
ホーム » ★英単語 語源・例文 » Lv.19 » 【libertine – 放蕩者、自由奔放な人】

【libertine – 放蕩者、自由奔放な人】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?



The word “libertine” originates from the Latin “libertinus,” which initially meant “a freed slave.” In ancient Rome, “libertinus” referred to individuals who had gained freedom but were formerly slaves. However, over time, the meaning of “libertine” evolved.

During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, “libertine” came to describe people who were free from specific religious or moral constraints, particularly those considered deviating from standard beliefs or morals. By the 17th century, the term began to be used specifically to denote individuals who engaged in dissolute behavior, especially in sexual promiscuity. Thus, over time, “libertine” has come to be used in its modern sense, referring to “a debauched or licentious person” or “someone who is free-spirited.”



  1. Debauchee – 放蕩者
  2. Rake – 浪費者、女たらし
  3. Profligate – 浪費家
  4. Lothario – 女たらし
  5. Lecher – 色情狂
  6. Hedonist – 快楽主義者
  7. Dissolute – 放縦な
  8. Libertinist – 自由奔放な人
  9. Philanderer – ふしだらな男
  10. Casanova – 女たらし


  1. Ascetic – 禁欲者
  2. Puritan – ピューリタン、禁欲主義者
  3. Chaste – 純潔な
  4. Virtuous – 徳の高い
  5. Prudish – 道徳的に厳しい
  6. Monogamous – 一夫一婦制の
  7. Temperate – 節度のある
  8. Modest – 謙虚な
  9. Sober – 禁酒の
  10. Straight-laced – 厳格な


  1. Libertarian: 「Libertarian」は政治的または哲学的な用語で、個人の自由を極端に重んじる人々を指します。政治的自由や個人主義に関連していますが、「libertine」のような道徳的放縦とは異なります。
  2. Liberty: 「Liberty」は「自由」という意味です。個人の権利や自由を指す一般的な用語であり、「libertine」の放蕩とは直接関係ありません。
  3. Liberal: 「Liberal」は、開放的または進歩的な政治的見解を持つ人を指すことがあります。社会的、経済的自由を支持する意味合いが強いですが、「libertine」の道徳的な意味合いとは異なります。






There are several episodes or historical anecdotes associated with the word “libertine,” particularly notable is the lifestyle and culture of libertines in 17th and 18th century Europe. During this time, individuals considered to be libertines stood out for their free-spirited lifestyles and deviation from moral boundaries.

One famous example is the French writer and philosopher Voltaire. Known for his sharp intellect and satirical literature, Voltaire’s life and romantic relationships often reflected his libertine nature. He pursued free thought and individual freedom without being constrained by traditional morals or societal norms.

In English history, John Wilmot, the second Earl of Rochester, is a well-known libertine. He was infamous for his debauchery and poetry, gaining notoriety for his lifestyle at the royal court, public licentious acts, and sharp satirical verses in 17th century England.

These individuals embody the implications of the word “libertine,” and their lives and works are known for exploring the tension between freedom and dissipation. Their libertine lifestyles, while clashing with the social norms and moral values of their time, emphasized the importance of personal freedom and self-expression.


He was known as a notorious libertine, indulging in all sorts of hedonistic pleasures.

The novel portrays the life of a wealthy libertine who pursues pleasure without regard for societal norms.

She was attracted to his charismatic and libertine lifestyle, despite knowing the risks involved.

The libertine behavior of some artists during the Renaissance challenged traditional moral values.

The protagonist’s journey in the novel is a transformation from a libertine lifestyle to one of self-reflection and morality.

【libertine – 放蕩者、自由奔放な人】のコロケーション

  1. Notorious libertine – 悪名高い放蕩者: このフレーズは、その放蕩な生活様式で広く知られている人物を指します。特に、社会的な規範や道徳から逸脱した行動で知られる人物に使われます。
  2. Libertine lifestyle – 放蕩な生活様式: これは、伝統的な束縛や道徳的制約に縛られない自由奔放な生活を指します。しばしば、性的な放縦や社会的規範の無視と関連付けられます。
  3. Libertine behavior – 放蕩な振る舞い: この表現は、社会的、道徳的な規範に反する行動を意味します。しばしば、不適切な性的行動や放縦な生活習慣を指します。
  4. Libertine beliefs – 放蕩な信念: これは、伝統的な価値観や道徳観から逸脱した信念を指します。自由思想や道徳的相対主義と関連することがあります。
  5. Libertine philosophy – 放蕩な哲学: このフレーズは、個人の自由と快楽を重視する思想体系を指します。しばしば、個人主義やヘドニズム(快楽主義)と関連づけられます。


