
ホーム » ★英単語 語源・例文 » Lv.9 » 【meager – 乏しい、貧弱な】

【meager – 乏しい、貧弱な】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?


The word “meager” originates from the Old French “maigre,” which can be traced back to its earliest form in the Latin “macrum,” meaning “thin” or “lean.” It was used to describe physical thinness or scantiness. Over time, “meager” was adopted into English to denote a lack of material or abstract richness or quantity, thus meaning “scarce” or “insufficient.” In contemporary English, it is used to describe situations where resources, quantity, quality, or content are inadequate.



  1. Scant – 不十分な
  2. Sparse – 希薄な
  3. Insufficient – 不足している
  4. Limited – 限られた
  5. Paltry – ごくわずかな
  6. Inadequate – 不適切な、不十分な
  7. Skimpy – 乏しい、わずかな
  8. Slim – 少ない、細い
  9. Minimal – 最小限の
  10. Measly – しょぼい、貧弱な


  1. Abundant – 豊富な
  2. Plentiful – たくさんの
  3. Ample – 十分な
  4. Generous – 寛大な、豊富な
  5. Copious – 多量の
  6. Substantial – たっぷりの、実質的な
  7. Rich – 豊かな
  8. Bountiful – 豊富な、たくさんの
  9. Plenteous – 豊富な
  10. Lavish – 気前の良い、豪華な


  1. Sparse:
    • “Sparse”は「まばらな」や「希薄な」という意味で、特に空間的な広がりの中で物事が少ないことを指します。”Meager”と同様に量の不足を表しますが、”Sparse”は特に分布の希薄さに焦点を当てています。
  2. Scant:
    • “Scant”は「わずかな」や「不十分な」という意味で、必要量や期待される量に満たない状況を指します。”Meager”と同じく資源や量の不足を表しますが、”Scant”はより強い不足を示唆することがあります。
  3. Paltry:
    • “Paltry”は「取るに足らない」や「しょぼい」という意味で、量だけでなく価値の面でも軽視される状況を表します。”Meager”と似ていますが、”Paltry”は特に価値の低さや重要でないことを強調します。
  4. Inadequate:
    • “Inadequate”は「不適切な」や「不十分な」という意味で、特定の要求や基準を満たすのに十分でない状況を指します。”Meager”と近い意味合いを持ちますが、”Inadequate”は特に要件を満たすための能力や質の不足に焦点を当てています。






This word appears as an important theme across a wide range of fields such as economics, society, history, and literature. For example, scenarios depicting the scarcity of resources due to economic crises or natural disasters, the living conditions of the impoverished due to social disparities, or the mental and material deprivation of characters in literary works often portray “meager” circumstances.

In the realm of literature, for instance, stories of people finding happiness despite poverty, like the family of Bob Cratchit in Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol,” or the lives of struggling farmers during the Great Depression as depicted in John Steinbeck’s “The Grapes of Wrath,” deal with “meager” situations as important backgrounds or themes. These works highlight the value of humanity and family bonds even in the absence of material wealth.

Historically, the struggles and adaptations of people around “meager” resources during times of economic hardship, war, or food shortages due to natural disasters have been recorded. These episodes are passed down as evidence of the challenges and difficulties humanity has faced, as well as the creativity and resilience in response to those challenges.

These stories and historical examples related to “meager” situations demonstrate how people have found meaning and faced adversities even in scarce circumstances, offering deep insights into changes in economic and social conditions and the indomitable spirit of humanity.


Despite his hard work, he earned a meager income that barely covered his basic expenses.

The company offered meager benefits to its employees, resulting in low morale among the workforce.

The meager rations provided to the refugees were barely enough to sustain them in their dire situation.

The museum’s exhibition of ancient artifacts was disappointing, with only a meager collection on display.

She inherited a meager inheritance from her late uncle, consisting of a few old books and a small sum of money.

【meager – 乏しい、貧弱な】のコロケーション

  1. Meager resources – 乏しい資源
    • 経済的、自然的、またはその他の理由で限られている資源。この表現は、特定の地域や集団が直面している資源の不足を指摘する際に使われます。
  2. Meager income – 乏しい収入
    • 生活費や基本的なニーズを満たすのに十分でない低い収入のこと。貧困や経済的困難の状況を表すのに用いられます。
  3. Meager evidence – 乏しい証拠
    • 判断や結論を下すのに十分ではない、限られたまたは不十分な証拠。法的な文脈や研究、議論で使用され、十分な情報がないことを示します。
  4. Meager supplies – 乏しい供給
    • 食料、水、医薬品など、生存や活動に必要な物資が不足している状態。災害時や戦時、経済危機などで特に重要な表現です。
  5. Meager existence – 貧弱な生活
    • 物質的、社会的、または精神的に充足していない生活状態。この表現は、厳しい生活条件や幸福の欠如を指すのに使われます。







The term “meager” is frequently used to highlight the limitations or scarcity of resources or conditions in various situations and contexts. Common collocations that include this word are “meager resources,” “meager income,” “meager evidence,” “meager supplies,” and “meager existence.” These phrases are particularly useful for pointing out situations of limited circumstances arising from economic, natural, or social reasons.

