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One day my lady came down later than usual, and the silk rustled more than ever.
ある日、私の奥様がいつもより遅れて下りられ、その絹はこれまで以上に優雅な音を立てながら 揺れておりました.
“Drive to the Duchess of B——’s,” she said.
and then after a pause, “Are you never going to get those horses’ heads up, York? Raise them at once and let us have no more of this humoring and nonsense.”
York came to me first, while the groom stood at Ginger’s head.
He drew my head back and fixed the rein so tight that it was almost intolerable;
彼は私の頭を引き戻し、手綱を極めて強く締め付けられたため、ほとんど 耐え難いほど でございました;
then he went to Ginger, who was impatiently jerking her head up and down against the bit, as was her way now.
She had a good idea of what was coming, and the moment York took the rein off the terret in order to shorten it she took her opportunity and reared up so suddenly that York had his nose roughly hit and his hat knocked off;
彼女は何が起ころうとしているかを十分に察しておられ、ヨークが手綱を短くするためにテレットから外した瞬間、機を逃さず 急に跳ね上がり、ヨークはその衝撃で鼻を激しく打たれ、帽子を吹き飛ばされました;
the groom was nearly thrown off his legs.
使用人はほとんど 足元を崩される ところでございました.
At once they both flew to her head; but she was a match for them, and went on plunging, rearing, and kicking in a most desperate manner.
At last she kicked right over the carriage pole and fell down, after giving me a severe blow on my near quarter.
遂に彼女は馬車の縦木を見事に蹴り飛ばし、私の近くの側面に 激しい一撃 を加えた後、倒れ込んだのでございました.
There is no knowing what further mischief she might have done had not York promptly sat himself down flat on her head to prevent her struggling, at the same time calling out, “Unbuckle the black horse! Run for the winch and unscrew the carriage pole! Cut the trace here, somebody, if you can’t unhitch it!
もしヨークが直ちに彼女の頭上に身を伏せ、抵抗を封じなかったならば、彼女がどのような更なる悪戯を働いたかは計り知れなかったことでしょう。そして同時に、彼は声を上げながら命じられました、 「黒馬の留めを解け! ウインチへ走れ! 馬車の縦木を外せ! もし連結が解けぬなら、誰かここでその綱を断て!
One of the footmen ran for the winch, and another brought a knife from the house.
The groom soon set me free from Ginger and the carriage, and led me to my box.
He just turned me in as I was and ran back to York.
I was much excited by what had happened, and if I had ever been used to kick or rear I am sure I should have done it then;
私には起こった出来事が大いに 刺激的でございました し、もしも蹴ったり跳ねたりする習性があったなら、その時には確実に行動していたことでしょう;
but I never had, and there I stood, angry, sore in my leg, my head still strained up to the terret on the saddle, and no power to get it down.
I was very miserable and felt much inclined to kick the first person who came near me.
Before long, however, Ginger was led in by two grooms, a good deal knocked about and bruised.
しかし間もなく、ジンジャーは 打撲だらけの乱れた様子 ながら、二人の使用人に連れ戻されました.
York came with her and gave his orders, and then came to look at me.
In a moment he let down my head.
Confound these check-reins!” he said to himself; “I thought we should have some mischief soon.
Master will be sorely vexed.
But there, if a woman’s husband can’t rule her of course a servant can’t;
so I wash my hands of it, and if she can’t get to the duchess’ garden party I can’t help it.”
York did not say this before the men; he always spoke respectfully when they were by.
Now he felt me all over, and soon found the place above my hock where I had been kicked.
It was swelled and painful; he ordered it to be sponged with hot water, and then some lotion was put on.
その部位は腫れあがり痛みを伴っておりましたので、彼は 熱湯で拭くよう命じ、その後、軟膏を塗布されました.
Lord W—— was much put out when he learned what had happened;
W——卿は出来事を知ると大いに 憤慨されました;
he blamed York for giving way to his mistress, to which he replied that in future he would much prefer to receive his orders only from his lordship;
彼はヨークが 奥様に屈した ことを非難され、ヨークは今後は御卿からのみご命令を受けたいと答えられました;
but I think nothing came of it, for things went on the same as before.
I thought York might have stood up better for his horses, but perhaps I am no judge.
Ginger was never put into the carriage again, but when she was well of her bruises one of the Lord W——’s younger sons said he should like to have her;
he was sure she would make a good hunter.
As for me, I was obliged still to go in the carriage, and had a fresh partner called Max; he had always been used to the tight rein.
私に関しましては、なお馬車に乗せられざるを得ず、新たな伴侶マックスが加わっておりました。彼はその 厳格な手綱 に常に慣れておりました.
I asked him how it was he bore it.
“Well,” he said, “I bear it because I must; but it is shortening my life, and it will shorten yours too if you have to stick to it.”
「まあ、仕方なく耐えているのです;しかし、これが私の命を 縮め、もし君もこれに固執するなら、君の命もまた 短くなるでしょう」と、マックスは率直に申し上げました.
“Do you think,” I said, “that our masters know how bad it is for us?”
“I can’t say,” he replied, “but the dealers and the horse‑doctors know it very well.
I was at a dealer’s once, who was training me and another horse to go as a pair;
he was getting our heads up, as he said, a little higher and a little higher every day.
A gentleman who was there asked him why he did so.
“Because,” said he, “people won’t buy them unless we do.
The London people always want their horses to carry their heads high and to step high.
Of course it is very bad for the horses, but then it is good for trade.
The horses soon wear up, or get diseased, and they come for another pair.
“That,” said Max, “is what he said in my hearing, and you can judge for yourself.”
What I suffered with that rein for four long months in my lady’s carriage it would be hard to describe;
but I am quite sure that, had it lasted much longer, either my health or my temper would have given way.
Before that, I never knew what it was to foam at the mouth, but now the action of the sharp bit on my tongue and jaw,
以前は口から 泡を吹く ということが如何なるものか知る由もなかったのですが、しかし今では、鋭利なビットが私の舌と顎に作用し,
and the constrained position of my head and throat, always caused me to froth at the mouth more or less.
また、頭と喉が抑えられた状態が常に私の口から 泡を噴き出させる 原因となっておりました.
Some people think it very fine to see this, and say, “What fine spirited creatures!
ある人々はこれを見事だと称賛し、「なんと気性の良い生き物たち なのでしょう!」とおっしゃいます.
But it is just as unnatural for horses as for men to foam at the mouth; it is a sure sign of some discomfort, and should be attended to.
しかし、馬が口から泡を吹くのは人間と同様に 不自然な ことであり、確実に何らかの兆候 でございますゆえ、速やかに 対処される べきでございます.
Besides this, there was a pressure on my windpipe, which often made my breathing very uncomfortable;
加えて、私の気管には 圧迫が生じ、しばしば呼吸を非常に 困難なものにしておりました;
when I returned from my work my neck and chest were strained and painful, my mouth and tongue tender, and I felt worn and depressed.
仕事から戻ると、首と胸は 張り痛み、口と舌は敏感に痛み、私は 疲弊し落胆しておりました.
In my old home I always knew that John and my master were my friends;
but here, although in many ways I was well treated, I had no friend.
しかし、ここでは多方面において 良い待遇を受けていた ものの、真の友と呼べる者はおりませんでした.
York might have known, and very likely did know, how that rein harassed me;
ヨークは、私がその手綱に如何に 苦しめられている かをご存じであったか、いやむしろ既にご承知であったに違いございません;
but I suppose he took it as a matter of course that it could not be helped;
at any rate, nothing was done to relieve me.
いずれにせよ、私を 楽にする ためのいかなる措置も講じられなかったのでございます.