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“You can’t say nothing pleasant ever happens now, can you, Meg?” said Amy, trying to decide how she would group the lovers in a sketch she was planning to make.


“No, I’m sure I can’t. How much has happened since I said that!


It seems a year ago,” answered Meg, who was in a blissful dream lifted far above such common things as bread and butter.

1年も前のことのような気がするわ」と答え、至福の[この上なく幸せな, 楽しい]夢を見ているメグは、生活の糧[パンとバター]などというありふれたものからはるか遠くに[遥か彼方へと持ち上げられて]いた。

“The joys come close upon the sorrows this time, and I rather think the changes have begun,” said Mrs. March.


“In most families there comes, now and then, a year full of events. This has been such a one, but it ends well, after all.”


“Hope the next will end better,” muttered Jo, who found it very hard to see Meg absorbed in a stranger before her face,


for Jo loved a few persons very dearly and dreaded to have their affection lost or lessened in any way.

ジョーは数人の人たちだけをとても深く心から愛する性質なので、その愛情が失われたり、薄れていく[少なくする, 減らす]のを、どうにもこうにも恐れていたのだ。

“I hope the third year from this will end better.


I mean it shall, if I live to work out my plans,” said Mr. Brooke, smiling at Meg, as if everything had become possible to him now.


“Doesn’t it seem very long to wait?” asked Amy, who was in a hurry for the wedding.


“I’ve got so much to learn before I shall be ready, it seems a short time to me,” answered Meg, with a sweet gravity in her face never seen there before.


“You have only to wait, I am to do the work,” said John beginning his labors by picking up Meg’s napkin,


with an expression which caused Jo to shake her head, and then say to herself with an air of relief as the front door banged,


“Here comes Laurie. Now we shall have some sensible conversation.”

「ローリーが来たわ。さあ、もっとまともな[分別のある, 思慮のある]話をしましょうよ」

But Jo was mistaken, for Laurie came prancing in, overflowing with good spirits, bearing a great bridal-looking bouquet for ‘Mrs. John Brooke’,

しかしジョーは間違っていた。ローリーは意気揚々と[躍りはねて進む]溢れんばかりの元気で飛び込んで来たのだ。「ジョン・ブルック夫人 」のためにブライダルブーケのような大きな花束を持ってきた。[身につける,帯びる]

and evidently laboring under the delusion that the whole affair had been brought about by his excellent management.

すべてのことが自分の見事な計らいによるもの[~を引き起こす, もたらす]だと明らかに思い違いをしている[labor under 誤解・錯覚などをしている delusion 思い違い]ようであった。

“I knew Brooke would have it all his own way, he always does, for when he makes up his mind to accomplish anything, it’s done though the sky falls,” said Laurie,


when he had presented his offering and his congratulations.

彼のプレゼント[奉納物, 供物]を差し出し、お祝いの言葉を述べた。

“Much obliged for that recommendation.


I take it as a good omen for the future and invite you to my wedding on the spot,” answered Mr. Brooke, who felt at peace with all mankind, even his mischievous pupil.


“I’ll come if I’m at the ends of the earth, for the sight of Jo’s face alone on that occasion would be worth a long journey.


You don’t look festive, ma’am, what’s the matter?” asked Laurie, following her into a corner of the parlor, whither[where の古語] all had adjourned to greet Mr. Laurence.


“I don’t approve of the match, but I’ve made up my mind to bear it, and shall not say a word against it,” said Jo solemnly.

「この結婚には賛成できないけど、我慢することにしたわ。ひとことも反対するようなことは言わないつもりよ」とジョーは重々しく[粛として, 厳として]言った。

“You can’t know how hard it is for me to give up Meg,” she continued with a little quiver in her voice.


“You don’t give her up. You only go halves,” said Laurie consolingly.


“It can never be the same again. I’ve lost my dearest friend,” sighed Jo.


“You’ve got me, anyhow. I’m not good for much, I know, but I’ll stand by you, Jo, all the days of my life. Upon my word I will!” and Laurie meant what he said.


“I know you will, and I’m ever so much obliged. You are always a great comfort to me, Teddy,” returned Jo, gratefully shaking hands.


“Well, now, don’t be dismal, there’s a good fellow. It’s all right you see.

「よし、じゃあ、もう悲観する[陰気な, 憂うつな]のはやめなよ、いい子だから。なにもかもうまくいくさ。

Meg is happy, Brooke will fly round and get settled immediately, Grandpa will attend to him, and it will be very jolly to see Meg in her own little house.


We’ll have capital times after she is gone, for I shall be through college before long, and then we’ll go abroad on some nice trip or other.

メグがいなくなっても、僕たちには楽しい時間が待っているんだ。僕がそのうち[遠からず, まもなく]大学を出たら、海外へちょっとした旅行に行ったりとかなんとかしよう。

Wouldn’t that console you?”


“I rather think it would, but there’s no knowing what may happen in three years,” said Jo thoughtfully.


“That’s true. Don’t you wish you could take a look forward and see where we shall all be then? I do,” returned Laurie.

「それはそうだ。その時、僕たちはどうなっているのか、将来のことを見通せて、その時僕たちがどうなっているか[どこにいるか]分かったら[見て知る]いいと思わないかい? 僕は知りたいな」とローリーは答えた。

“I think not, for I might see something sad, and everyone looks so happy now, I don’t believe they could be much improved.


And Jo’s eyes went slowly round the room, brightening as they looked, for the prospect was a pleasant one.

とジョーの瞳はゆっくりと部屋の中を見渡すと、みるみるうちに輝いてきた。そこには心地よい前途[予想, 見通し]が広がっていたからだ。

Father and Mother sat together, quietly reliving the first chapter of the romance which for them began some twenty years ago.


Amy was drawing the lovers, who sat apart in a beautiful world of their own, the light of which touched their faces with a grace the little artist could not copy.


Beth lay on her sofa, talking cheerily with her old friend, who held her little hand as if he felt that it possessed the power to lead him along the peaceful way she walked.

ベスはソファに横たわり、年老いた友人と陽気に話していた。老人は彼女の小さな手を握り、まるで彼女が歩く穏やかな道にこそ自分を導いてくれる力がある[possess 所有する,持つ]と感じているようだった。

Jo lounged in her favorite low seat, with the grave quiet look which best became her,

ジョーはお気に入りの低い椅子にゆったりと腰を下ろし[もたれかかる, ゆったり横になる]彼女らしい厳かで静かな表情をしていた。

and Laurie, leaning on the back of her chair, his chin on a level with her curly head, smiled with his friendliest aspect,


and nodded at her in the long glass which reflected them both.


So the curtain falls upon Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy.


Whether it ever rises again, depends upon the reception given the first act of the domestic drama called Little Women.
