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Later on in the evening a traveler’s horse was brought in by the second hostler,
and while he was cleaning him a young man with a pipe in his mouth lounged into the stable to gossip.
そして、その馬を掃除している最中、口にパイプをくわえた一人の若者が、のんびりと入ってきた ために 噂話をする のでございます.
“I say, Towler,” said the hostler,
「おい、トウラー」と 厩務員 が申し上げました.
“just run up the ladder into the loft and put some hay down into this horse’s rack, will you? only lay down your pipe.”
「ただ、梯子を駆け上がって屋根裏に入り、この 馬の飼い葉台 に藁を敷いてくれ、頼むよ。パイプは下ろしなさい」と.
“All right,” said the other, and went up through the trapdoor;
「わかった」ともう一人の厩務員が申し、トラップドア を上って行きました.
and I heard him step across the floor overhead and put down the hay.
James came in to look at us the last thing, and then the door was locked.
I cannot say how long I had slept, nor what time in the night it was, but I woke up very uncomfortable, though I hardly knew why.
I got up; the air seemed all thick and choking.
I heard Ginger coughing and one of the other horses seemed very restless;
it was quite dark, and I could see nothing, but the stable seemed full of smoke, and I hardly knew how to breathe.
The trapdoor had been left open, and I thought that was the place it came through.
I listened, and heard a soft rushing sort of noise and a low crackling and snapping.
耳を澄ませると、柔らかく流れるような音と、かすかな パチパチ という音が聞こえたのでございます.
I did not know what it was, but there was something in the sound so strange that it made me tremble all over.
The other horses were all awake; some were pulling at their halters, others stamping.
他の馬たちは皆覚醒し、中には頭金具を引っ張る者も、足を 踏み鳴らす 者もございました.
At last I heard steps outside, and the hostler who had put up the traveler’s horse burst into the stable with a lantern, and began to untie the horses, and try to lead them out;
遂に外の足音が聞こえ、旅人の馬を収めた厩務員が懐中灯を携えて厩舎に 駆け入り、馬の縄を解き、連れ出そうと試みたのでございます.
but he seemed in such a hurry and so frightened himself that he frightened me still more.
The first horse would not go with him; he tried the second and third, and they too would not stir.
最初の馬は彼に従わず、二頭目と三頭目もまた 動こうとせず ございました.
He came to me next and tried to drag me out of the stall by force; of course that was no use.
He tried us all by turns and then left the stable.
彼は 次々と 我々全員を試みた後、厩舎を去ったのでございます.
No doubt we were very foolish, but danger seemed to be all round, and there was nobody we knew to trust in, and all was strange and uncertain.
The fresh air that had come in through the open door made it easier to breathe,
but the rushing sound overhead grew louder, and as I looked upward through the bars of my empty rack I saw a red light flickering on the wall.
しかし、上方の流れる音は次第に大きくなり、空っぽの厩舎の柵越しに、壁に赤い光が ちらつく のを見たのでございます.
Then I heard a cry of “Fire!” outside, and the old hostler quietly and quickly came in;
he got one horse out, and went to another, but the flames were playing round the trapdoor, and the roaring overhead was dreadful.
The next thing I heard was James’ voice, quiet and cheery, as it always was.
“Come, my beauties, it is time for us to be off, so wake up and come along.”
I stood nearest the door, so he came to me first, patting me as he came in.
“Come, Beauty, on with your bridle, my boy, we’ll soon be out of this smother.”
「さあ、Beauty、馬具を付けなさい、我が子よ。すぐにこの 窮屈な 場所を抜け出すであろう」と.
It was on in no time; then he took the scarf off his neck, and tied it lightly over my eyes, and coaxing he led me out of the stable.
Safe in the yard, he slipped the scarf off my eyes, and shouted, “Here somebody! take this horse while I go back for the other.”
庭で安全な場所に着くと、彼は私の目からスカーフをそっと外し、「おい、誰か! この馬を引き受けてくれ、私がもう一頭の方を取りに戻る」と叫ばれたのでございます.
A tall, broad man stepped forward and took me, and James darted back into the stable.
I set up a shrill whinny as I saw him go.
彼が去るのを見て、私は 鋭い嘶き を上げたのでございます.
