administration I’m talking about the judicial branch now with many judges and then the legislative branch is one of the most compromised components of the federal government that and that and again that really has been going on for quite a while I mean there’s examples all the way back to certainly the Eisenhower
(04:07) days when he was president but and then and then progressively moving through the you know the the decades but it wasn’t as fully um uh trans transitioned or transformed back then it was sort of under development but certainly from the 90s and then and then clearly under the Obama Administration they literally took over and and ensured that people that were in Congress and I’m talking about both sides not just the Democrats but the uh but the Republicans to ensure that there was a a a a sufficient that were
(04:45) compromised and I’m talking about seriously compromised either through uh either through money or behavior at to where they were owned that’s why we don’t see the uh the the current Congress which is dominated by the Republican Party in the House of Representatives not not you know not totally dominated but certainly they have the majority in the house they’ve done nothing and you have to ask yourself why aren’t you know why isn’t speaker Johnson why didn’t McCarthy why didn’t they do anything when they were
(05:17) in power that’s because they they are they are controlled by other people that uh that the American people should be highly upset about and so you know there’s there’s specific things there but the but in general um you know it’s kind of like what do we do about it because we can listen to Donald Trump all day long at his rallies and hear all the problems that we have and everybody understands all the problems about illegals and lousy economy and our and our woke military which I can you know I
(05:50) could spend all day talking to you about that uh or the or the foreign policy failures that we have overseas in the Middle East you know our retreat from Afghanistan the abysmal situation in Iraq where we spent close to 20 20 trillion doll okay in Afghanistan and Iraq with a t 20 okay uh in both in in both those theaters of War uh and you know never mind what’s happening in in uh in Eastern Europe where where uh if you listen to you know Vladimir Putin the other night when he when he you know because now there’s attacks going from
(06:29) Ukraine into Russia uh and and the consequences of those are going to exacerbate a problem that should have been solved really a couple of years ago if not back in the in the late 2014 time frame so while Obama was President and I want to remind your audience that that Russia attacked Ukraine during Fe February of 2014 almost two to three days immediately following the Sochi Olympics so it wasn’t under trump it wasn’t under Biden actually it was when Obama was the president it when they initially attacked Ukraine they stopped
(07:09) everything was was on hold while Trump came in and then when Trump uh when the election was stolen from him in 2020 which is a whole other issue the uh you know then and Biden came in which he’s totally controlled by the Chinese Communist party and China and he’s and and all of the the nonsense about Ukraine that we that we generally know about especially with his son Biden or Hunter working for the barisma crowd and which is a which is essentially a criminal cartel and Joe is fully in involved and fully aware I mean you know
(07:44) I’m I’m trying to just make sure that your audience understands the the breath the scale and the scope of everything that we’re facing and I really haven’t even brought it home yet right I mean it’s not a border problem anymore that we have here domestically we have have we have illegals everywhere in our country and I mean everywhere at in every major city and they’re now starting to uh move out into the to the rural areas of the country uh I just finished a uh h a film tour around the country where we went to
(08:20) 33 cities we touched 40 States we drove 18,000 miles and we did it in about 55 days and one of the things that we I I specifically chose was I specifically chose towns and and and small cities to go and show my film um and I wanted to be able to get out to the Grassroots of America to do that and because I wanted to speak to people and that’s that’s the third time that I’ve been around the country in the last four years and I’m telling you the sentiment of the American people is that they are scared
(08:57) to death they’re frightened at what is happening in our country and whether I was in Rapid City South Dakota or Bo Washington or Ron cona New York or you know small town up in Pennsylvania or small town in Connecticut or or we were out in Nebraska uh witch talk Kansas you know every single place I’d always ask him how was the illegal problem and how was the fenel problem in their towns and in their little little uh parishes and little cities and every single place was a disaster I mean an absolute disaster
(09:36) illegals everywhere because we’re talking about numbers that are like I think it’s I think you know the we’ve we’ve heard numbers as high as 20 million let’s just say it’s 10 to to 12 million you know that those numbers they equate to about like 30 of our states combined I mean we don’t we you know I’m from the state of Rhode Island originally I’m talking to you from Florida right now but my state of Rhode Island is a million a million people so you’re talking about you know 12 12
(10:07) times the state of Rhode Island in terms of population for uh that’s lowball in it for the illegal problem in this country and then the illegals when they come in we now are the the United States of America is now the number one child sex and child slave trafficking Market in the in the entire of the world number one child sex child slave trafficking and our Department of Homeland Security this is a in testimony in in house testimony lost 85,000 children that came across the border illegally I mean how does our government do that right and
