【discipline – 規律】

【Discipline – 規律】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文

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【Discipline – 規律】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




  1. Control – 統制、管理
  2. Order – 秩序、秩序
  3. Regulation – 規制、規則
  4. Training – 訓練、トレーニング
  5. Self-control – 自己制御、自己統制


  1. Indiscipline – 不従順、規律の欠如
  2. Disorder – 無秩序、混乱
  3. Anarchy – 無政府状態、混乱
  4. Chaos – 混沌、大混乱
  5. Rebellion – 反乱、反抗


  1. Disciple – 弟子、信者
  2. Disseminate – 広める、普及させる
  3. Disinclined – 好ましくない、嫌いな
  4. Disclose – 公開する、明らかにする
  5. Discrepancy – 不一致、食い違い


  1. The military instills discipline in its soldiers to ensure obedience and order. (軍隊は兵士に規律を徹底させ、服従と秩序を確保します。)
  2. She practices the piano with discipline and dedication every day. (彼女は毎日規律を持ってピアノの練習に励んでいます。)
  3. The school has a strict discipline policy to maintain a positive learning environment. (学校は良好な学習環境を維持するために厳格な規律ポリシーを持っています。)
  4. Effective time management requires self-discipline and prioritization of tasks. (効果的な時間管理には自己規律とタスクの優先順位付けが必要です。)
  5. The coach emphasized the importance of discipline and teamwork to achieve success. (コーチは成功を達成するために規律とチームワークの重要性を強調しました。)

【Discipline – 規律】のコロケーションを教えてください

  1. Maintain discipline: 規律を維持する
  2. Discipline yourself: 自己規律を持つ
  3. Lack of discipline: 規律の欠如
  4. Strict discipline: 厳格な規律
  5. Military discipline: 軍の規律
  6. School discipline: 学校の規律
  7. Discipline problems: 規律問題
  8. Discipline measures: 規律措置
  9. Break the discipline: 規律を破る
  10. Discipline and punish: 規律を守らせ、罰する

“Discipline in a Small Village: Hiroshi’s Story” – 「小さな村の規律:ヒロシの話」

Once upon a time, in a small village in Japan, there was a young boy named Hiroshi who was known for his lack of discipline. He would always wake up late, forget his chores, and was often found playing when he should have been studying.


One day, a wise old man moved into the village. He was a retired samurai, known for his strict discipline. He noticed Hiroshi’s lack of discipline and decided to take him under his wing.


The old samurai taught Hiroshi the importance of discipline in every aspect of life. From waking up early, to practicing martial arts, to studying diligently, Hiroshi learned to incorporate discipline into his daily routine.


With time, Hiroshi’s discipline improved. He became a role model for the other children in the village. His transformation was a testament to the power of discipline.


In the end, Hiroshi’s story served as a reminder to everyone in the village about the importance of discipline. It showed that with discipline, anyone could improve themselves and achieve their goals.
