【credit – 信用する】

【Credit – 信用する】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文

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【Credit – 信用する】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




  1. Trust(信頼する)
  2. Believe(信じる)
  3. Rely on(頼る)
  4. Have faith in(信仰する)
  5. Confide in(信頼して打ち明ける)


  1. Distrust(不信する)
  2. Doubt(疑う)
  3. Mistrust(信用しない)
  4. Disbelieve(信じない)
  5. Question(疑問に思う)


  1. I credit my success to the support and guidance of my mentors. (私の成功はメンターのサポートと指導によるものだと信じています。)
  2. He is known for his honesty and integrity, and people credit him with great trust. (彼は誠実さと信頼性で知られており、人々は彼に大いなる信用を置いています。)
  3. The bank approved the loan based on the customer’s good credit history. (銀行は顧客の良好な信用履歴に基づいて融資を承認しました。)
  4. She credited her team’s collaborative efforts for the project’s success. (彼女はプロジェクトの成功をチームの協力的な取り組みによるものだと認めました。)
  5. The company’s reputation for quality products and excellent customer service has earned it widespread credit. (同社の品質製品と優れた顧客サービスへの評判が、広範な信用をもたらしました。)

【Credit – 信用する】のコロケーションを教えてください

  1. Credit card: クレジットカード
  2. Credit score: 信用スコア
  3. Credit limit: 信用限度額
  4. Credit history: 信用履歴
  5. Credit report: 信用報告書
  6. Credit check: 信用調査
  7. Credit balance: 信用残高
  8. Credit agreement: 信用契約
  9. Credit bureau: 信用情報機関
  10. Give credit: 信用する、認める

「小さな町の大きな心」 – “Big Hearts in a Small Town”

Once upon a time, there was a small town where everyone knew everyone. In this town, there was a shopkeeper named Mr. Johnson who was known for his policy of “credit”. He believed in the goodness of people and would often allow his customers to take goods on credit if they didn’t have enough money.


One day, a new family moved into town. They didn’t have much money, so Mr. Johnson extended them credit at his shop. He trusted that they would pay him back when they could.


Months passed, and the family was unable to pay back the credit. Some townspeople started to criticize Mr. Johnson for his policy. They said he was too trusting and that people would take advantage of his credit system.


Despite the criticism, Mr. Johnson continued to give credit to those in need. He said, “I would rather trust and be disappointed than not trust at all.”


In the end, the new family managed to find a good job and paid back all the credit they owed to Mr. Johnson. The townspeople were amazed and gave credit to Mr. Johnson for his unwavering faith in people.
