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【Corporate   法人の】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?

“Corporate” の語源は、ラテン語の “corpus” に由来します。これは “body”(体、団体)を意味し、後に “corporatus” という形容詞が形成され、”formed into a body”(一つの体に形成された)という意味になりました。中世ラテン語の “corporare” は “to form into a body”(体に形成する)という動詞で、これが英語の “corporate” の直接の起源です。

“Corporate” は当初、文字通り「一つの体として組織された」あるいは「団体形成された」ものを指すために使われました。時間が経つにつれて、この単語は特に法人、企業、または組織といった意味で使用されるようになり、現代ではビジネスの文脈で頻繁に使われるようになりました。これは、個々の人々が集まって一つの法的な団体を形成する、という概念から来ています。

The origin of the word “corporate” can be traced back to the Latin word “corpus,” which means “body” or “group,” leading to the formation of the adjective “corporatus,” signifying “formed into a body.” The Medieval Latin verb “corporare,” meaning “to form into a body,” is the direct precursor to the English term “corporate.”

Initially, “corporate” was used to describe something organized or formed into a body or group. Over time, the term came to be specifically used in the context of corporations, businesses, or organizations, reflecting the modern usage frequently encountered in business contexts. This evolution reflects the concept of individuals coming together to form a single legal entity.



  1. Business: ビジネス、企業。商業活動に関連する組織や団体。
  2. Institutional: 機関の。特定の目的を持つ組織や団体、特に公共のものや教育的なもの。
  3. Organizational: 組織の。組織やその構造に関連するもの。
  4. Company: 会社。商業活動を行う団体や企業。
  5. Incorporated (Inc.): 法人化された。公式に登記され、法人格を持つ組織。
  6. Limited (Ltd.): 有限の。責任が出資額に限定される法人組織。


  1. Individual: 個人の。法人と対比され、一人の人間を指す。
  2. Personal: 個人的な。個人に属するか、個人的な利益や特性に関連するもの。
  3. Sole Proprietorship: 個人事業主。一人の所有者によって運営されるビジネス形態で、法人格を持たない。
  4. Unincorporated: 非法人化の。法人格を持たず、法的には個人または複数の個人として扱われる団体。


  1. Corporation(法人):「Corporate」と非常に似ていますが、単数形の「corporation」は法的な意味合いを持つ特定の組織を指す場合に使用されます。
  2. Cooperate(協力する):発音や綴りが似ていますが、意味や品詞が異なります。「Cooperate」は行動や活動に協力することを指す動詞です。
  3. Corroborate(裏付ける):綴りが似ているため、混同されやすい単語ですが、「Corroborate」は主張や証言を裏付けることを意味します。






There aren’t specific anecdotes or stories directly associated with the term “corporate” as general knowledge, but this term is linked to many significant events related to the development of corporations, the formation of corporate culture, or stories of challenges and successes faced by specific companies.

The concept of “corporate” has played a central role at pivotal moments in economic history, such as the rapid development of companies during the Industrial Revolution or the rise of multinational corporations in the 20th century. In contemporary discussions on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and business ethics, “corporate” also serves as a key term.

As for specific episodes, examples include instances where a company has actively engaged in environmental protection or social contribution activities, or conversely, cases where corporate misconduct or environmental destruction has been exposed, leading to public criticism. These episodes highlight the significant impact corporations have on society and deepen our understanding of the ethical aspects of corporate actions.

However, these are not anecdotes about the term “corporate” itself but examples that illustrate the role the concept of a corporation has played in human history and society.


The corporate headquarters is located in the heart of the city.

The company implemented a new corporate culture focused on employee well-being.

The board of directors discussed the corporate strategy for the upcoming year.

She is a senior executive with extensive corporate experience.

The company aims to achieve strong corporate governance through transparent policies and procedures.

