『若草物語』英文/和訳【13-1. 空中の楼閣】

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Laurie lay luxuriously swinging to and fro in his hammock one warm September afternoon,


wondering what his neighbors were about, but too lazy to go and find out.


He was in one of his moods, for the day had been both unprofitable and unsatisfactory, and he was wishing he could live it over again.


The hot weather made him indolent, and he had shirked[(ずるけたり, いやがったりして)回避する] his studies, tried Mr. Brooke’s patience to the utmost,


displeased his grandfather by practicing half the afternoon, frightened the maidservants[お手伝い, 女中] half out of their wits by mischievously[いたずらに] hinting[それとなく言う] that one of his dogs was going mad,


and, after high words with the stableman about some fancied[ありもせぬ, 架空の] neglect[怠慢] of his horse,

馬丁[ばてい]に自分の馬の世話をおろそかにしているなどと作り話を言って口論した後、[fancied neglect 想像上の怠慢]

he had flung[(勢いよく)投げる] himself into his hammock to fume over[~に腹を立てる] the stupidity of the world in general,[総じて,大概の] till the peace of the lovely day quieted him in spite of himself.


Staring up into the green gloom of the horse-chestnut trees above him, he dreamed dreams of all sorts,


and was just imagining himself tossing on[〔波が船などを〕揺り動かす] the ocean in a voyage round the world, when the sound of voices brought him ashore[海岸に運んだ] in a flash.


Peeping through the meshes[網目の織物] of the hammock, he saw the Marches coming out, as if bound[~へ行くところで] on some expedition.[(探検・学術研究など一定の目的をもつ)旅行]


“What in the world are those girls about now?” thought Laurie, opening his sleepy eyes to take a good look,


for there was something rather peculiar in the appearance of his neighbors.


Each wore a large, flapping hat, a brown linen pouch slung over[つるす,背負う] one shoulder, and carried a long staff.


Meg had a cushion, Jo a book, Beth a basket, and Amy a portfolio.


All walked quietly through the garden, out at the little back gate, and began to climb the hill that lay between the house and river.


“Well, that’s cool,” said Laurie to himself, “to have a picnic and never ask me!


They can’t be going in the boat, for they haven’t got the key.


Perhaps they forgot it. I’ll take it to them, and see what’s going on.”[(事態などが)続く]


Though possessed[所有する,持つ] of half a dozen hats, it took him some time to find one,


then there was a hunt for the key, which was at last discovered in his pocket,


so that the girls were quite out of sight when he leaped the fence and ran after them.


Taking the shortest way[最短の道] to the boathouse, he waited for them to appear, but no one came, and he went up the hill to take an observation.[観測]


A grove[小さい森] of pines covered one part of it, and from the heart[中心部] of this green spot[(特定の)場所] came a clearer sound than the soft sigh[ため息, 吐息] of the pines or the drowsy[眠そうな, 眠けを誘う] chirp[チューチュー, チーチー] of the crickets.


“Here’s a landscape!” thought Laurie, peeping through the bushes, and looking wide-awake and good-natured already.


It was a rather pretty little picture, for the sisters sat together in the shady[日陰になった] nook,[へんぴな土地, 人目につかない所] with sun and shadow flickering[揺らめく、明滅する] over them,


the aromatic wind lifting their hair and cooling their hot cheeks,


and all the little wood people going on with[〔仕事などを〕どんどん進める] their affairs[用事] as if these were no strangers but old friends.


Meg sat upon her cushion, sewing daintily[上品な態度で, 繊細な態度で] with her white hands, and looking as fresh and sweet as a rose in her pink dress among the green.


Beth was sorting[~を分類する] the cones that lay thick[厚く横たわる] under the hemlock near by, for she made pretty things with them.


Amy was sketching a group of ferns, and Jo was knitting as she read aloud.[読み上げ]


A shadow passed over[影が頭上を通り過ぎる] the boy’s face as he watched them, feeling that he ought to go away because uninvited;

姉妹を見ている少年の顔に影がさした。 招かれていない自分は、ここを立ち去るべきだと感じたのだ。

yet lingering[ぐずぐずする, ためらう] because home seemed very lonely and this quiet party in the woods most attractive to his restless spirit.


