【 turmoil – 騒動、混乱】


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  1. Chaos: 混沌、無秩序
  2. Confusion: 混乱、困惑
  3. Disorder: 無秩序、乱れ
  4. Upheaval: 大変動、激変
  5. Tumult: 騒動、騒乱


  1. Calm: 平静、落ち着き
  2. Stability: 安定、安定性
  3. Order: 秩序、整然とした状態
  4. Tranquility: 静けさ、平穏
  5. Harmony: 調和、和睦


  1. Tremor: 「tremor」は地震や振動を意味する名詞です。発音やつづりが似ているため、「turmoil」と混同されることがありますが、意味や用法は異なります。
  2. Tumult: 「tumult」は騒動や騒乱を意味する名詞です。「turmoil」と意味や用法が似ているため、混同されることがありますが、ニュアンスや使用範囲に違いがあります。
  3. Trouble: 「trouble」は問題や困難を意味する名詞です。発音やつづりが似ているため、「turmoil」と混同されることがありますが、範囲や強調点に違いがあります。

【 turmoil – 騒動、混乱】を使った例文

  1. The country is currently in a state of political turmoil, with protests and demonstrations taking place across the nation.
  2. The sudden announcement of layoffs caused turmoil among the employees, leading to a sense of uncertainty and fear in the workplace.
  3. The financial market experienced turmoil as stock prices plummeted and investors panicked.
  4. The family went through a period of turmoil after the sudden loss of their loved one, struggling to come to terms with the grief and find a new sense of normalcy.
  5. The company’s reorganization caused turmoil among the employees, as job roles and responsibilities were reassigned, leading to a sense of insecurity and unease.

【 turmoil – 騒動、混乱】のコロケーション

  1. political turmoil – 政治的な騒動 政治的な不安定さや混乱の状況を意味します。
  2. economic turmoil – 経済的な混乱 経済の不安定さや市場の混沌を指します。
  3. social turmoil – 社会的な騒動 社会の中で起こる混乱や不安定な状況を表します。
  4. personal turmoil – 個人的な混乱 個人的な生活の中での混乱や困難を意味します。
  5. emotional turmoil – 感情的な騒動 感情的な混乱や内面の苦悩を指します。

“Turmoil in Elandor: Lily’s Quest for Truth” – エランドールの騒動:リリーの真実への探求

In the kingdom of Elandor, a sudden political turmoil threatened the peace. The king had vanished, leaving the throne empty and the nobles in a state of chaos.


Amidst this turmoil, a young peasant named Lily discovered a secret about the king’s disappearance. She found herself in emotional turmoil, unsure whether to reveal the truth or protect her family from potential danger.


Lily’s decision to act brought more turmoil as she navigated through social and political upheavals. Her courage began to stir a movement among the people, tired of the nobles’ indifference.


As the turmoil reached its peak, Lily faced the nobles in a dramatic showdown. Her words echoed through the halls, highlighting the need for change and unity in the face of turmoil.


The aftermath of the turmoil saw Elandor emerge stronger and more united. Lily’s role in ending the turmoil was forever remembered as a pivotal moment in the kingdom’s history.



You are a bank teller attending to customers at a busy branch. Suddenly, there is a technical glitch in the computer system, causing a temporary outage. Customers start to express their frustration and concern about their transactions. You remain calm and assure them that the issue will be resolved soon, apologizing for the 【turmoil】 caused by the system malfunction.

Which word correctly fills the blank?
a) improvement
b) turmoil
c) support
d) efficiency

正しい答えは b) turmoil です。




  • a) improvement: 「改善」という意味ですが、この文脈には適していません。
  • b) turmoil: 「混乱」や「騒動」という意味で、システム障害によって生じた状況を正確に表しています。
  • c) support: 「支援」や「サポート」という意味ですが、この文脈での混乱状態を表すには不適切です。
  • d) efficiency: 「効率性」という意味ですが、障害による混乱を指す言葉ではありません。

したがって、文脈に最も適したのは「turmoil」、つまり b) です。この単語が、システムの故障によって引き起こされた混乱状態を適切に表現しています。

The correct answer is b) turmoil.


In this scenario, a bank teller at a busy branch is dealing with a sudden technical glitch in the computer system, causing a temporary outage. The customers begin to express their frustration and concern about their transactions. The bank teller remains calm and reassures them that the issue will be resolved soon, apologizing for the “turmoil” (confusion or disturbance) caused by the system malfunction.

Explanation of the choices:

  • a) improvement: Means “enhancement” or “betterment,” which does not fit this context.
  • b) turmoil: Means “a state of confusion or disorder,” which accurately describes the situation caused by the system failure.
  • c) support: Means “assistance” or “help,” but it is not appropriate to describe the state of confusion in this context.
  • d) efficiency: Means “being effective without wasting time or effort,” which is not relevant to describing the disruption caused by the outage.

Therefore, the most fitting word for the context is “turmoil,” which is b). This word appropriately describes the state of confusion and disturbance caused by the system malfunction.