
Speaker 0 | 00:00.060

Speaker 1 | 00:09.626

Speaker 0 | 00:11.467

Speaker 1 | 00:32.389

Speaker 0 | 00:38.674

Speaker 1 | 00:44.960

Speaker 0 | 00:45.680

Speaker 1 | 00:47.802

Speaker 0 | 00:49.483

Speaker 1 | 00:51.785

Speaker 0 | 00:55.208

Speaker 1 | 01:01.289

Speaker 0 | 01:03.292

Speaker 1 | 01:17.307

Speaker 0 | 01:18.108

Speaker 1 | 01:22.812

Speaker 0 | 01:25.713

Speaker 1 | 01:31.516

Speaker 0 | 01:33.357

Speaker 1 | 01:44.861

Speaker 0 | 01:46.862

Speaker 1 | 01:50.560

Speaker 0 | 01:52.041

Speaker 1 | 01:59.146

Speaker 0 | 02:02.688

Speaker 1 | 02:12.655

Speaker 0 | 02:13.976
「生きるべきか死ぬべきか、それが問題だ(To be or not to be, that is the question)」。

Speaker 1 | 02:17.699

Speaker 0 | 02:18.219

Speaker 1 | 02:19.580

Speaker 0 | 02:21.062

Speaker 1 | 02:25.165

Speaker 0 | 02:26.967

Speaker 1 | 02:31.110

Speaker 0 | 02:32.932

Speaker 1 | 02:52.427

Speaker 0 | 02:58.912

Speaker 1 | 03:00.313
「尼寺へ行け(Get thee to a nunnery)」ってやつ。

Speaker 0 | 03:01.514

Speaker 1 | 03:03.455

Speaker 0 | 03:06.637

Speaker 1 | 03:13.802

Speaker 0 | 03:14.983

Speaker 1 | 03:21.048

Speaker 0 | 03:22.269

Speaker 1 | 03:25.451

Speaker 0 | 03:26.712

Speaker 1 | 03:29.915

Speaker 0 | 03:31.296

Speaker 1 | 03:34.999

Speaker 0 | 03:37.381

Speaker 1 | 03:56.089

Speaker 0 | 03:57.570

Speaker 1 | 04:03.914

Speaker 0 | 04:04.514

Speaker 1 | 04:13.359

Speaker 0 | 04:16.172

Speaker 1 | 04:22.817

Speaker 0 | 04:24.898

Speaker 1 | 04:31.743

Speaker 0 | 04:36.306

Speaker 1 | 04:54.803

Speaker 0 | 04:55.883

Speaker 1 | 05:08.831

Speaker 0 | 05:12.273

Speaker 1 | 05:13.053

Speaker 0 | 05:17.976

Speaker 1 | 05:19.177

Speaker 0 | 05:34.525

Speaker 1 | 05:44.008

Speaker 0 | 05:47.009

Speaker 1 | 05:52.475

Speaker 0 | 05:56.817

Speaker 1 | 06:00.580

Speaker 0 | 06:01.740

Speaker 1 | 06:05.663

Speaker 0 | 06:20.564

Speaker 1 | 06:31.913

Speaker 0 | 06:32.793

Speaker 1 | 06:45.910

Speaker 0 | 06:50.013

Speaker 1 | 06:53.214

Speaker 0 | 06:56.916

Speaker 1 | 07:05.961

Speaker 0 | 07:11.004

Speaker 1 | 07:12.525

Speaker 0 | 07:15.746

Speaker 1 | 07:20.448

Speaker 0 | 07:38.576

Speaker 1 | 07:40.016

Speaker 0 | 07:52.273

Speaker 1 | 07:54.895

Speaker 0 | 07:59.760

Speaker 1 | 08:07.006

Speaker 0 | 08:09.128

Speaker 1 | 08:19.681

Speaker 0 | 08:22.683

Speaker 1 | 08:24.344

Speaker 0 | 08:25.084

Speaker 1 | 08:30.646

Speaker 0 | 08:31.687

Speaker 1 | 08:33.768

Speaker 0 | 08:38.310

Speaker 1 | 08:47.375

Speaker 0 | 08:55.039

Speaker 1 | 09:00.021

Speaker 0 | 09:02.763

Speaker 1 | 09:09.883

Speaker 0 | 09:13.986

Speaker 1 | 09:22.232

Speaker 0 | 09:32.539

Speaker 1 | 09:33.740
うん。というわけで、今回の深掘りはこれで締めようか。『ハムレット』への新たな理解や appreciation(鑑賞の眼)を得てもらえたら嬉しいよ。

Speaker 0 | 09:39.424

Speaker 1 | 09:41.045

Speaker 0 | 09:48.411

Speaker 1 | 09:49.372

Speaker 0 | 09:59.100


Speaker 0 | 00:00.060
Welcome back, everyone. We’re diving into something pretty classic today. We’re going to explore some of the more unexpected details about Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

Speaker 1 | 00:09.626
Ah, Hamlet. A classic.

