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【 surpass – 超える、上回る】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?






  1. Exceed(超える)
  2. Outdo(上回る)
  3. Outperform(優れる)
  4. Overtake(追い越す)
  5. Excel(優れる)


  1. Fall behind(遅れる)
  2. Trail(劣る)
  3. Lag(遅れる)
  4. Underperform(劣る)
  5. Fail to meet(満たせない)


  1. Surplus(余剰): 「surplus」は「surpass」と音やスペルが似ていますが、意味は異なります。「surplus」は余剰、余りという意味を持ちます。
  2. Supersede(取って代わる): 「supersede」も「surpass」と音が似ていますが、意味は異なります。「supersede」は取って代わる、後継するという意味を持ちます。
  3. Surface(表面): 「surface」は「surpass」とスペルが似ていますが、全く異なる意味を持ちます。「surface」は表面、外見という意味を持ちます。


  1. Her talent as a singer surpasses that of anyone I have ever heard.
  2. The company’s sales figures this quarter surpassed all expectations.
  3. He worked diligently to surpass his own limitations and achieve greatness.
  4. The team’s performance on the field surpassed everyone’s expectations.
  5. The new technology is expected to surpass its predecessor in terms of speed and efficiency.

【 surpass – 超える、上回る】のコロケーションを教えてください

  1. Surpass Expectations (期待を超える): 予想や見込みを上回る成果やパフォーマンスを達成することを意味します。
  2. Surpass the Record (記録を超える): スポーツやその他の分野で、以前の記録や最高記録を上回ることを指します。
  3. Surpass the Competition (競争相手を超える): ビジネスやスポーツなどで、競争相手よりも優れた成績や成果を達成することを意味します。
  4. Surpass the Limit (限界を超える): 物理的、精神的、または技術的な限界を超越することを表します。
  5. Surpass One’s Own Abilities (自己の能力を超える): 個人が自分自身の既知の能力やスキルを超えることを意味します。

“The Surpassed Legend of Greenwood’s Treasure” – グリーンウッドの宝物の超えられた伝説

In the small town of Greenwood, there was a legend of a hidden treasure that could surpass all known riches. Many adventurers had tried to find it, but none had succeeded.


Young Lily, a local librarian, believed she could surpass the challenges that foiled others. Armed with ancient maps and her sharp wit, she set out to uncover the treasure.


Her journey led her to a cave where the treasure’s secrets were said to surpass human understanding. Inside, she found not only gold and jewels but also ancient wisdom that surpassed any material wealth.


Lily used this wisdom to help her town. She introduced innovations that surpassed everyone’s expectations, transforming Greenwood into a prosperous and happy community.


In the end, Lily realized that the true treasure was the knowledge and growth she had gained, which surpassed any physical treasure. She became a legend herself, inspiring others to seek treasures beyond material wealth.
