【Donate – 寄付する】

【Donate – 寄付する】の語源・類義語・反対語・例文

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【Donate – 寄付する】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




  1. Contribute(貢献する、寄与する)
  2. Give(与える)
  3. Bestow(授ける)
  4. Provide(提供する)
  5. Support(支援する)
  6. Endow(基金を設立する、寄付する)
  7. Fund(資金を提供する)


  1. Receive(受け取る)
  2. Take(取る)
  3. Withhold(差し控える)
  4. Deprive(剥奪する)
  5. Hoard(貯蔵する)
  6. Retain(保持する)
  7. Confiscate(没収する)


  1. She decided to donate a portion of her monthly income to a local charity. (彼女は毎月の収入の一部を地元の慈善団体に寄付することを決めました。)
  2. The company donated a large sum of money to support disaster relief efforts. (その企業は大金を寄付して災害支援活動をサポートしました。)
  3. He donated his old clothes and toys to the orphanage. (彼は古い洋服やおもちゃを孤児院に寄付しました。)
  4. They decided to donate their time by volunteering at a local community center. (彼らは地元のコミュニティセンターでボランティア活動をすることで自分たちの時間を寄付することに決めました。)
  5. The wealthy philanthropist donated a substantial amount of money towards cancer research. (裕福な慈善家はがん研究に多額の寄付をしました。)

【Donate – 寄付する】のコロケーション

  1. Donate money: お金を寄付する
  2. Donate blood: 血液を寄付する
  3. Donate clothes: 衣類を寄付する
  4. Donate food: 食べ物を寄付する
  5. Donate time: 時間を寄付する(ボランティア活動など)
  6. Donate to charity: 慈善団体に寄付する
  7. Donate organs: 臓器を寄付する
  8. Generously donate: 気前よく寄付する
  9. Donate online: オンラインで寄付する
  10. Donate regularly: 定期的に寄付する

「寄付で織りなす小さな町の大きな夢」 – “Weaving Big Dreams in a Small Town with Donations”

Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a kind-hearted man named John. John was known for his generosity and his willingness to donate to those in need.


One day, John decided to donate a large sum of money to the local school, which was struggling to provide quality education due to lack of funds. The school was able to buy new books and equipment, thanks to John’s donation.


Inspired by John’s act, other townspeople also started to donate. They donated clothes to the homeless shelter, food to the food bank, and even their time to volunteer at various community events.


John’s decision to donate sparked a wave of generosity in the town. His actions reminded everyone that the act of donating, whether it’s money, goods, or time, can make a significant difference in the community.


In the end, John’s willingness to donate not only changed the school but also transformed the entire town into a more caring and supportive community.