Speaker 0 | 00:11.467
Yeah, and I know, I know. When you hear Hamlet, you probably think, oh, not another analysis. But trust me, this isn’t going to be your typical deep dive into characters and plot points and all that. No, no, no. Today we’re digging into some of the trivia, the less well-known stuff about the play. Stuff that will give you a fresh perspective, maybe.

Speaker 1 | 00:32.389
It’s always fascinating to me how even if you’ve, you know, read Hamlet a dozen times, there’s always something new to discover.

Speaker 0 | 00:38.674
Right. Okay, so, first fact. Brace yourselves. Hamlet is Shakespeare’s longest play. Like, by a lot.

Speaker 1 | 00:44.960
Is that right?

Speaker 0 | 00:45.680
Yeah, it clocks in at about 4,000 lines.

Speaker 1 | 00:47.802

Speaker 0 | 00:49.483
Wow. I never thought about that. Like, 4,000 lines.

Speaker 1 | 00:51.785
It makes you wonder about the actors back then. All those lines to memorize.

Speaker 0 | 00:55.208
Right. And the audiences. Sitting through a performance that long. I mean, talk about commitment.

Speaker 1 | 01:01.289
Yeah, totally different world back then.

Speaker 0 | 01:03.292
Oh, yeah, for sure. And speaking of back then, you know, Hamlet itself, well, it’s not exactly a news story. Right. Yeah, it’s actually based on this old Scandinavian legend about a prince. Yeah. Named Amleth.

Speaker 1 | 01:17.307

Speaker 0 | 01:18.108
Amleth. And get this, it was recorded. way back in the 12th century.

Speaker 1 | 01:22.812
Wow. So like way before Shakespeare.

Speaker 0 | 01:25.713
Way before. So those big themes in Hamlet, like revenge and betrayal. Yeah, they’ve been around for centuries.

Speaker 1 | 01:31.516
It’s fascinating how these stories stick with us,

Speaker 0 | 01:33.357
isn’t it? It really is. But, okay, are you ready for this? Because it gets even more interesting. So there’s a theory that Shakespeare’s Hamlet, it was influenced by an even earlier play that’s now lost.

Speaker 1 | 01:44.861
A lost play, like gone forever.

Speaker 0 | 01:46.862
Gone. Yeah, scholars call it the Ur-Hamlet.

Speaker 1 | 01:50.560
or Hamlet. I kind of like that.

Speaker 0 | 01:52.041
Right. But we don’t have the text anymore, so we can only guess what was in it. Yeah. Like, did Shakespeare borrow from it? Yeah. How much? It’s a total mystery.

Speaker 1 | 01:59.146
It makes you wonder how much of Hamlet is really, you know, Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

Speaker 0 | 02:02.688
Exactly. Okay. Ready to move on to something a little less mysterious. How about one of the most famous lines in all of literature?

Speaker 1 | 02:12.655
Let me guess.

Speaker 0 | 02:13.976
To be or not to be. That is the question.

Speaker 1 | 02:17.699
There it is.

Speaker 0 | 02:18.219
Yeah. Yeah, pretty much everyone knows that one.

Speaker 1 | 02:19.580
Oh, absolutely.

Speaker 0 | 02:21.062
But did you know that there are over 40 different Japanese translations of it?

Speaker 1 | 02:25.165
Seriously? 40?

Speaker 0 | 02:26.967
Yep, 40. It just goes to show how much can be packed into just a few words.

Speaker 1 | 02:31.110
And how hard it is to translate, right?

Speaker 0 | 02:32.932
Absolutely. Like, some translations lean more towards the idea of existence, like being in the world or not being in the world. Others focus more on the choice between life and death, to live or to die. Wow. Right. It really makes you think. Like, how does language affect how we understand something? Which translation speaks to you?

Speaker 1 | 02:52.427
Yeah, that’s a good question. Hmm. And while we’re on the topic of lines open to interpretation, let’s talk about another one.

Speaker 0 | 02:58.912
Oh, which one?

Speaker 1 | 03:00.313
Get me to a nunnery.

Speaker 0 | 03:01.514
Ah, yes. Spoken to Ophelia.

Speaker 1 | 03:03.455
Exactly. But what does he actually mean by that?

Speaker 0 | 03:06.637
Right. There’s so much debate about that line. Is he genuinely concerned for her? Yeah. Telling her to get out of this messed up world.

Speaker 1 | 03:13.802
Right. Find somewhere safe.

