【Enlarge – 拡大する】

【Enlarge – 拡大する】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?




  1. Expand – 拡張する
  2. Magnify – 増大する
  3. Increase – 増加させる
  4. Extend – 延長する
  5. Augment – 増やす
  6. Amplify – 強調する
  7. Inflate – 膨張させる
  8. Enlarge – 拡大する(自体の類義語)


  1. Reduce – 縮小する
  2. Decrease – 減少させる
  3. Shrink – 収縮する
  4. Contract – 契約する、縮小する
  5. Minimize – 最小限にする
  6. Diminish – 減少させる
  7. Condense – 圧縮する
  8. Abate – 弱める、和らげる


  1. Engage – 関与する、従事する
  2. Enrich – 豊かにする、充実させる
  3. Embark – 乗り出す、着手する
  4. Encourage – 励ます、奨励する
  5. Enlighten – 啓発する、啓示する


  1. The artist decided to enlarge the canvas to capture more intricate details in the painting. (芸術家は、絵画の中のより複雑なディテールを捉えるために、キャンバスを拡大することを決定しました。)
  2. The company plans to enlarge its production facilities to meet the increasing demand for its products. (企業は、製品の需要が増加しているため、生産設備を拡大する計画を立てています。)
  3. By using a magnifying glass, you can enlarge the text and see the fine print more clearly. (虫眼鏡を使うことで、テキストを拡大して細かい文字をより明確に見ることができます。)
  4. The scientist used a microscope to enlarge the tiny organisms, revealing their intricate structures. (科学者は顕微鏡を使って微小な生物を拡大し、その複雑な構造を明らかにしました。)
  5. The company decided to enlarge the scope of the project to include additional features requested by the clients. (企業は、クライアントの要望に基づいて追加の機能を含めるため、プロジェクトの範囲を拡大することを決定しました。)

【Enlarge – 拡大する】のコロケーション

  1. Enlarge a Photograph (写真を拡大する)
    • 「I need to enlarge this photograph to see the details more clearly.」 (これを拡大して、詳細をもっとはっきりと見る必要があります。)
  2. Enlarge a Document (文書を拡大する)
    • 「You can use the zoom function to enlarge the document on your computer screen.」 (コンピュータ画面上で文書を拡大するためにズーム機能を使えます。)
  3. Enlarge a Building (建物を拡大する)
    • 「The plan is to enlarge the existing office building to accommodate more employees.」 (計画では、より多くの従業員を収容するために既存のオフィスビルを拡大する予定です。)
  4. Enlarge One’s Vocabulary (語彙を拡大する)
    • 「Reading books regularly can help you enlarge your vocabulary.」 (定期的に本を読むことは、語彙を拡大するのに役立ちます。)
  5. Enlarge a Business (ビジネスを拡大する)
    • 「The company is planning to enlarge its business operations by entering new markets.」 (その会社は新しい市場に参入してビジネスを拡大する計画です。)

“The Enlargement Frenzy – 拡大の熱狂”

Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a brilliant inventor named Victor. Victor had always dreamed of creating a device that could enlarge everyday objects. He believed this invention would change the world.


One sunny morning, while tinkering in his cluttered workshop, Victor finally had a breakthrough. He had created a pair of glasses that could enlarge anything a person looked at. Excitement filled his heart as he put on the glasses.


Eager to test his invention, Victor enlarged a tiny ladybug into the size of a small car. The once tiny insect now towered over his workshop, its red shell gleaming in the sunlight. Victor chuckled with amazement.


Word of Victor’s incredible invention spread quickly, attracting curious visitors from all around. People came to witness him enlarge everyday items like pencils, flowers, and even sandwiches into monumental creations.


However, as Victor’s fame grew, so did his ego. He began to enlarge objects without considering the consequences. His once-charming town was now filled with oversized items that disrupted daily life.


Realizing his mistake, Victor worked tirelessly to shrink everything back to its original size. He soon understood that not everything needed to be enlarged; sometimes, the beauty was in life’s small and ordinary moments.


And so, Victor learned a valuable lesson: while it’s fun to enlarge one’s horizons, it’s equally important to cherish the simplicity of life. His once-odd creations now served as a reminder of the importance of balance.
