『ドリトル先生航海記』 英文/和訳 【4-3-2.悪天候】

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Indeed[実に, 実際に] the whole sky was now beginning to take on a very threatening look.


The black line to the eastward[東方へ] grew blacker as it came nearer and nearer. A low, rumbly, whispering[ささやき, ひそひそ話] noise went moaning[(風などの)うなり声] over the sea.


The water which had been so blue and smiling turned to a ruffled[波立たせる] ugly gray.


And across the darkening sky, shreds[断片] of cloud swept[掃除する, 掃く] like tattered[ぼろぼろの, ぼろを着た] witches flying from the storm.


I must confess[白状する] I was frightened. You see I had only so far seen the sea in friendly moods:


sometimes quiet and lazy; sometimes laughing, venturesome and reckless; sometimes brooding[~をじっと考え込む, くよくよ考える] and poetic,

ある時は静かで怠惰な、ある時は笑い、冒険的で無鉄砲な、(月光がさざ波を銀の糸に変え、… ~する)時は静かに漂う詩的な。

when moonbeams turned her ripples into silver threads and dreaming snowy night-clouds piled up fairy-castles in the sky.

月光さざ波を銀のに変え、幻想的な雪をかぶった夜空の雲が、空中の妖精のお城のように積み重なる (時は静かに漂う詩的な海だった)

But as yet I had not known, or even guessed at, the terrible strength of the Sea’s wild anger.


When that storm finally struck us we leaned[傾く] right over[直上] flatly[水平に] on our side, as though some invisible giant had slapped the poor Curlew on the cheek.


After that things happened so thick and so fast[次々と、どんどん] that what with the wind that stopped your breath,


the driving,[〈あらしなど〉猛烈な] blinding water, the deafening noise and the rest, I haven’t a very clear idea of how our shipwreck came about.[起こる]


I remember seeing the sails, which we were now trying to roll up upon the deck,

私は甲板の上に巻き上げようとしていた帆が  ~のを覚えている。

torn out[引き裂く] of our hands by the wind and go overboard like a penny balloon—very nearly carrying Chee-Chee with them.


And I have a dim[おぼろげな] recollection of Polynesia screeching somewhere for one of us to go downstairs and close the port-holes.


In spite of our masts being bare of sail we were now scudding[(強風に追われて)ほとんど帆を揚げずに走る] along to the southward at a great pace.


But every once in a while huge gray-black waves would arise from under the ship’s side like nightmare monsters, swell and climb, then crash down upon us, pressing us into the sea;


and the poor Curlew would come to a standstill,[行き詰まる] half under water, like a gasping,[あえぎ, 息切れ] drowning[おぼれ死にする] pig.


While I was clambering[やっとはい登る] along towards the wheel to see the Doctor,


clinging like a leech[ヒル] with hands and legs to the rails lest[~しないように] I be blown overboard,[(船から)水中に] one of these tremendous seas tore loose[〔物が強く引っ張られて〕外れる] my hold,[握り]


filled my throat[のど] with water and swept me like a cork the full length of[全長] the deck.


My head struck a door with an awful bang. And then I fainted.
