このビデオは、サル痘の発生と世界保健機関(WHO)による「国際的に懸念される公衆衛生上の緊急事態」の宣言に関するものです。発表者は、WHO の対応、特に異なる感染経路や死亡者数の増加に関する透明性の欠如について疑問を呈しています。発表者は、サル痘に対する天然の治療法であるレスベラトロールの研究が抑制されていると主張し、緊急使用許可を得た新しいワクチンの迅速な開発を求める動きに懸念を表明しています。発表者は、コビッド19パンデミックの際に提起された疑問と比較し、権利とプライバシーの保護のために、サル痘の発生、その重症度、治療法に関するより明確な回答を求めています。さらに、発表者は、この緊急事態宣言が、「恒久的なパンデミック市場」を創出し、完全な臨床試験を経ずに医薬品を迅速に追跡することを目的とした、より広範な傾向の一部である可能性があることを示唆しています。


ソースは新しいサル痘株が以前のものからどのように変異したかについては具体的に説明していません。しかし、ソースは、世界保健機関(WHO)がサル痘を国際的に懸念される公衆衛生上の緊急事態であると宣言したと述べています。 ソースによると、WHOは、この発生は「クレード1B」であり、「クレード2よりも重症であることがわかっている」と述べています。 ソースによると、WHOは、この発生に対処するために新しいワクチンの迅速な開発を求めています。 ソースはまた、2017年の研究では、レスベラトロールが多くの痘瘡の複製を阻止できることが示されていると述べています。 しかし、ソースはまた、レスベラトロールは治癒剤ではなく、赤ワインに大量に含まれているわけではないと指摘しています。


動画の作者は、レスベラトロールがサル痘などの特定の痘瘡ウイルスの複製を阻止できることを示唆する研究について懸念を抱いています。 作者は、この研究は2017年に発表されたにもかかわらず、世界保健機関(WHO)は緊急事態への対応を求める中で、この研究や同様の研究について言及していないと主張しています。 作者は、WHOが特許を取得して販売できない、手軽に入手できる治療法をWHOが望んでいないのではないかと示唆しています。 作者は、WHOは代わりに、緊急使用許可のために提出される新しいワクチンの迅速な開発を求めていると主張しています。 作者は、これは製薬会社が完全な臨床試験を実施する必要なく、製品を市場に投入できるようにするための方法である可能性があることを示唆しています。



  • WHOはレスベラトロール研究を無視している: 作者は、2017年に発表されたレスベラトロールに関する研究をWHOが無視していることを懸念しています。WHOはサル痘の発生が緊急事態であると宣言していますが、この天然由来の化合物についての研究や、同様の研究について言及していません。
  • 製薬会社の利益優先?: 作者は、WHOが特許を取得して販売できない、手軽に入手できる治療法を望んでいないのではないかと示唆しています。これは、製薬会社が利益を優先し、自然な治療法よりもワクチン開発に力を入れている。
  • 緊急使用許可の問題点: 作者は、WHOが新しいワクチンの迅速な開発、特に「緊急使用許可」を求めていることを批判しています。作者は、この緊急使用許可は、製薬会社が完全な臨床試験を実施せずにワクチンを市場に投入するための抜け道だと考えています。




  • 疑問を持ち続けること: 作者は、WHOや政府の発表を鵜呑みにするのではなく、サル痘の流行について批判的に考え、疑問を持ち続けることの重要性を強調しています。
  • 具体的な情報要求: 作者は、サル痘の変異、感染経路、死亡者の詳細、レスベラトロールの有効性など、具体的な疑問点を提示し、視聴者に対してこれらの疑問に対する明確な答えを求めるように促しています。
  • 権利の擁護: 作者は、疑問に対する納得のいく答えが得られるまでは、緊急事態宣言やそれに伴う権利の制限を受け入れてはならないと主張しています。
  • ロシアの事例を参考にする: 作者は、ロシアがサル痘の流行を大きな脅威と見なしていないことを取り上げ、他の国々も同様の冷静な姿勢を示すことができるのではないかと示唆しています。




  • 不透明な情報開示: 作者は、WHO がサル痘による死亡者数が増加していると発表している一方で、死亡者の詳細、例えば死亡者の健康状態や、サル痘が直接の死因であったかどうかなどの情報が不足していることを批判しています。 作者は、情報が不足しているため、死亡率の上昇が本当に憂慮すべき事態なのか、それとも単に情報操作の一環なのかを判断できないと主張しています。
  • 過去のパンデミックの教訓: 作者は、COVID-19 パンデミックの際に、政府や保健機関が情報を統制し、恐怖をあおって特定の政策を推進しようとしたと主張し、サル痘の流行についても同様のことが起こるのではないかと懸念しています。 作者は、COVID-19 の経験から、政府や保健機関の発表を鵜呑みにせず、疑問を持ち続けることの重要性を強調しています。
  • 自然治療法の軽視: 作者は、レスベラトロールなど、サル痘ウイルスに対して有効である可能性のある自然治療法の研究が軽視されていることを指摘し、WHO が製薬会社との癒着によって、ワクチン開発を優先していると非難しています。 作者は、死亡率の増加を強調することで、WHO が新しいワクチンや治療薬の緊急使用許可を得ようとしているのではないかと疑念を抱いています。

要約すると、作者はサル痘の死亡率の増加に関する情報が不透明であること、過去のパンデミックの際に情報操作が行われたこと、そして自然治療法が軽視されていることを理由に、WHO の発表に懐疑的な見方を示しています。




  • WHOの発表: 作者は、WHOがサル痘を国際的に懸念される公衆衛生上の緊急事態であると宣言したことを、疑問視しています。 作者は、WHOがサル痘による死亡者数が増加していると発表している一方で、死亡者の詳細な情報が不足していることを批判し、情報操作の可能性を示唆しています。 また、WHOが新しいワクチンの迅速な開発を求めている一方で、レスベラトロールなど、サル痘ウイルスに対して有効である可能性のある自然治療法の研究を軽視していることも、作者は批判しています。
  • ロシアの対応: 作者は、ロシアがサル痘の流行を深刻な脅威とは考えていないことを取り上げ、他の国々も同様の冷静な姿勢を示すことができるのではないかと示唆しています。
  • 過去のパンデミックの教訓: 作者は、COVID-19 パンデミックの際に、政府や保健機関が情報を統制し、恐怖をあおって、特定の政策を推進しようとしたと主張し、サル痘の流行についても同様のことが起こるのではないかと懸念しています。


  • 疑問を持ち続けること: 作者は、WHOや政府の発表を鵜呑みにするのではなく、サル痘の流行について批判的に考え、疑問を持ち続けることの重要性を強調しています。
  • 具体的な情報要求: 作者は、サル痘の変異、感染経路、死亡者の詳細、レスベラトロールの有効性など、具体的な疑問点を提示し、視聴者に対してこれらの疑問に対する明確な答えを求めるように促しています。
  • 権利の擁護: 作者は、疑問に対する納得のいく答えが得られるまでは、緊急事態宣言やそれに伴う権利の制限を受け入れてはならないと主張しています。


(1) She’s EXPOSING the WHO’s lies over new Monkey Pox “Emergency” | Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris – YouTube