まず、「Notorious libertine」というフレーズがあります。これは、その放蕩な振る舞いで広く知られる人物を指します。ここでの「悪名高い」は、その人物が社会的な規範や道徳から大きく逸脱していることを示しています。

次に、「Libertine lifestyle」という表現があります。これは、束縛や道徳的制約に縛られない自由奔放な生活様式を意味します。しばしば性的な放縦や社会的規範の無視と関連付けられ、個人が自己の欲望に従って生きる様子を描写します。

「Libertine behavior」という表現は、社会的、道徳的な規範に反する振る舞いを指します。これには、不適切な性的行動や放縦な生活習慣が含まれ、しばしば社会的な非難の対象となります。

「Libertine beliefs」というフレーズは、伝統的な価値観や道徳観から逸脱した信念を指し、しばしば自由思想や道徳的相対主義と関連します。これは、個人が自分自身の信念体系を持ち、社会的な規範にとらわれないことを意味します。

最後に、「Libertine philosophy」というフレーズは、個人の自由と快楽を重視する思想体系を指します。ヘドニズムや個人主義と関連付けられ、自己実現と快楽追求を中心に据えた生き方を表します。


The term “libertine” is used to describe a debauched or free-spirited individual. This word often refers to a person leading a life that deviates significantly from traditional morals and social norms. Let’s take a look at some common phrases and collocations involving “libertine.”

Firstly, there is the phrase “Notorious libertine,” which refers to an individual widely known for their debauched behavior. The term “notorious” indicates that the person has deviated significantly from societal norms and morals.

Next, we have the expression “Libertine lifestyle,” which denotes a lifestyle that is uninhibited by bonds or moral constraints. This is often associated with sexual libertinism and the disregard for social norms, depicting an individual living according to their own desires.

The term “Libertine behavior” points to actions that go against social and moral standards. This includes inappropriate sexual conduct and dissolute living habits, often subject to social condemnation.

“Libertine beliefs” refer to beliefs that diverge from traditional values and moral perceptions, often associated with free thought and moral relativism. This implies an individual holds their own set of beliefs, unfettered by societal norms.

Lastly, “Libertine philosophy” describes a system of thought that prioritizes individual freedom and pleasure. It is often linked to hedonism and individualism, focusing on self-realization and the pursuit of pleasure.

These collocations demonstrate how the word “libertine” is used to express moral or social deviation. They are employed to describe individuals, actions, beliefs, and philosophies, often mentioned in the context of exploring freedom and individualism.

文法問題: “libertine” (放蕩者、自由奔放な人)

  1. 品詞と使い方:
    The _________ lifestyle of the young heir was a source of scandal for his family.
    (A) libertine
    (B) libertines
    (C) libertined
    (D) libertinism

    (A) libertine 空欄には名詞 lifestyle を修飾する形容詞が必要です。libertine は「放蕩な」「自由奔放な」という意味の形容詞です。
  2. 名詞形:
    The _________ was known for his extravagant parties and numerous affairs.
    (A) libertine
    (B) libertines
    (C) libertined
    (D) libertinism

    (A) libertine 空欄には主語となる名詞が必要です。libertine は「放蕩者」「自由奔放な人」という意味の名詞です。
  3. 類義語:
    The _________ behavior of the rock star shocked and appalled his fans.
    (A) libertine
    (B) dissolute
    (C) debauched
    (D) all of the above

    (D) all of the above libertine, dissolute, debauched はいずれも「放蕩な」「堕落した」という意味で、この文脈ではすべて適切です。
  4. 反意語:
    The monk’s _________ lifestyle was a stark contrast to the hedonism of the city.
    (A) libertine
    (B) ascetic
    (C) pious
    (D) virtuous

    (B) ascetic 文脈から、空欄には libertine の反意語が入ることがわかります。ascetic は「禁欲的な」「苦行の」という意味なので、適切です。
  5. 誤文訂正:
    The libertines were known for their disregard for social conventions and moral norms.

    解答と解説: 誤りはありません。 この文は、「放蕩者たちは、社会的な慣習や道徳規範を無視することで知られていた」という意味で、libertines が正しく使われています。