【Disappear – 消える】

【Disappear – 消える】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文

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【Disappear – 消える】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?





  1. Vanish – 消える、消失する
  2. Evaporate – 蒸発する、消える
  3. Fade – 消える、薄れる
  4. Dissolve – 溶解する、消える
  5. Disperse – 分散する、消える


  1. Appear – 現れる、姿を現す
  2. Materialize – 具体化する、現れる
  3. Emerge – 浮かび上がる、現れる
  4. Manifest – 明らかにする、現れる
  5. Surface – 表面に現れる、浮上する


  1. Dissipate – 「散らす」「消散する」という意味です。物体や物質が徐々に分散または消失する様子を表しますが、「Disappear」とは異なり、ゆっくりと消失する様子を指します。
  2. Vanish – 「突然消える」という意味で、「Disappear」と非常に似た意味を持ちます。しかし、「Vanish」はより突然的な消失や不可解な消失を指すことが多いです。
  3. Evaporate – 「蒸発する」という意味で、液体がガスに変わる過程を指します。「Disappear」とは異なり、特に液体が空気中に消失する様子を指します。


  1. The magician waved his wand, and the rabbit disappeared from the hat. (魔術師が杖を振り、兎が帽子から消えた。)
  2. The fog was so thick that the buildings in the distance disappeared from view. (霧が非常に濃かったため、遠くの建物は視界から消えた。)
  3. The detective vanished without a trace, leaving everyone puzzled. (探偵は姿を消し、跡形もなく姿を消してしまい、誰もが困惑していた。)
  4. As the sun set, the colors of the sky gradually disappeared, leaving behind a dark night. (太陽が沈むにつれて、空の色は徐々に消え、暗い夜が残された。)
  5. The old photographs had faded over time, and the faces of the people in them were disappearing. (古い写真は時間の経過とともに薄れ、写っている人々の顔が消えていった。)

【Disappear – 消える】のコロケーション

  1. Disappear from view: 視界から消える
  2. Disappear without a trace: 跡形もなく消える
  3. Disappear into thin air: 突然消える
  4. Disappear from the scene: 現場から消える
  5. Disappear from the radar: レーダーから消える
  6. Disappear into the crowd: 人混みに消える
  7. Disappear under mysterious circumstances: 不可解な状況で消える
  8. Disappear from the market: 市場から消える
  9. Disappear from the surface: 表面から消える
  10. Disappear into the night: 夜に消える

“A Touch of Disappearance: Hiroshi’s Unusual Gift” – 「消失のタッチ:ヒロシの珍しい贈り物」

In a small town lived a peculiar man named Hiroshi, who had a strange ability: he could make things disappear.


One day, Hiroshi’s neighbor complained about a large, unsightly rock in his garden. Hiroshi offered to help, and with a wave of his hand, the rock disappeared. The neighbor was astounded.


Word of Hiroshi’s ability spread throughout the town. People started bringing him unwanted items, and with a simple gesture, Hiroshi made them disappear. Old furniture, broken appliances, even a rusted car, all disappeared in an instant.


However, Hiroshi’s ability also had a downside. One day, while eating a delicious piece of cake, he accidentally made it disappear. Hiroshi was disappointed, as he had been looking forward to that cake all day.


Despite the occasional mishap, Hiroshi was happy to use his ability to help his neighbors. And even though he made things disappear, his kindness and generosity never did.