(10:48) then and then and then people feel like you know they want to work for the government I mean this is insane and so all these things that I’m telling you you know are factual they are welln for those that are paying attention uh you know I’ve low balled purpose I I’m on kind of my my soap boox here Clayton I’ll I’ll pause there um you know whatever Direction you want to take but I I uh you know I I do appreciate you uh you allowing me to come on and and and speak a little bit no I mean I think it’s incredibly
(11:25) important and that’s why I haven’t said a word because I don’t want to you know I think it’s important for our country to hear somebody who’s been literally in the belly of the Beast who’s you know at the highest levels of our government watching the corrosion happen I mean no one is better equipped to speak on this you know in America than you um I’m not going to say a word i g to keep my mouth shut so when I hear this and you I was listening to yeah go ahead go ahead I’m sorry I
(11:56) was say I think we have a little bit of a delay here but I was going to say you know you paint this on unbelievable picture we’ve been piecing all of these things together here on the show for the past couple of years whether it’s the fentanyl crisis the illegal sex trafficking in the United States the largest purveyor of child sex trafficking in the world is the United States government uh to the you know stolen uh you know stolen ballots all of these pieces um and you have an America sitting there right now wondering who is
(12:22) in control of this country General I mean we had a deep State coup that unfolded just a few weeks ago and Americans are I think just sort of sleepwalking through their day right now and I I really believe we we we saw a coup unfold and maybe you can correct me if you think I’m I’m wrong on that but who do you think is running the white house right now who do you think is running this country so let me take your audience let me take your audience back a little bit because because that was only one phase of the coup okay so the
(12:56) the the plan was to have Brock Obama eight years as the president and then and they were able to pull that off and then the next eight years was going to be Hillary Clinton right Hillary Clinton is completely owned by by you know the those and I’ll address exactly who’s in charge here in a second so that was the plan eight years of Obama eight years of Hillary and the United States of America would be a socialist country by now and we would as I’ve as I’ve said very publicly before we would probably be
(13:27) called the United socialist States of America at this stage and what happened was Donald Trump got in the way Donald Trump decided in 20 summer of 2015 to run for president and so he did Fast Forward the first phase of that was to steal the election and make sure that Hillary Clinton won well they didn’t take it they didn’t go far enough okay there was actually most people don’t know there was actually the states of Pennsylvania Michigan and Wisconsin were challenged by the Clinton campaign after
(14:02) Trump was was uh elected okay and and that was done in within the first probably 72 hours I was in the room and uh Trump said be my guest take you know audit the audit the whole thing if you want and they came back and they quietly said we looked at these states and it ended up where uh Trump ended up with with a like a couple of hundred thousand more votes once they did that audit all done quietly because they did try to they did try to to to fight that uh initially but once once Trump was fully in charge of the of the a transition
(14:39) then they knew there’s no way in the world and now this is Obama under the Obama Administration Obama’s still in the white house then they knew they had to uh to do something different because there was no way in the world that they were going to allow uh uh Donald Trump to have a successful presidency uh while he was the president that that wasn’t the plan and so now they kick things into full gear high gear under Obama right this is while Obama is still uh in the White House in the late part of 2016 early 2017 a
(15:12) meeting that occurred on the 5th of January 2017 it it came out in my in my the dis the dismissal of my case and the evidence that we fought for as well as was touched on in the Durham report in that meeting 5 January 2017 in the Oval Office was Barack Obama Joe Biden John Brennan Jim Clapper Sally Ates Susan Rice and Jim Comey okay that was the people that were in that meeting and we know exactly who was in there we know exactly what was talked about because it came out in evidence in my in my case and it and and parts of it came out in
(15:48) the Durham report so there’s no you know oh he’s making this stuff up people it up so that was the initial phase of the coup to basically get back in power and get rid of trump okay the second big phase in in terms of chunks was the 20120 election there was no way in the world that they were going to allow Donald Trump to win the 2020 election but the planning for that did not start on 2020 or or didn’t it didn’t start in November of 2020 or even 45 days prior using mail and ballots it started with
(16:22) covid so the introduction to covid covid was in was actually discussed back in the early 2000s actually was discussed during the during the the time frame of the Bush Administration even though you know the the bushies really didn’t know much about it and it really it it didn’t have to play into there but the uh 2015 time frame it clearly came back in and um and they started to talk about the introduction of a bioweapon a bio attack into the United States of America to be able to to do different things right and
