
PART I A Woman of Mystery(謎の女)

“What’s up?”
This from the manager of the Hotel —— to his chief clerk. “Something wrong in Room 81?”

「どうしたんだ?」 ホテルの支配人が、主任事務員に尋ねた。「81号室で何かあったのか?」

“Yes, sir. I’ve just sent for a detective. You were not to be found and the gentleman is desperate. But very anxious to have it all kept quiet; very anxious. I think we can oblige him there, or, at least, we’ll try. Am I right, sir?”


“Of course, if—”


“Oh! it’s nothing criminal. The lady’s missing, that’s all; the lady whose name you see here.”


The register lay open between them; the clerk’s finger, running along the column, rested about half-way down.


The manager bent over the page.


“‘Roger J. Ransom and wife,'” he read out in decided astonishment. “Why, they are—”


“You’re right. Married to-day in Grace Church. A great wedding; the papers are full of it. Well, she’s the lady. They registered here a few minutes before five o’clock and in ten minutes the bride was missing. It’s a queer story Mr. Ransom tells. You’d better hear it. Ah, there’s our man! Perhaps you’ll go up with him.”


“You may bet your last dollar on that,” muttered the manager. And joining the new-comer, he made a significant gesture which was all that passed between them till they stepped out on the second floor.


“Wanted in Room 81?” the manager now asked.


“Yes, by a man named Ransom.”


“Just so. That’s the door. Knock—or, rather, I’ll knock, for I must hear his story as soon as you do. The reputation of the hotel—”


“Yes, yes, but the gentleman’s waiting. Ah! that’s better.”


The manager had just knocked.


An exclamation from within, a hurried step, and the door fell open. The figure which met their eyes was startling. Distress, anxiety, and an impatience almost verging on frenzy, distorted features naturally amiable if not handsome.


“My wife,” fell in a gasp from his writhing lips.


“We have come to help you find her,” Mr. Gerridge calmly assured him. Mr. Gerridge was the detective. “Relate the circumstances, sir. Tell us where you were when you first missed her.”


Mr. Ransom’s glance wandered past him to the door. It was partly open. The manager, whose name was Loomis, hastily closed it. Mr. Ransom showed relief and hurried into his story. It was to this effect:
