Read the following passage and answer the question.
Why do hotels often provide shuttle services to their guests?
【coincide】 – to happen at the same time, to be in agreement or harmony
Many hotels offer shuttle services to their guests. These services are designed to provide convenience and enhance the guest experience. By offering shuttle services, hotels ensure that guests can easily travel to and from the hotel, such as to nearby attractions, airports, or business centers. This coincides with the goal of providing a seamless and hassle-free stay for guests, allowing them to focus on enjoying their trip without the need to worry about transportation logistics.
Question: Why do hotels often provide shuttle services to their guests, as mentioned in the passage?
a) To discourage customer satisfaction and repeat business.
b) To conform to outdated hospitality standards and practices.
c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.
d) To avoid taking responsibility for guest complaints.
解答: c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.
【coincide】 – 同時に起こる、一致または調和する
質問: 文章で述べられているように、なぜホテルはゲストにシャトルサービスを提供するのでしょうか?
a) 顧客満足度とリピートビジネスを阻止するため
b) 時代遅れのホスピタリティ基準や慣行に従うため
c) ゲストの経験を向上させ、ポジティブなレビューを促進するため
d) ゲストの苦情への責任を回避するため
Read the following conversation and answer the question.
Why should hotel staff be trained to handle emergencies?
A: Good evening. I noticed the emergency exit signs are not clearly marked.
B: Thank you for bringing it to my attention. We apologize for the oversight. We will make sure to address it promptly.
A: It’s important to have clear emergency signage to ensure the safety of guests in case of an evacuation.
B: Absolutely. Safety is our top priority, and we will coincide with the regulations and improve the signage immediately.
A: Thank you for your understanding and prompt action.
Question: Why should hotel staff be trained to handle emergencies, as mentioned in the conversation?
a) To discourage customer satisfaction and repeat business.
b) To conform to outdated hospitality standards and practices.
c) To enhance guest experience and promote positive reviews.
d) To ensure the safety of guests in emergency situations.
A: こんばんは。非常口の標識がはっきりと表示されていないことに気づきました。
B: ご指摘ありがとうございます。この監督不行層に対してお詫び申し上げます。すぐに対処いたします。
A: 避難する際には、明確な非常用の表示があることが、ゲストの安全を確保するために重要です。
B: 完全にその通りです。安全は私たちの最優先事項であり、規則に従い、すぐに標識を改善します。
A: ご理解と迅速な対応に感謝いたします。
a) 顧客満足とリピートビジネスを抑えるため。
b) 時代遅れのホスピタリティ基準や慣習に従うため。
c) ゲストの経験を向上させ、肯定的なレビューを促進するため。
d) 緊急事態においてゲストの安全を確保するため。
解答: d) To ensure the safety of guests in emergency situations.