(16:54) so by uh uh covid was introduced in the you know in the ear in the late 2019 time frame uh where where if you really go and you dig you know you can see elements of it talked about in December because the world games were being played out in China in October and November of 2019 and then in 20 December of 2020 you started to hear little little you know elements of of some some uh media reports that came out and then all of a sudden January February boom We got hit covid right so then you had the the the covid
(17:34) introduction and the whole purpose of covid was to make sure that the 2020 election was in the bag okay and once they did that the real part of covid introduction of covid of this bio Weapon by China was to ensure that we could change our election system in process okay and a lot of examples about states that use mailin ballots once like Oregon as an example started using mailin ballots in N late 1990s and they’ve never been anything but hardcore liberal progressives since then so they knew that what the what the impact of mailin
(18:10) ballots would be and of course uh ballot harvesting but principally mailin ballots so so damn near everybody went okay can’t have you know people going to the polls and we’re going to introduce mailin ballots and you know so many people to include Bill bar the attorney general for for Trump in June time frame June 2020 said mail and ballots are filled with fraud everybody knew it everybody knows it filled with fraud so 2020 comes along boom 2020 is one of the most you know dishonorable elections that we’ve ever had in the in the in the
(18:41) nation’s history because for anybody to think that there wasn’t fraud involved and not one not one Republican Governor has ever stood up and said maybe there was just a little bit of fraud in 2020 because they all can’t stand Trump none of them I’m talking about every governor and every one of them has had anti-trump you know statements or whatever and I’m talking about Republicans not never mind the Democrats so so now we’re here okay so that was 2020 now we’re here in 2024 less than 90 days before the next major
(19:11) election and and they had and we just experienced an internal coup so these are phases that I’m talking about so the next phase is and and and it’s not the Final Phase because we’re getting ready to go into another one here the next phase was we gotta have we got to get rid of Biden I mean think about it Joe Biden was put at Camp David for I think four or five days prior to that debate to to rest and to prepare for that debate there’s no way in the world in fact what they did was they screwed Joe
(19:43) Biden he came into that debate totally unprepared not rested and like he was you know he was well past his bedtime and got crushed in that debate that gave them the immediate excuse to uh to introduce you know the the next candidate right Cala Harris so out goes Joe that’s an internal coup that’s probably the third or fourth phase of this thing to make sure that they stay in power and now you got Camala Harris now here we are so Camala Harris you know and and they’re going to tout her being you know she’s heading a lot of
(20:16) the polls right now which is just crazy and I do think that the Trump campaign Trump has you know I don’t know whether it’s the people around him I think that his messaging has been off I I I listened to some of the conversation between he and Elon the other night and I’m a big fan of trump I mean believe me and I I you know I stay in touch with him not that much but I but I’m a guy that’s you know I’m not a bullshitter I’m I’m GNA be I’m GNA be matter of fact here’s what we’re facing and um and I’m
(20:48) all for Trump and I’m going to go out there and like I’ve been doing around this country to get people to understand that you know Donald Trump right now is our savior if we don’t get him in office we’re going to become a communist country here damn near overnight so we got the Democrat convention coming up and we’re going to see some very very interesting Dynamics I am not 100% certain that Camala is going to come out the other end and still be the uh the nominee for the Democrat Party because
(21:15) they these people don’t don’t be surprised by any of them so who’s in charge who’s running the show well you have the world economic Forum okay you can go dig into all these people you know Claus Schwab is the is the sort of the the CEO of that you’ve got George Soros you’ve got Barack Obama internal to the United States of America so those two those other two are external they’re part of this globalist Alliance you have XI out of China who is in he’s holding a lot of Reigns over people here in this
(21:45) country to include those in the White House and you have Barack Obama right and Barack Obama and you know who is Barack Obama what is Barack Obama’s background who’s controlling Barack Obama because Barack Obama is not some who is you know wakes up every morning and he’s in charge of everything Barack Obama is somebody who is dangled by this other sort of Global Alliance that does that does exist and that Global Alliance and I wrote a few notes down because what we’re going to experience between
(22:16) now and the election that are outside of our control ours being our meaning the United States of America unless unless we have a president and Joe Biden is still the president call him a Sundowner because he’s only awake from 8:00 to probably 4:00 in the afternoon and then when the Sun goes down he goes to bed so I call him this a Sundowner president so and and so these are the people that are this Alliance of people that are in charge and they stay in Communications with each other they they actually in
