話者 0 | 00:00.060
話者 1 | 00:09.704
話者 0 | 00:18.427
話者 1 | 00:29.032
話者 0 | 00:34.734
話者 1 | 00:36.395
話者 0 | 00:44.878
話者 1 | 00:51.241
話者 0 | 00:56.403
話者 1 | 01:00.246
話者 0 | 01:14.279
話者 1 | 01:16.161
話者 0 | 01:24.465
話者 1 | 01:28.188
話者 0 | 01:34.012
話者 1 | 01:35.433
話者 0 | 01:46.080
話者 1 | 01:52.184
話者 0 | 01:57.067
話者 1 | 02:01.570
話者 0 | 02:10.034
話者 1 | 02:12.276
話者 0 | 02:18.739
話者 1 | 02:22.101
話者 0 | 02:30.667
話者 1 | 02:39.852
話者 0 | 02:51.720
話者 1 | 02:57.985
話者 0 | 03:10.193
話者 1 | 03:20.060
話者 0 | 03:28.688
話者 1 | 03:35.973
話者 0 | 03:50.370
話者 1 | 03:58.914
話者 0 | 04:09.558
話者 1 | 04:14.600
話者 0 | 04:24.246
話者 1 | 04:27.688
話者 0 | 04:39.555
話者 1 | 04:41.644
話者 0 | 04:47.629
話者 1 | 04:50.231
話者 0 | 05:03.594
話者 1 | 05:11.716
話者 0 | 05:21.078
話者 1 | 05:24.279
話者 0 | 05:32.081
話者 1 | 05:33.782
話者 0 | 05:40.485
話者 1 | 05:41.846
話者 0 | 05:50.251
話者 1 | 05:57.054
話者 0 | 06:08.334
話者 1 | 06:19.343
話者 0 | 06:29.572
話者 1 | 06:40.302
話者 0 | 06:47.026
話者 1 | 06:50.896
話者 0 | 06:53.088
Speaker 0 | 00:00.060
Welcome back, everyone. Ready for another deep dive? Today, we’re going to be looking at a conflict that really shook the world at the start of the 20th century, the Russo-Japanese War.
Speaker 1 | 00:09.704
Yeah, a real clash of empires. You know, it’s one of those events that might seem distant, but trust me, its echoes are still felt today, especially in Asia.
Speaker 0 | 00:18.427
Absolutely. And the sources you sent over, wow. Historical analyses, personal accounts, we even got some poetry in the mix. So listeners, buckle up. We’re going deep.
Speaker 1 | 00:29.032
Alright, so to really grasp why Russia and Japan went head to head like this, got us off the stage.
Speaker 0 | 00:34.734
Right, the context, take us there.
Speaker 1 | 00:36.395
Think back to the Boxer Rebellion. China, late 1800s, early 1900s, right? This uprising against foreign influence. Well, the aftermath is key.
Speaker 0 | 00:44.878
Okay, the Boxer Rebellion. So most world powers pulled out their troops from China after that, didn’t they? To kind of de-escalate.
Speaker 1 | 00:51.241
Exactly. But here’s the twist, Russia. Well, they decided to stay put in Manchuria.
Speaker 0 | 00:56.403
Bold move. Manchuria, that was… pretty resource rich region, wasn’t it?
Speaker 1 | 01:00.246
Oh, absolutely. And strategically vital. Access to ports, resources, a real foothold in East Asia. But holding on to Manchuria, it sent a clear message Russia wanted to expand to control the region.
Speaker 0 | 01:14.279
Yeah, I can see how that would raise some eyebrows.
Speaker 1 | 01:16.161
You bet. And nobody was more concerned than Japan. They saw Russia’s ambitions as a direct threat. Especially to their own interests in Korea.
Speaker 0 | 01:24.465
That makes sense. Korea was right in their backyard, strategically vital for Japan.
Speaker 1 | 01:28.188
Exactly. So Japan, they weren’t about to just watch Russia dominate. They knew they had to make a move.
Speaker 0 | 01:34.012
So what did they do?
Speaker 1 | 01:35.433
Well, first, they forged an alliance, the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902. This basically meant that Britain, a major power, had their back if things got heated with, say, Russia.
Speaker 0 | 01:46.080
A smart move, securing powerful allies. But things were still pretty tense, weren’t they? like a powder keg ready to blow. Oh,
Speaker 1 | 01:52.184
yeah, big time. You’ve got two empires, both with serious military might, both wanting the same prize.
Speaker 0 | 01:57.067
Manchuria. And then, boom, 1904 arrives, the year it all explodes.
Speaker 1 | 02:01.570
Yep, that’s when the diplomacy went out the window. Russia held on to Manchuria despite the warnings. So Japan decided, no more talk, time for action.
Speaker 0 | 02:10.034
A surprise attack, if I remember correctly.
Speaker 1 | 02:12.276
Got it. February 1904, the Japanese Navy launched a surprise attack on the Russian fleet at Port Arthur.
Speaker 0 | 02:18.739
Port Arthur. That was the key Russian naval base, right? The one controlling the LSC.
Speaker 1 | 02:22.101
Exactly that. Japan knew that to win this war, they had to cripple Russia’s naval power. And Port Arthur, well, that was the heart of it.
Speaker 0 | 02:30.667
And this siege, it wasn’t just some quick takeover, was it? I remember reading about brutal, bloody fighting. Like the battle for 203-meter hill. Ugh.