He stood so still that a squirrel, busy with its harvesting,[〈穀物を〉刈り入れる] ran down a pine close beside him, saw him suddenly and skipped back,


scolding[がみがみ言う、口やかましい] so shrilly[金切り声で] that Beth looked up, espied[遠くから偶然に見つける] the wistful[もの欲しそうな, もの足りなそうな] face behind the birches, and beckoned[手まねで招く] with a reassuring[安心を与える, 元気づける] smile.


“May I come in, please? Or shall I be a bother[悩ます, うるさがらせる]?” he asked, advancing slowly.


Meg lifted her eyebrows, but Jo scowled[顔をしかめる, いやな顔をする] at her defiantly[反抗的な態度で] and said at once, “Of course you may.


We should have asked you before, only we thought you wouldn’t care for such a girl’s game as this.”


“I always like your games, but if Meg doesn’t want me, I’ll go away.”


“I’ve no objection, if you do something.


It’s against the rules to be idle here,” replied Meg gravely[厳粛に] but graciously.[慈悲深く, 親切に]


“Much obliged. I’ll do anything if you’ll let me stop a bit, for it’s as dull as the Desert of Sahara down there.


Shall I sew, read, cone,[円すい状のもの] draw, or do all at once? Bring on your bears. I’m ready.”

縫うか、読むか、松ぼっくり集めにするか、描くか、それとも、全部一度にしようか?なんでも来い。[Do your worst! やれるもんならやってみろ! の古典的表現] 準備は万端だよ」

And Laurie sat down with a submissive expression delightful[愉快な, 快適な] to behold.


“Finish this story while I set my heel,” said Jo, handing him the book.


“Yes’m.” was the meek[おとなしい, 素直な] answer, as he began, doing his best to prove his gratitude for the favor[好意, 親切] of admission[(学校・場所・会などに)入るのを許すこと] into the ‘Busy Bee Society’.

「はい、かしこまりました」としおらしく答え、ローリーは 「働きバチの会」 への入会の恩恵に対する感謝を一生懸命証明し始めた。

The story was not a long one, and when it was finished, he ventured to ask a few questions as a reward of merit.[功績]


“Please, ma’am, could I inquire if this highly instructive and charming institution[慣例, 学会] is a new one?”


“Would you tell him?” asked Meg of her sisters.


“He’ll laugh,” said Amy warningly.


“Who cares?” said Jo.


“I guess he’ll like it,” added Beth.


“Of course I shall! I give you my word I won’t laugh. Tell away, Jo, and don’t be afraid.”


“The idea of being afraid of you! Well, you see we used to play Pilgrim’s Progress, and we have been going on with it in earnest, all winter and summer.”

「あんたを怖がるなんて!(そんなことあるわけないじゃない) ええとね、私たち(小さい頃)よく巡礼ごっこをして遊んでいたの。それをいま、真剣に続けているの。冬も夏もずっとね」

“Yes, I know,” said Laurie, nodding wisely.


“Who told you?” demanded[詰問する、強く尋ねる] Jo.




“No, I did. I wanted to amuse him one night when you were all away, and he was rather dismal.[憂うつな, もの寂しい]


He did like it, so don’t scold, Jo,” said Beth meekly.


“You can’t keep a secret. Never mind, it saves trouble now.”


“Go on, please,” said Laurie, as Jo became absorbed in her work, looking a trifle[わずかに] displeased.[不機嫌な]


“Oh, didn’t she tell you about this new plan of ours?


Well, we have tried not to waste our holiday, but each has had a task and worked at it with a will.[身を入れて, 本気になって]


The vacation is nearly over, the stints[割り当て仕事, 一定期間の労働] are all done, and we are ever so glad that we didn’t dawdle.”[のらくらする, ぐずぐずする]


“Yes, I should think so,” and Laurie thought regretfully of his own idle days.
