【Convince – 納得させる】

【Convince – 納得させる】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文

ホーム » ★英単語 語源・例文 » ☆初級単語 » 【Convince – 納得させる】/「納得の旅:ケンジの挑戦(Journey of Convincement: Kenji’s Challenge)」 – A narrative of Kenji’s challenges and efforts in convincing everyone.

【Convince – 納得させる】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




  1. persuade(説得する)
  2. influence(影響を与える)
  3. sway(説得する)
  4. win over(納得させる)

反対語: 「convince」の明確な反対語としては具体的な単語は存在しませんが、「dissuade」(思いとどまらせる)や「discourage」(やる気を削ぐ)などは、相手の納得を妨げる行動を表すことがあります。




  1. I presented my argument with strong evidence to convince them of the importance of the project. (私はプロジェクトの重要性を納得させるために、強力な証拠を提示しました。)
  2. She used her persuasive skills to convince the team to adopt her proposal. (彼女は説得力のあるスキルを使って、チームに彼女の提案を採用させました。)
  3. The teacher tried to convince the students that studying diligently would lead to better grades. (教師は学生たちに真面目に勉強することが成績向上に繋がると納得させようとしました。)
  4. The salesman used various techniques to convince the customer to purchase the product. (セールスマンは顧客に商品を購入させるために様々な技法を用いました。)
  5. The documentary presented compelling arguments to convince viewers of the urgency of environmental conservation. (そのドキュメンタリーは環境保護の緊急性を視聴者に納得させるために説得力のある議論を提示しました。)

「納得の旅:ケンジの挑戦(Journey of Convincement: Kenji’s Challenge)」 – A narrative of Kenji’s challenges and efforts in convincing everyone.

In the city of Nagoya, there was a young entrepreneur named Kenji who had a dream to open his own sushi restaurant. However, he needed to convince (納得させる) his family, friends, and potential investors that his idea was worth pursuing.


Kenji spent weeks preparing a business plan and a sample menu. He knew he had to convince (納得させる) others that his restaurant would offer unique and delicious sushi that couldn’t be found anywhere else.


He first tried to convince (納得させる) his family by cooking them a meal using his sample menu. They were impressed by his skills and gave him their support.


Next, Kenji presented his business plan to potential investors. He used data and market research to convince (納得させる) them that his sushi restaurant would be a profitable venture.


Finally, Kenji had to convince (納得させる) his friends. He invited them to a tasting event where they could try his sushi. They loved it and promised to spread the word about his new restaurant.


Through his efforts to convince (納得させる) others, Kenji was able to open his sushi restaurant and fulfill his dream.