(22:48) many cases are very public about what their plans are and what they’re doing in fact the closest adviser to K CLA Schwab recently said that that we don’t really even need to have a US election that artificial intelligence will you know can predict the outcome of the election can predict the outcome of what the American people want well then I mean this these are people it’s the closest advisor his name is Harari to CLA Schwab and uh and George Soros and and he’s very close to Barack Obama as
(23:16) well so we’re going to still have our election but as this guy also says Harari now he also says this will probably be the last election in the United States of America last president election in the United States of America it’s like I I kind of go what where where is this coming from why does this guy believe this and these are the people that are that’s part of this Alliance and I when I say Alliance I’m not talking about China Russia Iran and those countries exist and they are also part of a na a nation state Alliance
(23:49) that is against the United States of America so you know so what does all this mean well between now and and November we’re likely to experience a complete global economic shift to a digital currency that Barack O that uh Biden has already signed off on almost three years ago people can go look up the executive order executive order 14067 14067 it’s on Central Bank digital currencies that is pro that we are we are already in in play here you’ve you’ve heard these guys talking about it uh even Trump talked about digital uh
(24:23) you know he talked about not allowing it but he’s not in charge right so Trump I know has talked about Bitcoin and some of these other you know cyber currencies but this digital currency is something that the bricks Nation Brazil Russia India China South Africa plus 25 other nations that are now aligned with them which represent about 85% of the world’s population so these are this is this is a conversation that’s going on right now and they meet this October for a summit and that Summit is going to be chaired
(24:54) by you know Vladimir Putin who’s who’s totally pissed off you know at the world right now because of the Western World NATO particularly because of what uh they they are now doing to try to start a nuclear war in uh in Eastern Europe one the economy an e a global economic shift that we don’t really have any control over and what will it shift from it’ll shift away from the US dollar as the currency of choice for global trade what we call the Petro dollar which began basically back in the early 1970s
(25:27) 1973 to be specific and it’ll shift more to a a a gold backed currency so you use your currency whether it’s the ruble the dollar the Yuan and you’re going to have to back it by gold not necessarily by oil which is what has always been backed by the second thing that we we are likely to face is another bio attack the World Health Organization has already come out and talked about a you know I think it’s H5 n6 is where we’re at now you know the swine flu the bird flu so they’ve already about that monkey pox is
(26:01) another one and these are actually more deadly than this you know Advanced flu that the covid was right which was a which was a Chinese introduced uh uh bio attack okay just like fenel was introduced by China which is a weapon system so you know this monkey pox this H5 n6 this whatever this other bioattack World Health Organization has already come out and said you know that we are we are potentially and I think they we may see something this week maybe next week about a declared Global uh Health Emergency the third thing that that is
(26:39) likely to happen and this now the Middle East and the war you know the war the wars against Israel uh and I’m I’m you know 100% behind Israel because the you know if you’ve never heard about you’ve never heard of an Israeli you know an Israeli Jew cutting the head off of a off of a uh a Christian right I mean I’m so sick of these people that are trying to these Pro Palestinian people in our country and around the world that are like against the Jews or against Israel you know give me a a break and sorry
(27:12) folks but that’s what that’s the way it is so this is the third component of what could happen in the next 90 days that we cannot control and and what we can’t control in the Middle East is the real potential that that the that Iran escalate the war against Israel by by coordinating and converging with all of their capabilities Hezbollah Hamas yuti Rebels and Iran at the same time against Israel to basically try to like like the leadership of Iran has said to try to take the state of to try to wipe the
(27:49) state of Israel off the map okay Israel as a piece of geography will never go away the state of Israel as a as a nation state could be wiped off the face of the Earth with the ordinance that those entities that I just outlined have meaning Iran Hezbollah Hamas houis with with missile ordinance and Rocket ordinance that they have they have an abundance more than than the Iron Dome of Israel could handle and the Israelis know it and frankly these guys know it because they’re not certain about what the US mayor may not how we might
(28:24) support Israel or how we might retaliate and I’m telling you our our milit right now is is you know is woke sad I’m I’m sorry to say that not our Rank and file and I want to make sure I I state that not our Rank and file but our leadership and I’m afraid that we are in a position right now where if that happens and the Chinese decide to do something out in the Pacific like try to take Taiwan uh or Russia decides we’ve had enough of this and we’re going to now attack fully into into Ukraine with