Ginger told me afterward that whinny was the best thing I could have done for her, for had she not heard me outside she would never have had courage to come out.
There was much confusion in the yard; the horses being got out of other stables, and the carriages and gigs being pulled out of houses and sheds, lest the flames should spread further.
On the other side the yard windows were thrown up, and people were shouting all sorts of things;
but I kept my eye fixed on the stable door, where the smoke poured out thicker than ever, and I could see flashes of red light;
presently I heard above all the stir and din a loud, clear voice, which I knew was master’s:
“James Howard! James Howard! Are you there?”
「ジェイムズ・ハワード! ジェイムズ・ハワード! 居るか?」と.
There was no answer, but I heard a crash of something falling in the stable, and the next moment I gave a loud, joyful neigh,
返答はなかったが、厩舎内で何かが落ちる音が響き、次の瞬間、私は大きく喜ばしい 嘶き を上げたのでございます.
for I saw James coming through the smoke leading Ginger with him;
she was coughing violently, and he was not able to speak.
“My brave lad!” said master, laying his hand on his shoulder, “are you hurt?”
James shook his head, for he could not yet speak.
“Ay,” said the big man who held me; “he is a brave lad, and no mistake.”
“And now,” said master, “when you have got your breath, James, we’ll get out of this place as quickly as we can,”
and we were moving toward the entry, when from the market‑place there came a sound of galloping feet and loud rumbling wheels.
“’Tis the fire‑engine! the fire‑engine!” shouted two or three voices, “stand back, make way!”
「火事の馬車だ! 火事の馬車だ!」と二、三の声が叫び、「下がれ、道を 譲れ!」と申されました.
and clattering and thundering over the stones two horses dashed into the yard with a heavy engine behind them.
そして、石畳を 轟音 とともに二頭の馬が、重厚なエンジンを伴いながら庭へ 突進 して参りました.
The firemen leaped to the ground; there was no need to ask where the fire was—it was rolling up in a great blaze from the roof.
消防士たちは地面に飛び降り、火事の所在を尋ねる必要もなく、屋根から 大火炎 が立ち上っていたのでございます.
We got out as fast as we could into the broad quiet market‑place;
the stars were shining, and except the noise behind us, all was still.
Master led the way to a large hotel on the other side,
and as soon as the hostler came, he said, “James, I must now hasten to your mistress; I trust the horses entirely to you, order whatever you think is needed,”
そして厩務員が到着するとすぐに、「ジェイムズ、今すぐ 女主人の元へ急がねばならぬ。馬はすべて君に 託す。必要なことは何でも命じよ」とおっしゃり,
and with that he was gone.
The master did not run, but I never saw mortal man walk so fast as he did that night.
There was a dreadful sound before we got into our stalls—the shrieks of those poor horses that were left burning to death in the stable—it was very terrible!
and made both Ginger and me feel very bad.
We, however, were taken in and well done by.
The next morning the master came to see how we were and to speak to James.
I did not hear much, for the hostler was rubbing me down,
but I could see that James looked very happy, and I thought the master was proud of him.
Our mistress had been so much alarmed in the night that the journey was put off till the afternoon,
女主人が夜のうちに大いに動揺されたため、旅は午後まで 延期された のでございます.
so James had the morning on hand, and went first to the inn to see about our harness and the carriage,
そのため、ジェイムズは午前中の時間を利用し、まず宿で我々の馬具と馬車の状態を 確認し
and then to hear more about the fire.
When he came back we heard him tell the hostler about it.
At first no one could guess how the fire had been caused,
but at last a man said he saw Dick Towler go into the stable with a pipe in his mouth,
and when he came out he had not one, and went to the tap for another.
Then the under hostler said he had asked Dick to go up the ladder to put down some hay,
but told him to lay down his pipe first.
Dick denied taking the pipe with him, but no one believed him.
I remember our John Manly’s rule, never to allow a pipe in the stable,
私には、ジョン・マンリーの「厩舎にパイプは許すな」という掟が記憶に新しく、厩舎にパイプは許すな と.
and thought it ought to be the rule everywhere.
James said the roof and floor had all fallen in, and that only the black walls were standing;
the two poor horses that could not be got out were buried under the burnt rafters and tiles.
出られなかった二頭の哀れな馬は、焼けた梁や瓦 の下に埋もれていたのでございます.