(00:05) earlier this week we warned that monkey pox was going to be declared a global crisis and then that happened the World Health Organization has declared that monkey pox is now a public health emergency of international concern they’re calling that pic fake what I’m going to call it well it’s p e I’m going to call call it fake it’s a fake okay because that’s how I’m pronouncing that word that’s great that acronym you decide if you want to call it Pake I’m going to call it fake you
(00:41) see what I’m doing there okay so now they’re calling it empx though because I guess that’s a negative association with African gay men the word monkey uh cases are rising in Africa and they’re telling us that it will spread abroad if we don’t have international cooperation and then right on Q is as they said that now there are reports about the first case being confirmed outside of Africa in Sweden now monkey pu was discovered in 1958 after outbreaks occurred in monkeys that were kept for research so possible
(01:15) gain of function spidey sense going on there here’s the press release from The Who about it this week you should seek it out and read it for yourself okay but how can we get monkey pox well they’re not actually being straight with us about that again from this announcement this week they say that it comes mainly through sexual networks but also there are different modes of transmission and different levels of risk I’m not comfortable with that different like how be how do we know given that it’s a
(01:50) small outbreak and we’re afraid that it could transmit it just there’s different ways there’s different ways like if I just like run around rubbing my junk on things I could be spreading monkey pox or like what is I mean that sound different yeah yeah you could be touching cash like back when you got Co remember you could use cash maybe that’s how you can spread monkey pox what’s the different mode you have underwear made out of cash because it’s mostly through your genitals so is that a thing that’s
(02:16) the only underwear I wear is is is underwear made out of cash yeah so this word different gives me pause you would think that the media would say wait wait wait wait what are those can we can we narrow that down a little bit like do you get it you know from bunge jumping do you get it from like what what what are we talking about here different uh in fact in 2022 the wh confirmed that it is spread through what they call MSM or men who have sex with men they published this document here to show that yes it is mostly about gay sex but
(02:50) we should not be homophobic about it by the way what is that graphic we’re talking about monkey pox and men who have sex with men so they show us a phone they show like a phone of someone like trolling grinder or one of or something they couldn’t have maybe showed us a photo of what the virus looks like or a man or something instead it’s just like men who have sex with men are constantly trolling on their phones isn’t that a weird graphic anybody else think that that’s strange yes okay but
(03:20) the who again needs to Define not just this MSM contact but this different modes of transition maybe this is why former CD C director Roselle walinsky said in 2022 that two children had contracted monkey pox from gay men um we do have seen now two cases that have occurred in children both of those children um are traced back to uh individuals who come from the men who have sex with men Community the gay U men Community um and so when we have seen those cases in children they have generally been what I call adjacent to
(04:02) the community most at risk okay what what the hell yeah why what children in gay communities like children who happened to be in gay like they had gay fathers or was it children who had been victims of sexual assault or they’re going to blame it on the jungle gyms again and they’re going to rope it off with police tape okay again but jungle gyms are not specific to the J gay community so it was children who got it from from within the gay community they’re going to find gay jungle gyms okay and they’re going to
(04:35) they’re going to figure out how to keep the kids off of them again how does that happen that’s not just different we deserve an answer I don’t want to know it but I think we should ask now monkey pox is not spread through the air it is spread through skin contact and it is usually a sexually transmitted virus but different uh and symptoms are similar to small poox but different they actually less severe normally uh monkey pox is rarely fatal but the who says now that they have recorded 500 deaths they are
(05:07) not telling us what do we know about those deaths how were the cases confirmed were there contraindications of those People’s Health we don’t get to know uh so how did something with such a low fatality rate suddenly become so much more fatal they say that they’ve had 1500 cases this year and 500 deaths that’s a one-third fatality rate from something that was not formerly fatal how that that’s a frightening rate I mean like yeah that’s that’s Ebola rate like I mean fortunately Ebola doesn’t
(05:36) spread that well easily because I mean that’s a that’s a that’s a very high mortality rate yes it is how’d that happen all of a sudden now they’re saying this is a new CLA which means it’s a descendant of the original monkey pox organism uh now I want to remind you because you may think haven’t I heard this before yes you have because in fact the who declared monkey Fox a fake uh in 2022 but that ended in May of 2023 after a decline in cases this week who Dr Maria van kov said that a monkey pox
(06:13) that it basically it came back because we weren’t paying attention to it these pathogens do not respect borders there’s a lot of things that are happening with impo this is an outbreak that caused a public emergency of international concern there was some attention to this the tension waned there’s an ongoing outbreak that’s happening particularly this Cade 1B which we know is more severe than Cade 2 is being detected in a number of additional countries but this is detecting circulation this can
(06:43) be stopped if we actually put a concerted effort into this we do not want the world to sit and watch and wait until the time is now for us to take much more measures and provide much more support to the African region to the countries that are affected across the ENT entire Spectrum from surveillance to prevention to risk communication to clinical care to infection prevention control to R&D to the use of vaccines it’s now it’s now I was wondering if she was going to get to vaccinees so surveillance we need to we need to watch
(07:14) all of you biometric scanners glad you caught that uh we need vaccines right now we need to roll these things out right now yeah and she thinks that virus has spread when we turn our back to them that’s what happens we just weren’t paying attention like a kid with a crayon okay or that yeah like when your kids are quiet in the living room yeah yeah then something’s wrong right then they’re drawing on the walls with crayons that’s what viruses do yeah when you hear your children the quiet in the other room
(07:43) yeah you know you got Sharpie on the walls the Sharpie on the wall just like monkey you guys you guys like covered this over a year ago of the like this is what they’re looking for is to anything anything that they can they can pull the pull the trigger on the entire process they don’t they don’t want to wait for this to get into anything they don’t know that it’s going to be anything and they and so but they still want to run the entire process the full gamut of what they got and that’s they just