“Meager resources” points to a shortage of resources faced by a specific area or group, focusing on the impact such conditions have on individuals or communities. Meanwhile, “meager income” describes situations of low income that are insufficient to meet basic needs or living expenses, highlighting issues of economic hardship and poverty.

“Meager evidence,” on the other hand, indicates a situation where there is a lack of sufficient information to make judgments or conclusions, used in legal contexts, research, and discussions. This expression sheds light on the impact of information scarcity on decision-making processes.

“Meager supplies” refer to the shortage of essential goods such as food, water, and medicine, particularly relevant in times of disaster, war, or economic crisis. It suggests restricted access to basic necessities.

Finally, “meager existence” expresses a state of living characterized by a lack of material, social, or mental fulfillment, focusing on the issues related to the quality of life and emphasizing the need for better living conditions.

Through these collocations, it becomes clear how “meager” is used to illustrate the constraints and difficulties of various situations, enhancing understanding. The themes of resource scarcity, economic challenges, lack of information, limited access to basic needs, and quality of life issues are pivotal to the usage of this word.


  1. Choose the correct word to fill in the blank:
    Despite his __ salary, he managed to save a considerable amount of money each month.
    a) meagerly
    b) meager
    c) meagerness
    d) meagered
    解答: b) meager 解説: この文では「彼は乏しい給料にもかかわらず、毎月かなりの額のお金を貯めた」と言っています。ここでは “salary”(給料)を説明する形容詞が必要です。”meager” は「乏しい、貧弱な」という意味の形容詞であり、文法的に正しい選択肢です。他の選択肢は文法的に正しくありません。”meagerly” は副詞、”meagerness” は名詞、”meagered” は形容詞としては存在しません。

  2. Identify the sentence that uses “meager” correctly:
    a) The meagerly resources were insufficient to support the project.
    b) They were able to make a lot out of their meager funds.
    c) She was meager happy with the results.
    d) His effort was meagerly rewarded.
    解答: b) They were able to make a lot out of their meager funds. 解説: この文では「彼らは乏しい資金から多くを生み出すことができた」と言っています。”meager” は「乏しい、貧弱な」という意味の形容詞で、ここでの使い方が正しいです。選択肢 a の “meagerly” は副詞で、形容詞 “meager” が必要です。選択肢 c の “meager happy” は文法的に不正確であり、正しくは “very happy” などが適切です。選択肢 d の “meagerly rewarded” は、副詞 “meagerly” の使い方が間違っています。

  3. Choose the correct form of the word to complete the sentence:
    The food supply was __, and the villagers were worried about the upcoming winter.
    a) meager
    b) meagerness
    c) meagerly
    d) meagers
    解答: a) meager 解説: この文では「食料供給が乏しく、村人たちは来る冬を心配していた」と言っています。ここでは “food supply”(食料供給)を説明する形容詞が必要です。”meager” は「乏しい、貧弱な」という意味の形容詞で、文法的に正しい選択肢です。他の選択肢は文法的に正しくありません。”meagerness” は名詞、”meagerly” は副詞、”meagers” は形容詞としては存在しません。

  4. Select the sentence that best demonstrates the meaning of “meager”:
    a) They received a meager amount of support from the community.
    b) The meal was so meagerly delicious that everyone wanted more.
    c) His performance was meagerly, earning him a standing ovation.
    d) The project was completed with a meager of resources.
    解答: a) They received a meager amount of support from the community. 解説: この文では「彼らは地域社会から乏しい支援を受けた」と言っています。”meager” は「乏しい、貧弱な」という意味の形容詞で、ここでの使い方が正しいです。選択肢 b の “meagerly delicious” は意味的に矛盾しています。選択肢 c の “meagerly” は副詞の使い方が間違っており、”meager” という形容詞が必要です。選択肢 d は “a meager of resources” というフレーズが文法的に正しくありません。

  5. Fill in the blank with the appropriate word:
    The __ living conditions in the refugee camp highlighted the urgent need for more aid.
    a) meager
    b) meagerly
    c) meagerness
    d) meagered
    解答: a) meager 解説: この文では「難民キャンプの乏しい生活環境が、さらなる援助の緊急性を強調した」と言っています。ここでは “living conditions”(生活環境)を説明する形容詞が必要です。”meager” は「乏しい、貧弱な」という意味の形容詞で、文法的に正しい選択肢です。他の選択肢は文法的に正しくありません。”meagerly” は副詞、”meagerness” は名詞、”meagered” は形容詞としては存在しません。