『ドリトル先生航海記』 英文/和訳 【3-9-2.いそいで出発】

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As a matter of fact, Polynesia had been right about the danger we were in. The news of our victory must have spread like lightning through the whole town.


For as we came out of the shop and loaded the cab up with our stores,[(食料などの)蓄え] we saw various[さまざまな] little knots[集団] of angry men hunting round the streets, waving sticks and shouting,


“The Englishmen! Where are those accursed Englishmen who stopped the bullfighting?


— Hang them to a lamp-post! — Throw them in the sea! The Englishmen! — We want the Englishmen!”


After that we didn’t waste any time, you may be sure.


Bumpo grabbed the Spanish cab-driver and explained[説明する] to him in signs that if he didn’t drive down to the harbor[港] as fast as he knew how


and keep his mouth shut the whole way, he would choke[息の根を止める] the life out of him.


Then we jumped into the cab on top of the food, slammed the door, pulled down the blinds and away we went.


“We won’t get a chance to pawn the jewelry now,” said Polynesia, as we bumped over the cobbly streets.


“But never mind—it may come in handy[助けになる] later on. And anyway we’ve got two-thousand five-hundred pesetas left out of the bet.


Don’t give the cabby more than two pesetas fifty, Bumpo. That’s the right fare, I know.”


Well, we reached the harbor all right and we were mighty[非常な] glad to find that the Doctor had sent Chee-Chee back with the row-boat to wait for us at the landing-wall.


Unfortunately[不運にも] while we were in the middle of loading the supplies from the cab into the boat, the angry mob arrived upon the wharf and made a rush for us.


Bumpo snatched up a big beam of wood[木の角材] that lay near and swung it round and round his head, letting out[出す] dreadful African battle-yells the while.


This kept the crowd off[近づけないでおく] while Chee-Chee and I hustled[乱暴に押す] the last of the stores into the boat and clambered in ourselves.


Bumpo threw his beam[角材] of wood into the thick of the Spaniards and leapt in after us. Then we pushed off[小舟で立ち去る] and rowed like mad for the Curlew.


The mob upon the wall howled[遠ぼえする] with rage, shook their fists and hurled stones and all manner of things[あらゆる種類のもの] after us.


Poor old Bumpo got hit on the head with a bottle.


But as he had a very strong head it only raised a small bump[こぶ] while the bottle smashed into a thousand pieces.


When we reached the ship’s side the Doctor had the anchor drawn up[~を引き上げる] and the sails set and everything in readiness[待機姿勢で] to get away.


Looking back we saw boats coming out from[~から出てくる] the harbor-wall after us, filled with angry, shouting men.


So we didn’t bother to[わざわざ~する] unload our rowboat but just tied it on to the ship’s stern with a rope and jumped aboard.

そこで、ボートから荷を降ろす暇もなく、船尾にロープで縛りつけたまま ダイシャクシギ号に飛び乗ったのだ。

It only took a moment more to swing the Curlew round into the wind[風が吹いていく方向と反対の方向に]; and soon we were speeding out of the harbor on our way to Brazil.


“Ha!” sighed Polynesia, as we all flopped down on the deck to take a rest[休息をとる] and get our breath.[息づかいが普通に戻る]


“That wasn’t a bad adventure — quite reminds me of my old seafaring days when I sailed with the smugglers


Golly, that was the life![これが人生というものだわ] — Never mind your head, Bumpo. It will be all right when the Doctor puts a little arnica on it.


Think what we got out of the scrap[喧嘩,闘争]: a boat-load of ship’s stores, pockets full of jewelry and thousands of pesetas. Not bad, you know — not bad.”

脱走騒ぎで手に入ったものは… 小船いっぱいの食料、ポケットいっぱいの宝石、そして数千ペセタ。悪くない。悪くないわ」