(08:10) waiting I mean I’m watching her say this and I’m like how can you say this in good conscience knowing that we don’t have all the answers yet to how it’s differently transmitted why is it suddenly more fatal what do we know about these F fatalities like how can you get up there and say this to the world um the only answer that I could give her is that her eyebrows are so strange that maybe she’s a bot I I’m very distracted by her eyebrows to like say it’s to like if I hear a bump on my porch and like my reaction is like
(08:40) I immediately call the police start blasting through the door with a shotgun flip on my flood lights you know like unplug my internet and just like everything I could possibly do in case there was an intruder or whatever and it’s like yeah but but you don’t know what that bump was yeah it’s a it’s a cat right exactly yeah but also don’t forget Africa right and don’t forget of of course the coverage that we’ve given it on the show here the history of Bill Gates and his test Whitney Webb of
(09:05) course has covered this here on the show we’ve talked extensively about the testing of and roll out of vaccines and testing on on people in Africa well let’s talk about vaccines unwi population of Africa so it’s a perfect place to roll out surveillance and digital IDs on an unwitting population when these billionaires can run you know and run and do this Jeffrey Epstein specifically in Africa working in with Bill Gates in Africa so don’t forget about Africa in that way oh no we’re we’re not going to and in fact
(09:36) this same doctor told us just last week we played you a clip of her saying that covid vaccines should be taken every 24 every 12 months sorry is what she said because Co cases are increasing she did not say that there were more hospitalizations or deaths or severe covid just that we need to be taking the vaccines full stop well in fact there is a vaccine for monkey pox it was not developed for this current strain but the who now is calling for Rapid development of a new one to be submitted for what they’re calling emergency Eva
(10:10) evaluation so they want a quick vaccine they want it to be fast-tracked does that sound familiar and in fact in 2022 when the wh first declared the monkey pox emergency we reported this study from 2017 and people were in fact being stopped from sharing it that showed that Resveratrol can block the replication of many pox diseases do you remember that wait so when we cover the fact that Resveratrol which many people always talk about red wine has it or whatever you know you know whatever that’s another that’s another uh Trojan Horse
(10:46) but yes that Resveratrol could stop the spread of it so you’re saying that when we did that story people weren’t able to share the story and it was being blocked on social media in 2022 people were being punished for sharing that story on Twitter and Facebook uh so but it still exists the data is still there showing that Resveratrol can stop certain pocks isn’t that interesting it’s just like oh when we found out we knew and Dr McCulla on our show and others talking about icin the benefits of zinc right vitamin
(11:19) D and icin stuff that people can’t make billions of dollars off of right now we should not be giving people license because yes Ros veratrol is in red wine no you can’t go on a gay sex bender and drink red wine and think you’re going to be okay because red wine is not a Curative and it’s not found in high enough quantities uh no matter what CNN tells you alcohol is not beneficial for your health so don’t do that what I want to point out here is that there is data that shows that there is a naturally
(11:54) occurring compound that maybe could be concentrated to stop the the spread of certain pox viruses such as monkey pox but oddly enough the who does not mention this study or any furthering of studies like this in their calls for an emergency that’s funny right because they don’t want any readily available treatment that they can’t patent and sell they want a brand new vaccine now Russia is telling its citizens to stand down they are actually not worried about the spread of this they’re on top of it
(12:26) they’re saying they don’t think it’s a big concern so are we saying then here on redacted that monkey pox is not a concern no of course not we’re not saying that we are saying we still have lingering questions that we want to ask while we still can so while you see these studies roll through your feed roll through the news think about these questions that I’ve prepared for you here and then just ask yourself are any of the is any of the news coverage addressing these questions and until we
(12:58) have answers to these questions we should not concede to an emergency or giving over of our rights or privacy until we know these things so here are the lingering questions we still don’t have you can screenshot that this if you want number one how did it mutate from one clay to an X number two was it gain of function I would like to know that number three what are the different modes of transmission that the wh talks about in their press release besides just men who have sex with men they’re just saying it’s different
(13:30) I would like to know specifically how they know that and what qualifies as different uh also how is the wh confirming these cases because during the covid pandemic we saw problem with the types of tests that were being rolled out that those tests had a high failure rate so what do we know about those tests did the 500 deaths that they’re telling us about now have pre-existing conditions can we in fact confirm that they were caused by monkey pox or were those deaths with monkey pox and what of the currently available
(14:04) treatment such as Resveratrol so until we get answers to those things we do not concede to an emergency and therefore the concession of our rights for said fake emergency even then even even after we have those answers I mean okay but we need to leave space for the fact that maybe all of those are true maybe it’s mutated maybe it’s no longer just transmitted by sex maybe it’s really bad maybe that maybe that’s the case but I want solid answers to these things because any any one of those questions
(14:37) asked about the covid pandemic could have pulled the rug out from under the covid pandemic so we know now from experience sadly to ask those questions so we’re asking those questions so save those questions that’s for you I made that for you don’t give up your rights until you get satisfactory answers to those questions one thing I think is very very one thing I think is very very telling out of that is that they want an emergency use basically they’re saying we want a vaccine for emergency use
(15:03) authorization like that’s that’s telling yeah is very so they’re making they’re making it emergency yeah yeah exactly they want to create the emergency and and as we covered here on the show a few weeks ago um on Whitney web’s website uh unlimited hangout I think U Max Max Jones was on the show talking about how the creation of the sort of permanent pandemic Marketplace for these biopharmaceuticals right that’s the idea is that they won’t have to run through the normal channels of of
(15:33) clinical trials that there’ll be the plan which has been Unearthed in these documents is that they are going to create sort of a permanent pandemic marketplace right towards the end of last year let’s see if I can find it we did a chart about all of the vaccines that had been authorized just in 2023 that were either FastTrack or emergency use authorization I can’t find that chart right now but I had at least I want to say five on that list it was three RSV vaccines the new covid booster um I can’t remember so now there there
(16:08) is there are very few new products that make it to Market that have the full clinical trials any longer and so this just seems to be the way of things and everyone’s going to say that’s the way it is sorry we did good enough tests so that’s that’s how this is going to go