
ホーム » ★英単語 語源・例文 » ☆初級単語 » 【 involve – 巻き込む、関与する】

【 involve – 巻き込む、関与する】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?








  1. Include: 含む、含める
  2. Engage: 関与させる、従事させる
  3. Encompass: 取り囲む、包括する
  4. Incorporate: 取り入れる、組み込む
  5. Entail: 伴う、必要とする


  1. Exclude: 除外する、取り除く
  2. Disengage: 関与を解消する、離れる
  3. Uninvolve: 関与を解消する、関与しない
  4. Omit: 省略する、除外する
  5. Detach: 切り離す、分離する


  1. Evolve: 「evolve」は「進化する」「発展する」という意味の動詞ですが、発音やつづりが「involve」と似ているため、混同されることがあります。
  2. Revolve: 「revolve」は「回転する」「循環する」という意味の動詞ですが、つづりが「involve」と似ているため、誤って使われることがあります。
  3. Solve: 「solve」は「解決する」という意味の動詞ですが、発音が「involve」と類似しているため、混同されることがあります。


  1. The new project will involve multiple departments working together to achieve the desired outcome.
  2. I don’t want to involve you in this complicated situation. It’s better if you stay out of it.
  3. The teacher encouraged students to actively involve themselves in class discussions.
  4. The investigation revealed that several high-ranking officials were involved in the corruption scandal.
  5. The success of the project heavily relies on involving stakeholders from different sectors and gathering their feedback.

【 involve – 巻き込む、関与する】のコロケーション

  1. involve in a project(プロジェクトに関与する) – あるプロジェクトや活動に積極的に参加または関与すること。
  2. become involved(関与するようになる) – 何らかの活動、問題、状況などに関与し始めること。
  3. involve in a dispute(争いに巻き込まれる) – 争いや議論に関与すること。
  4. involve in decision making(意思決定に関与する) – 決定や選択のプロセスに参加または影響を与えること。
  5. deeply involved(深く関与している) – 何かに深く関わっている、またはその事柄に強い影響を受けている状態。
  6. involve in a relationship(関係に関与する) – 人間関係や対人関係に深く関わること。
  7. involve in a scandal(スキャンダルに巻き込まれる) – 不祥事や問題に関与すること。
  8. involve in a community(コミュニティに関与する) – 地域社会やグループの活動に積極的に参加すること。
  9. involve in research(研究に関与する) – 研究プロジェクトや科学的探求に関わること。

“Involving the Truth: A Daring Investigation” – 真実に関与する:大胆な調査

In the bustling city of Metroville, a young detective, Sarah, found herself deeply involved in a mysterious case. The city’s renowned museum had lost a priceless artifact, and all clues pointed to an inside job.


As Sarah delved deeper, she realized that the case involved more than just theft; it was a web of intrigue involving several high-profile individuals. The deeper she got, the more dangerous her investigation became.


Her friend John, a journalist, became involved in helping her uncover the truth. Together, they gathered evidence, involving themselves in risky situations to get to the bottom of the mystery.


The climax involved a daring confrontation with the culprits at the museum. Sarah and John, risking everything, managed to expose the conspiracy, bringing the criminals to justice.


In the end, Sarah’s involvement in the case not only solved the mystery but also brought her recognition as a brilliant detective. She had become a hero in Metroville, known for her courage and determination to involve herself in the pursuit of truth.



You are a travel agent assisting a customer with their travel arrangements. The customer is interested in booking a vacation package that 【involves】 multiple destinations and activities. As you suggest various itineraries, you highlight the benefits of choosing a package that 【involves】 guided tours, local experiences, and cultural immersion. You explain that such a package would provide a comprehensive and engaging travel experience.


  1. 複数の目的地と活動を含む旅行パッケージ: まず、顧客は複数の目的地と活動を含む旅行パッケージに興味を持っているという状況です。ここでの「involves」は、旅行プランにさまざまな目的地やアクティビティが含まれることを指しています。つまり、多様な経験を提供する複合的な旅行プランを顧客に提案しています。
  2. ガイド付きツアー、地元体験、文化的な浸透を含むパッケージの選択の利点: 次に、担当者はガイド付きツアーや地元での体験、文化的な浸透を含むパッケージの選択の利点を強調しています。ここでも「involves」は、旅行パッケージにこれらの要素が含まれることを意味しており、それによって包括的で魅力的な旅行体験が提供されると説明しています。


In this listening comprehension question, the scenario involves a travel agent assisting a customer with their travel arrangements. The key aspect to note is the use of the word “involves.” This word means to include or to entail, and it is used in two different contexts here.

  1. Travel Package Involving Multiple Destinations and Activities: First, the customer is interested in booking a vacation package that “involves” multiple destinations and activities. Here, “involves” indicates that the travel plan includes a variety of destinations and activities. The agent is suggesting a multifaceted travel package that offers diverse experiences.
  2. Benefits of Choosing a Package that Involves Guided Tours, Local Experiences, and Cultural Immersion: Next, the agent highlights the benefits of choosing a package that “involves” guided tours, local experiences, and cultural immersion. Again, “involves” here means that these elements are included in the travel package, explaining that such a package would provide a comprehensive and engaging travel experience.

The point in this question is to understand how “involves” is used in different contexts and what it signifies in each scenario. In both cases, the emphasis is on how the elements included in the travel package enhance the value and appeal of the trip for the customer.