Speaker 0 | 03:14.983
Exactly. But then again, you know, back then, Nunnery could also be slaying for a brothel.

Speaker 1 | 03:21.048
Oh, so it could be.

Speaker 0 | 03:22.269
Yeah. So was he actually insulting her?

Speaker 1 | 03:25.451
It’s hard to say for sure.

Speaker 0 | 03:26.712
It really is. But that’s what makes Shakespeare so great.

Speaker 1 | 03:29.915
It’s that ambiguity, right?

Speaker 0 | 03:31.296
Yes. He doesn’t give us easy answers. Makes us think.

Speaker 1 | 03:34.999
It’s why we’re still talking about him, what, 400 years later?

Speaker 0 | 03:37.381
Absolutely. Okay, so we’ve got this super famous play with ancient roots, mysterious influences, and lines that… Duh. Well, that people are still arguing about. But how did this very English play travel across the world? Well, it turns out there were some early Japanese adaptations of Hamlet.

Speaker 1 | 03:56.089
Really? Like how early are we talking?

Speaker 0 | 03:57.570
Early 1900s. And they took this story about a Danish prince and turned it into a story about samurai.

Speaker 1 | 04:03.914
Samurai Hamlet.

Speaker 0 | 04:04.514
Samurai Hamlet. Instead of a European court, you have these aristocratic Japanese families all caught up in power struggles and revenge.

Speaker 1 | 04:13.359
Wow. I’d love to see that.

Speaker 0 | 04:16.172
Right. Imagine, like, the sword fights and how the whole concept of honor plays into it. Yeah,

Speaker 1 | 04:22.817
because that’s such a big part of samurai culture.

Speaker 0 | 04:24.898
Exactly. It’s really cool to see how they took these universal themes of Hamlet and made them work in a totally different setting.

Speaker 1 | 04:31.743
It makes you realize that good storytelling, well, it can transcend cultural boundaries.

Speaker 0 | 04:36.306
Absolutely. But, you know, it wasn’t just theater. Hamlet has actually inspired creativity in a whole bunch of different art forms over the years. Oh,

Speaker 1 | 04:44.812
like what?

Speaker 0 | 04:45.533
We’re talking operas, musical compositions. I mean, some big names, too, like Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich. And get this. Manga adaptations.

Speaker 1 | 04:54.803
Wait, Manga Hamlet?

Speaker 0 | 04:55.883
Manga Hamlet.

Speaker 1 | 04:56.824
You’re kidding? That’s incredible.

Speaker 0 | 04:58.465
I know, right? It makes you wonder, like, how did they interpret the story? What parts did they focus on? Clearly, Hamlet is more than just a play. It’s like this source of inspiration that it keeps on giving.

Speaker 1 | 05:08.831
It’s amazing how a story can have such a ripple effect.

Speaker 0 | 05:12.273
It really is.

Speaker 1 | 05:13.053
And it makes you think about those adaptations too, right? Like, it’s not just about changing the setting.

Speaker 0 | 05:17.976
No, definitely not.

Speaker 1 | 05:19.177
They’re kind of like, um… They highlight different parts of the story. They give us a new way of looking at things. Like those early Japanese versions, they focused on the whole samurai thing, the power struggles. Yeah. That must really resonated with the audiences back then. I mean, that world was so familiar to them.

Speaker 0 | 05:34.525
Yeah, totally. And think about a manga version. They could use those visuals to really bring out the character’s inner turmoil.

Speaker 1 | 05:44.008
Right. All that psychological stuff.

Speaker 0 | 05:47.009
And if it was a video game, you could actually make choices. as Hamlet. You know, see how they play out.

Speaker 1 | 05:52.475
Oh, wow. Yeah. Like really experience those tough decisions he has to make.

Speaker 0 | 05:56.817
Exactly. So each adaptation, it’s like a new lens. You’re looking at the playthrough.

Speaker 1 | 06:00.580
That’s a really good way to put it.

Speaker 0 | 06:01.740
Right. You notice things you might’ve missed before. You see the characters in a whole new light.

Speaker 1 | 06:05.663
It’s so cool. And it’s what I really love about this deep dive. We’re not just, you know, throwing out random trivia. We’re actually getting a deeper, I don’t know, a deeper appreciation for the play. for how rich it is, for how much it still inspires people.

Speaker 0 | 06:20.564
Yeah, absolutely. It really makes you think about all the people who’ve been touched by Hamlet over the centuries. I mean, actors, directors, composers, even manga artists.

Speaker 1 | 06:31.913
It’s amazing.

Speaker 0 | 06:32.793
All inspired by this one play. It makes you wonder, like, what is it about Hamlet that makes it so timeless? Is it those big themes? Revenge, betrayal, ambition? Or is it the characters themselves?

