【 hinder – 妨げる、遅らせる】


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  1. Impede: 妨げる、遅らせる
  2. Obstruct: 妨害する、塞ぐ
  3. Inhibit: 抑制する、阻害する
  4. Hamper: 妨げる、邪魔する
  5. Retard: 遅らせる、妨げる


  1. Assist: 援助する、助ける
  2. Facilitate: 促進する、容易にする
  3. Promote: 促進する、推進する
  4. Aid: 援助する、支援する
  5. Advance: 進歩させる、前進させる


  1. Hunter: 「hunter」は「狩人」という意味の名詞です。発音が似ているため、「hinder」と混同されることがありますが、意味や用法は異なります。
  2. Tender: 「tender」は複数の意味を持つ単語であり、例えば「柔らかい」「入札」といった意味があります。つづりや発音が似ているため、「hinder」と混同されることがあります。
  3. Binder: 「binder」は「束ねるもの」「バインダー」といった意味の名詞です。発音が似ているため、「hinder」と混同されることがありますが、意味や用法は異なります。

【 hinder – 妨げる、遅らせる】を使った例文

  1. The heavy rain hindered our progress as we tried to reach the summit of the mountain.
  2. Lack of funding can hinder the development of small businesses.
  3. The construction on the road is hindering traffic flow in the area.
  4. Poor time management can hinder academic success.
  5. Negative attitudes can hinder teamwork and collaboration among colleagues.

【 hinder – 妨げる、遅らせる】のコロケーション

  1. hinder progress – 進行を妨げる 進捗や発展の過程を遅らせるまたは停止させることを意味します。
  2. hinder growth – 成長を妨げる 経済的、個人的、または生物学的な成長の過程を妨げることを指します。
  3. hinder performance – パフォーマンスを妨げる 仕事やスポーツなどのパフォーマンスが低下することを表します。
  4. hinder development – 発展を妨げる 個人、組織、国家などの発展を遅らせることを意味します。
  5. hinder efforts – 努力を妨げる ある目標に向けた努力や取り組みが阻害されることを指します。

“Hindrance to Breakthrough: The Story of Leo’s Resolve” – 突破への妨げ:レオの決意の物語

In the vibrant city of Veloria, a young inventor named Leo was working on a revolutionary project that could change the world. However, his efforts were constantly hindered by a lack of funding and resources.


One day, while testing his invention, an unexpected malfunction occurred, which further hindered his progress. Leo realized he needed a new approach to overcome these obstacles.


Determined not to let anything hinder his dream, Leo sought help from his friends, who were experts in various fields. Their collective knowledge helped him to find solutions to the problems that had hindered his invention.


In the end, despite all the challenges that hindered him, Leo successfully completed his invention. His perseverance and the support of his friends triumphed over the obstacles that once hindered his path.


The unveiling of Leo’s invention was a huge success, and it brought about significant advancements in technology. It was a testament to the fact that with determination and collaboration, any hindrance can be overcome.



You are a customer at a financial institution. During a meeting with a financial advisor, you express your desire to invest in a particular stock. The advisor informs you about potential risks associated with that stock and how they may 【hinder】 your investment goals. They provide alternative investment options that align with your objectives and have a lower risk profile.

Which word correctly fills the blank?
a) enhance
b) support
c) hinder
d) expedite

正しい答えは c) hinder です。




  • a) enhance: 「強化する」という意味ですが、この文脈では、投資目標が強化されることを示すものではありません。
  • b) support: 「支援する」という意味ですが、ここではリスクが投資目標を支援するという文脈には合いません。
  • c) hinder: 「妨げる」という意味で、この文脈では、リスクが投資目標の達成を妨げる可能性を示しています。
  • d) expedite: 「加速する」という意味ですが、ここでのリスクは投資目標の達成を加速するとは言えません。

したがって、文脈に最も適したのは「hinder」、つまり c) です。この単語が、株式投資のリスクが投資目標に及ぼす潜在的な妨げを適切に表現しています。

The correct answer is c) hinder.


In this scenario, a customer at a financial institution expresses interest in investing in a particular stock during a meeting with a financial advisor. The advisor informs the customer about the potential risks associated with that stock and how they may “hinder” (obstruct or impede) the achievement of the customer’s investment goals. They also provide alternative investment options that are more aligned with the customer’s objectives and have a lower risk profile.

Explanation of the choices:

  • a) enhance: Means “to improve” or “strengthen,” but it does not fit this context where the focus is on the negative impact of risks.
  • b) support: Means “to assist” or “back up,” but here the context does not suggest that risks support the investment goals.
  • c) hinder: Means “to obstruct” or “impede,” which accurately describes how the risks could negatively affect the customer’s investment goals.
  • d) expedite: Means “to speed up” or “accelerate,” but the risks in question do not facilitate the achievement of investment goals.

Therefore, the most fitting word for the context is “hinder,” which is c). This word appropriately describes the potential of the stock’s risks to obstruct or impede the customer’s investment goals.