(28:57) different type of weapon systems I mean this is all right now Clayton playing out as I sit here talking to you none of what I’m saying is is conspiracy theory or theoretical okay this is all very real these are the players that are in play and when I look inside of the United States of America and I think about the American people which who I love love our I love the you know the what’s in our DNA which is freedom and I know that there’s a lot of Americans out there like saying not over my you know
(29:31) Over My Dead Body are they we’re going to lose this country well I’m just telling you folks the if the primaries and these are the Republican primaries mainly if the primaries are an example of the of the of the complacency of the American people that are conservatives who are registered to vote the primaries in the United States of America to date in this year’s primary which is the most consequential set of Elections we’ve ever had we are less than 35% turnout okay of registered voters who could vote
(30:05) were less than 35% turnout in some states it’s less than 30 I was in Nebraska excuse me I was in Nebraska not too long ago and their turnout for their primaries was 27% so when people come to me and go oh we got to do something we got to do more and all this stuff on on social media and all the out crying and all the and all the all the people that show up to rallies for Trump the tens of thousands of people and you and you get inspired by by the by the numbers of people that show up to these rallies it’s like well
(30:38) why aren’t they turning out to vote they’re not and so if everybody’s going well I’m going to wait until the general election to vote well guess what we have that means we have a lot of people who are who are going to win in the house and the Senate and some of the down ballot voting that are not America first people we are going to have a lot of of lot of never trumpers okay I mean the House of Representatives I work very hard with a group a couple of groups of people but one uh actually two
(31:06) nonprofits very hard for the 2022 elections to get to win the House of Representatives and I feel uh with the with the teams that we had in nine states we worked our tales off and I feel pretty good I feel you know strong enough to say we were part of why we were able to take the House of Representatives in 2022 but we only took it by a very small small margin and we’ve seen some of the some of the people quit right some of the Republicans quit and we’ve seen the the house under mcarthy and now under
(31:37) Johnson do absolutely nothing we we have Peter Navaro who went to prison thank God he’s out now uh uh Steve Bannon who I consider a friend he’s he’s in prison now up in Danberry Connecticut and he’s purposely taken out during this time so Trump couldn’t reach back out to a guy who’s a warrior who actually helped Trump win in 2016 I was standing there right next to him every single day while we fought tooth and nail to get Trump elected in 2016 and we did and that’s the kind of Warriors that he needs right
(32:10) now by his side because I’m afraid that you know as I hear and I hear it I hear it from everybody and I hope that Trump hears this that he needs to know that there there are a lot of people around this country that desperately want him to win and I mean I’m talking about Democrats as a former Democrat I speak to a lot of them and they they want him to win even though it’s like they’re not going to say nothing maybe they’ll go vote I don’t know but they’re all concerned about you know the kinds of
(32:42) things that are swirling around president Trump meaning the kinds of things that he talks about you know the the the the things that he’s projecting I mean what he needs to be talking about is exactly what he plans on doing going back into the White House number one he’s got to make sure that he looks at government reform and government accountability period that’s number one number two he’s got to be talking about the economy he’s already proven that he can strengthen the economy because
(33:08) economically he’s brilliant and he knows exactly how to to do that again number three he has got to solve the international and foreign policy deficit of leadership that the United States of America currently has he has got to do that that means day one if he gets back in you know pray to God that he does he’s got to stand up and say America is back in charge and now folks you’re going to have to deal with me and I like the fact that there’s a level of uncertainty that comes with Trump right
(33:38) because one of the you know you have nine principles of war and one of the principles I I think it’s the most important principle is surprise and and with surprise comes the idea of uncertainty and to have and to have a president of the United States who’s smart but gives a gives a a monom of uncertainty to our to other people around the world uh that’s a good thing I I believe so those are just a couple of of items that he’s going to have to never mind the Border I got he’s already talked about
(34:06) what he’s going to do with the largest deportation effort in the world hey you know what he better have a good plan for it instead of just going we’re going to put a couple of guys in charge we’re going to hey we have 900,000 law enforcement Professionals in this country 900,000 at the street that the state and local level and I’m going to tell you we have so much crime that’s got to be dealt with and if we start this deep deportation effort he better plan on bringing in the active duty military in order to do it because we