【corporate   法人の】のコロケーション

  1. Corporate Governance (企業統治): 企業がどのように運営され、監督されるかに関するプロセス、慣行、ポリシーを指します。株主、取締役会、その他の利害関係者間の関係と責任が焦点になります。
  2. Corporate Culture (企業文化): ある企業内で共有される価値観、慣習、信念、行動様式を指します。企業文化は、従業員の働き方や企業のアイデンティティに大きな影響を与えます。
  3. Corporate Responsibility (企業責任): 企業が社会や環境に対して持つ責任のこと。CSR(企業の社会的責任)とも呼ばれ、持続可能なビジネス慣行や社会貢献活動が含まれます。
  4. Corporate Strategy (企業戦略): 企業が長期的な目標を達成するために策定する計画や方針。市場での競争優位を確立し、成長を目指すための戦略的な取り組みです。
  5. Corporate Identity (企業アイデンティティ): 企業のブランドやイメージを形成する要素全般を指します。ロゴ、デザイン、コーポレートカラーなどが、企業のアイデンティティを構築するのに貢献します。








The term “corporate” is frequently used in various contexts related to corporations and businesses, making it an indispensable term in the world of business. This term helps to articulate the multifaceted aspects of corporate operations, including internal structure, culture, social responsibility, and strategy.

Firstly, “corporate governance” highlights how a company is operated and supervised, emphasizing the importance of transparency and accountability in the organization. It underscores the significance of properly managing relationships with shareholders and other stakeholders.

Next, “corporate culture” refers to the shared values and beliefs within a company, which can significantly influence employee behavior and the company’s identity. A positive corporate culture can be a factor in enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity.

“Corporate responsibility” points to the obligations a company has towards society and the environment. This includes sustainable business practices and contributions to the community, highlighting the consideration of a company’s social impact.

“Corporate strategy” denotes the plans and policies a company formulates to achieve long-term success. It enables a company to establish competitive advantages in the market and pursue growth.

Lastly, “corporate identity” refers to the elements that form a company’s brand and image. This has a profound effect on how customers and the market perceive the company.

These collocations demonstrate the crucial role “corporate” plays in the management and development of corporate organizations. They aid in deepening the understanding of the challenges companies face and the strategic efforts made to achieve their goals.


問題 1: Fill in the blank:

The CEO discussed the company’s __ strategy during the annual meeting.

  • (A) corporate
  • (B) cooperate
  • (C) corporation
  • (D) corporately

正解: (A) corporate

「corporate strategy」(企業戦略)という表現が適切です。その他の選択肢(cooperate: 協力する、corporation: 法人、corporately: 法人的に)は文脈に合いません。

問題 2: Choose the correct form of the word:

The new policy aims to improve the __ culture within the organization.

  • (A) corporate
  • (B) corporations
  • (C) corporates
  • (D) corporation

正解: (A) corporate

「corporate culture」(企業文化)という表現が適切です。その他の選択肢(corporations: 法人の複数形、corporates: 企業の複数形、corporation: 法人)は文脈に合いません。

問題 3: Select the sentence that uses the word correctly:

  • (A) The corporate of the project was delayed due to unforeseen issues.
  • (B) She works in a corporate office downtown.
  • (C) They decided to corporate with another firm for the project.
  • (D) The company announced its new cooperate plan.

正解: (B) She works in a corporate office downtown.


  • (A) 「corporate」は形容詞なので名詞として使えません。
  • (C) 「corporate」は形容詞であり、動詞としては使えません。「cooperate」が正しい。
  • (D) 「cooperate」は動詞であり、形容詞「corporate」と混同されています。

問題 4: Identify the part of speech:

The word “corporate” in the sentence “Our corporate values emphasize integrity and innovation” is a:

  • (A) noun
  • (B) verb
  • (C) adjective
  • (D) adverb

正解: (C) adjective


問題 5: Correct the following sentence:

The corporate policy need to be reviewed annually to ensure it meets current standards.

  • (A) The corporates policy need to be reviewed annually to ensure it meets current standards.
  • (B) The corporate policy needs to be reviewed annually to ensure it meets current standards.
  • (C) The corporation policy need to be reviewed annually to ensure it meets current standards.
  • (D) The cooperate policy need to be reviewed annually to ensure it meets current standards.

正解: (B) The corporate policy needs to be reviewed annually to ensure it meets current standards.


  • (A) 「corporates」は複数形であり、「policy」に合いません。
  • (C) 「corporation」は名詞であり、形容詞「corporate」が必要です。
  • (D) 「cooperate」は動詞であり、「corporate」とは異なります。