Speaker 1 | 02:39.852
Yeah, 203-meter hill. That was a nightmare. Months of fighting. Both sides. desperate for control because, well, whoever held that hill had the high ground perfect for artillery, the casualties. Horrific.
Speaker 0 | 02:51.720
Thousands upon thousands. Makes you really think about the human cost behind all the grand strategy and military moves.
Speaker 1 | 02:57.985
No doubt. And it wasn’t just on the battlefields, right? The impact rippled back home too. One of the sources you shared, Hisano Akiko, the Japanese poet. She didn’t shy away from criticizing the war, did she?
Speaker 0 | 03:10.193
Yeah, her poetry was powerful. Raw, honest. You can feel the grief, the anger, the disillusionment so many Japanese people felt as the war dragged on.
Speaker 1 | 03:20.060
In one poem, she even compares soldiers to insects, you know? Like, highlighting the sheer pointlessness of the slaughter. Imagine the guts it took to speak out like that.
Speaker 0 | 03:28.688
Especially during wartime, when everyone’s supposed to be rallying behind the cause, it makes her poetry even more impactful, even more haunting.
Speaker 1 | 03:35.973
Definitely. She got pushback, of course. But she never backed down. Akiko believed war was a failure, a tragedy. Her voice, it’s a reminder that even amidst conflict, there’s always those who champion peace. Always those who question the status quo.
Speaker 0 | 03:50.370
Those voices are so crucial. All right, moving on. The war wasn’t just confined to Port Arthur, was it? Mukden, Tsushima, these names also stand out.
Speaker 1 | 03:58.914
Oh yeah, major turning points. Mukden, for example. That was a land battle on an epic scale. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers clashing in Manchuria.
Speaker 0 | 04:09.558
Wow. Can you imagine witnessing something like that? The sheer scale. Yeah. It’s mind boggling.
Speaker 1 | 04:14.600
It’s a brutal display of modern warfare. Machine guns, heavy artillery, just mowing people down. The Japanese won, but it was a pyrrhic victory. Huge losses.
Speaker 0 | 04:24.246
And Tsushima, that was a naval battle, right? Yes. The one that really sealed the deal.
Speaker 1 | 04:27.688
Yes. Tsushima, this one was decisive. The Japanese Navy, led by Admiral Togo, they utterly crushed the Russian Baltic fleet. You know, that Russian fleet had sailed halfway around the world to engage.
Speaker 0 | 04:39.555
What a journey. What a disaster. Right.
Speaker 1 | 04:41.644
Talk about a miscalculation. The Japanese, they were ready for them. Outmaneuvered, outgunned. The Russians never stood a chance.
Speaker 0 | 04:47.629
So that was the end of Russia’s naval power in the Pacific.
Speaker 1 | 04:50.231
Pretty much. Tsushima sent a shockwave. The rising power of the Japanese Navy, the risks of long-range naval operations, it all became crystal clear. And for Russia, well, it was the final straw. They realized they couldn’t win.
Speaker 0 | 05:03.594
Which brings us to 1905, the Treaty of Portsmouth. Wasn’t Theodore Roosevelt, the U.S. president, involved in the peace talks?
Speaker 1 | 05:11.716
Yeah, he saw a chance to flex some American muscle in the region. Plus, you know, nobody wants a war to spiral out of control, right? So Roosevelt stepped in, helped broker a peace deal.
Speaker 0 | 05:21.078
And what were the terms? Did Japan get what they were fighting for? Oh,
Speaker 1 | 05:24.279
they got a lot. Control of Korea, the southern part of Sakhalin Island, and the Liaodong Peninsula, which included Port Arthur. Pretty big haul.
Speaker 0 | 05:32.081
Sounds like a clear victory. Well,
Speaker 1 | 05:33.782
on paper, yeah, but it wasn’t that simple. Remember those sources about public unrest in Japan? Many felt cheated.
Speaker 0 | 05:40.485
Cheated? How so?
Speaker 1 | 05:41.846
They’d make huge sacrifices and expected Russia to pay war reparations, but that didn’t happen. So yeah, victory, but a bittersweet one for many.
Speaker 0 | 05:50.251
So much complexity. But zooming out, this war wasn’t just about territory, was it? It feels like it shifted the whole global landscape.
Speaker 1 | 05:57.054
100%. Imagine this. An Asian power defeating a major European empire? In the early 1900s, that was unheard of. It sent shockwaves across the world.
Speaker 0 | 06:08.334
Yeah, it challenged all the assumptions about global hierarchies, about who held the power, almost like a preview of things to come, the decline of European colonialism, the rise of new global players.
Speaker 1 | 06:19.343
Exactly. And for Japan, well, this victory fueled their nationalism, their militarism. In a way, it set the stage for their aggressive expansion in the decades that followed.
Speaker 0 | 06:29.572
So many threads connecting to the future. It’s clear this war wasn’t just a blip on the radar. The Russo-Japanese War, it was a turning point in history. Yeah. And its consequences. We’re still grappling with them today.
Speaker 1 | 06:40.302
No doubt. It makes you think, right, about power, about the cost of war, about the fragility of peace.
Speaker 0 | 06:47.026
So much to ponder. Thanks for guiding us through this fascinating deep dive. And to you, dear listeners, I say this. The story doesn’t end here. Keep digging. Explore the sources. The Russo-Japanese War, it’s a story worth knowing. A story that still speaks to us today.