Speaker 1 | 06:45.910
Yeah, like what is it about them that still resonates with us after all this time?

Speaker 0 | 06:50.013
Right. Their struggles, their flaws, how human they are.

Speaker 1 | 06:53.214
You know what I think? I think it’s all of that and more.

Speaker 0 | 06:56.916
Yeah. Yeah, I think you’re right. It’s like this perfect combination of things. Timeless themes, characters that feel real, and language that just blows you away.

Speaker 1 | 07:05.961
And you know what else? It’s the fact that it doesn’t give you all the answers. There’s that ambiguity.

Speaker 0 | 07:11.004
Right, like with that nunnery line.

Speaker 1 | 07:12.525
Exactly. It makes you think. Keeps you coming back for more.

Speaker 0 | 07:15.746
And every generation, they find something new to grapple with in Hamlet, you know?

Speaker 1 | 07:20.448
It’s true. Okay, so where were we? We talked about the play’s length, the whole Hamlet thing, the Ur-Hamlet, and all the different translations. Right, right. We talked about those ambiguous lines. Imagine Hamlet with a samurai sword. Yeah. And seeing how Hamlet’s been adapted into operas, manga, you name it.

Speaker 0 | 07:38.576
It’s been quite the journey.

Speaker 1 | 07:40.016
It has. But now, to wrap things up. We want to leave you with something to think about. A question, really. What if Hamlet was being made today, like a brand new version? What would it look like?

Speaker 0 | 07:52.273
Wow, that’s a good one. Yeah. What would it look like?

Speaker 1 | 07:54.895
Makes you think, right? Like, how would they take those themes and put them into today’s world?

Speaker 0 | 07:59.760
Right. I don’t know. I mean, you said in Silicon Valley, like, Hamlet’s this tech CEO battling some evil corporation.

Speaker 1 | 08:07.006
Oh, I like that. Corporate espionage.

Speaker 0 | 08:09.128
Yeah. Or maybe. Maybe it’s a psychological thriller.

Speaker 1 | 08:12.578
Ooh, I like that too. Yeah.

Speaker 0 | 08:14.659
And the ghost, he appears through like cryptic messages on social media.

Speaker 1 | 08:19.681
A social media ghost. That is so creepy.

Speaker 0 | 08:22.683
Right. Or what about animation?

Speaker 1 | 08:24.344

Speaker 0 | 08:25.084
Yeah. Like a series. They could really use the visuals to capture like the emotions, the drama.

Speaker 1 | 08:30.646
That would be cool.

Speaker 0 | 08:31.687
Right. So many possibilities.

Speaker 1 | 08:33.768
It just goes to show that, you know, Hamlet, it’s not tied to any one time. a place.

Speaker 0 | 08:38.310
No, not at all. It can be reinterpreted, reinvented. Yeah. But it always keeps that core. Yeah. That essence. That’s what makes it so powerful.

Speaker 1 | 08:47.375
And that brings us back to our original question, doesn’t it? Like, why Hamlet? Why are we still so fascinated by this play hundreds of years later?

Speaker 0 | 08:55.039
It’s more than just a revenge story. It feels bigger than that.

Speaker 1 | 09:00.021
Yeah, way bigger. It’s like it’s become part of our culture.

Speaker 0 | 09:02.763
Exactly. Yeah. It shapes how we tell stories, how we understand human nature, like it’s Those big questions we all ask ourselves.

Speaker 1 | 09:09.883
It’s true. And I think, you know, it reminds us that great art, it lasts.

Speaker 0 | 09:13.986
Yeah. It speaks to us no matter who we are, where we live, when we live. And every generation, they find their own meaning in it.

Speaker 1 | 09:22.232
That’s it exactly. And that’s what I love about studying Hamlet. It’s not just about knowing the story. It’s like we’re having this conversation that’s been going on for centuries. And we get to add our own voices to it.

Speaker 0 | 09:32.539
That’s beautiful.

Speaker 1 | 09:33.740
So as we wrap up this deep dive. Yeah. I hope you’ve come away with a new understanding of Hamlet.

Speaker 0 | 09:39.424
A new appreciation, maybe?

Speaker 1 | 09:41.045
Exactly. Because it’s so much more than just a prince seeking revenge. It’s a story about, well, about everything.

Speaker 0 | 09:48.411
About being human.

Speaker 1 | 09:49.372
Exactly. And who knows? Maybe our deep dive will inspire you to create your own Hamlet. Oh, I love that. Because, you know, there are still so many stories waiting to be told.

Speaker 0 | 09:59.100
That’s it for our exploration of Hamlet. We’ll see you next time.