【 ignorant – 無知な、知識のない】


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  1. Uninformed: 知識のない、情報を持たない
  2. Unaware: 無意識な、気づいていない
  3. Illiterate: 読み書きができない、無学な
  4. Naive: 無邪気な、世慣れていない
  5. Inexperienced: 経験のない、未熟な


  1. Knowledgeable: 知識が豊富な、博識な
  2. Informed: 知識を持った、情報通である
  3. Educated: 教養のある、学識のある
  4. Aware: 意識している、認識している
  5. Enlightened: 啓発された、理解がある


  1. Arrogant: 「arrogant」は「傲慢な」「自惚れた」という意味の形容詞です。発音が似ているため、「ignorant」と混同されることがありますが、意味やニュアンスは異なります。
  2. Innocent: 「innocent」は「無実の」「無罪の」といった意味の形容詞です。つづりや発音が似ているため、「ignorant」と混同されることがありますが、意味や用法は異なります。
  3. Intolerant: 「intolerant」は「寛容でない」「偏狭な」といった意味の形容詞です。発音が似ているため、「ignorant」と混同されることがありますが、意味や用法は異なります。


  1. He made a lot of assumptions about the topic, showing how ignorant he was about the subject.
  2. It is important to educate ourselves and others to prevent ignorant beliefs and promote understanding.
  3. The teacher patiently answered the ignorant questions of the students, helping them gain knowledge and understanding.
  4. She realized how ignorant she had been about the cultural traditions of that country, and she decided to learn more about them.
  5. The comments he made were based on ignorant assumptions and stereotypes, revealing his lack of understanding and knowledge.

【 ignorant – 無知な、知識のない】のコロケーション

  1. ignorant of the facts(事実を知らない) – 何かの事実や情報について知識がないことを示します。
  2. willfully ignorant(意図的に無知な) – 知識を得る機会があるにもかかわらず、意図的に無知を選ぶことを意味します。
  3. remain ignorant(無知のままでいる) – 知識を得ることなく、ある状態や主題について無知でい続けることを指します。
  4. ignorant remark(無知な発言) – 知識が不足しているために、誤ったか不適切な発言をすることを表します。
  5. ignorant about(〜について無知) – 特定の主題や分野に関する知識がないことを示します。

“From Ignorance to Belonging in Littlebrook” – リトルブルックでの無知から属するまで

In the quaint village of Littlebrook, everyone knew everyone, except for Mr. Thompson, who was ignorant of his neighbors’ lives. He prided himself on not meddling in others’ affairs, but his ignorance often led him to misunderstandings.


One day, he overheard a conversation about a supposed treasure buried under the old oak tree. Ignorant of the local legend that it was just a children’s tale, he spent the night digging.


When the villagers found him covered in mud, they laughed heartily at his ignorant endeavor. Mr. Thompson, feeling foolish, realized how ignorant he had been about the community’s culture and history.


Determined to change, Mr. Thompson began attending local gatherings, shedding his ignorant persona. He learned about his neighbors, their stories, and the village’s rich history.


In time, he was no longer the ignorant outsider but an integral part of the Littlebrook community. His journey from ignorance to enlightenment brought the village together, proving that knowledge was not just power, but a pathway to unity.



You are a customer service representative at a bank. A customer approaches you with a complaint about an unauthorized transaction on their account. The customer is upset and expresses their frustration, stating that they were 【ignorant】 of any potential security risks. You handle the situation professionally, explaining the necessary steps to investigate and resolve the issue, while reassuring the customer that their concerns will be addressed.

Which word correctly fills the blank?
a) ignorant
b) competent
c) compliant
d) proficient

正しい答えは a) ignorant です。




  • a) ignorant: 「無知」という意味で、知らない、または情報がない状態を示します。この文脈では、顧客がセキュリティリスクについて知らなかったことを示しています。
  • b) competent: 「有能な」という意味ですが、この状況には合いません。
  • c) compliant: 「従順な」や「規則に従う」という意味で、この状況には適していません。
  • d) proficient: 「熟練した」という意味ですが、この文脈での顧客の状態を表すのには不適切です。

したがって、文脈に最も適したのは「ignorant」、つまり a) です。顧客がセキュリティリスクについて知らなかったことを示しているため、この単語が最も適切な選択となります。

The correct answer is a) ignorant.


In this scenario, a customer service representative at a bank is addressing a customer’s complaint about an unauthorized transaction on their account. The customer is upset and expresses their frustration, stating that they were “ignorant” (unaware) of any potential security risks. The representative handles the situation professionally, explaining the necessary steps to investigate and resolve the issue, while reassuring the customer that their concerns will be addressed.

Explanation of the choices:

  • a) ignorant: Means “lacking knowledge or awareness.” In this context, it indicates that the customer was unaware of the security risks.
  • b) competent: Means “having the necessary ability or skills.” It is not appropriate for this situation.
  • c) compliant: Means “agreeing or obeying rules.” It does not fit this context.
  • d) proficient: Means “skilled or experienced.” It is not suitable to describe the customer’s state in this context.

Therefore, the most fitting word for the context is “ignorant,” which is a). It appropriately describes the customer’s lack of awareness about the security risks.