【 ratio – 比率、比例】


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【 ratio – 比率、比例】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




  1. proportion(プロポーション)- 比率、割合という意味で、2つの要素の相対的な関係を表現します。一方の要素が他方に対してどの程度の割合で存在するかを示します。
  2. rate(レート)- 比率、速度という意味で使用されます。一定の時間や量に対しての変化の割合や速度を表現します。


  1. imbalance(イムバランス)- 不均衡、バランスの崩れという意味です。比率や比例が取れていない状態や、不均衡な関係を指します。
  2. arbitrary(アービトラリー)- 恣意的な、任意のという意味です。比率や比例がない、あるいは特定の基準に基づいていない状態を表現します。


「ratio – 比率、比例」と類似して間違いやすい単語としては、「ration(レーション)」や「rapture(ラプチャー)」があります。




  1. The ratio of sugar to flour in this recipe is 1:2.
  2. A class with a male to female ratio of 50:50 can be said to have a balanced gender distribution.
  3. An increasing profit ratio within a company’s earnings is a good sign.
  4. The ratio of elderly people in the city’s population is rising, leading to a higher demand for welfare facilities.
  5. The sales ratio of eco-friendly cars is increasing year by year, indicating a shift in consumer awareness.

【 ratio – 比率、比例】のコロケーション

  1. Ratio of X to Y (XとYの比率): XとYの間の比率や比例を表現します。たとえば、”The ratio of men to women in the company is 2 to 1.”(会社内の男女比は2対1です)と言えます。
  2. High/Low Ratio (高い/低い比率): 特定の状況や状態の比率が高いか低いかを示す場合に使用されます。たとえば、「The high ratio of sugar in that drink is not healthy.」(その飲み物の高い砂糖の比率は健康によくありません)と言えます。
  3. Ratio of Income to Expenses (収入と支出の比率): 収入と支出の間のバランスを表現します。たとえば、「They need to improve the ratio of their income to expenses to save more money.」(彼らはもっとお金を貯めるために収支の比率を改善する必要があります)と言えます。
  4. Price-to-Earnings Ratio (株価収益倍率): 企業の株価を収益と比較するための指標で、株式市場で一般的に使用されます。たとえば、「Investors often consider the price-to-earnings ratio when evaluating stocks.」(投資家は株を評価する際にしばしば株価収益倍率を考慮します)と言えます。
  5. Debt-to-Income Ratio (負債対収入比率): 個人や家計の財務状況を評価するために使用され、借金と収入の比率を示します。たとえば、「Lenders often check the debt-to-income ratio before approving a loan.」(貸し手はローンを承認する前に負債対収入比率を確認することがよくあります)と言えます。

“Emma’s Equation: Finding the Right Ratio in Life and Baking” – エマの方程式:生活とベーキングで適切な比率を見つける

In a quiet village, there lived a baker named Emma, known for her unique bread recipes. She believed that the perfect bread required the right ratio of ingredients. One day, she decided to create a bread with a higher ratio of nuts and seeds, hoping it would become a local favorite.


As Emma worked on her new creation, she meticulously calculated the ratio of nuts and seeds to flour. Her dedication to finding the ideal ratio paid off when the aroma of the freshly baked bread filled her bakery, enticing villagers from far and wide.


Word of Emma’s delicious bread spread quickly, and the demand for her high-nut-and-seed ratio bread became so great that she could barely keep up with orders. Her bakery became the heart of the village, where people gathered to enjoy the perfect ratio of flavors in every bite.


Emma’s success was not just about the ratio of ingredients in her bread but also the ratio of hard work and passion she put into her craft. The villagers admired her dedication and the balanced ratio of flavors that made her bread truly exceptional.


And so, in that quiet village, Emma’s bakery thrived, teaching everyone the importance of finding the right ratio, not only in baking but also in life, where the perfect balance could lead to extraordinary results.