(34:34) just don’t have the ass to do it our law enforcement has got to be given the Reign to be able to go take care of the problems on their streets and in the and in the homes of I mean in protect the citizens of this country and we got to do this other stuff so I mean it this doesn’t just happen because you say it and I don’t you know I I want to see I I this is me now and I’m I’m you got me on a roll and I’m well past my time here Clayton I apologize but I want people to understand we have got to do things to
(35:04) fix this country and and and I want people my last comment I’ll shut up Trump is is one person for a short period of time in this case if we if he wins if we have an election and he wins four years we have far more than four years to of work to do folks and and uh and we have we have probably a decade or two if we think we’re ever going to return to a a normal SE uh and and get rid of a lot of these Communists that are in our government we have Communists in our government they have been there for many many decades and uh and now the
(35:44) Chinese you know the Chinese have so infiltrated the institutions of power and the institutions of of Civility uh in our in our country um you know education as is one as an example the corporate world is another um those are two outside of the government as well as the government and and I’m very concerned about all of it so you know so there you have it Clayton I mean I’ll get you out of here on this general which is President Biden just gave an interview where he said he didn’t think that uh the election the
(36:19) when the hand the transfer of power he said kamla Harris needs to win the presidency otherwise there won’t be a peaceful transfer of power um I’ll get you out of here on that General do you think that the United States is headed for sort of a rift a major sort of Civil War in President Biden’s own words a non-p peaceful transfer of power unless kamalo wins yeah you know when I heard him say that I was like okay because I analyze everything I mean it’s just part of my brain and I look at scenarios you know
(36:51) as a as a as an intelligence professional from the day I came into the army thinking about things you you look at things in terms of options and scenarios and what might people what might your enemy do right worst case best case most likely case kinds of things situations and when I heard them say that I was like these son of a are going to plan something so not it’s not the conservative meab base uh Christian uh you know which is the largest segment of this country that are going to do anything if Trump if they if
(37:28) God help us God willing our you know Trump is able to win this election if we have an election um then I believe that these this this Progressive left what he what he is projecting with that statement is that they will plan something that will not allow for a peaceful transition of power now is that going to be done by by the theft of the House of represent atives okay so I so what people have to think about are the different you know the different options that they have they’re in power right now they’re in
(38:08) charge I mean he’s the President Biden’s the president why would he say that why would he set the conditions for anything but a peaceful transition of power I mean Barack Obama there’s a there is a there is a uh um a video of Barack Obama sitting with Donald Trump in the Oval Office like three or four days after Trump won in 2016 where where Barack Obama says we’re going to get we’re going to have a great transition we’re planning on turning over everything you know just blah blah blah it’s just going
(38:40) to be a wonderful Rosy transition to Donald Trump you know and those are my words but those are essentially the theme of what Barack Obama said in November of 2016 go find it folks and I’m going to tell you it was anything but it was like we were at War during the transition and and as we faced while Trump was in office and this is what these people are projecting that they are planning on doing so I want us to I want us to have a fair election I want it to be done properly I want it to be done normally and once it’s done you know may the best
(39:15) you know in this case you know man and woman whoever win I mean I want Donald Trump to win because I I fear that we will become a a a a uh a communist country I really believe that and we’ll and it’ll happen very quickly and and we will never return we will never return to being a constitutional republic um that’s that’s that’s the weight that is on that I feel is on my shoulders and that is the weight on the shoulders of every freedom loving American on the planet here and certainly in the United
(39:45) States of America and um and that’s what I believe so I just you know I want people to understand we’re we’re not in Politics as Usual like some of these rhinos believe you know all the our policies are better our you know I mean you know they want big government they want little government they want less taxes more taxes we’re past that this is about two competing ideologies right now americanism and being a constitutional republic or being a progressive uh uh socialist system of government and really falling under the
(40:19) reins of uh of Communism that’s what we’re looking at and and and I can’t say it any more clearly General Mike Flynn uh it’s been an eye-opening experience and I hope people will rewind this watch this go back bookmark this uh what you just said there’s so many incredible things that I want to do a deeper dive on with you so I hope you’ll be able to come back General I hope we can do a deeper dive on a lot of these different subjects I but uh we are in really u a tenuous moment right now in the United States
(40:52) and I really appreciate you you being here General thank you so much thank you and my best Natalie thanks Clayton