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This was a truly thrilling scene, though some persons might have thought that
the sudden tumbling down of a quantity of long red hair rather marred the effect of the villain‘s death.
He was called before the curtain, and with great propriety appeared, leading Hagar,
whose singing was considered more wonderful than all the rest of the performance put together.[合計する]
Act fourth displayed the despairing Roderigo on the point of[(まさに)…しかかって] stabbing himself because he has been told that Zara has deserted him.
Just as the dagger is at his heart, a lovely song is sung under his window, informing him that Zara is true but in danger, and he can save her if he will.
A key is thrown in, which unlocks[錠をあける] the door, and in a spasm of[~の発作] rapture[狂喜] he tears off his chains and rushes away to find and rescue his lady love.
鍵が投げ込まれ、それでドアの鍵を開けると、歓喜のあまり 鎖を引きちぎって、愛しい人を探し救出するために駆け出した。
Act fifth opened with a stormy[激しい議論] scene between Zara and Don Pedro.
He wishes her to go into a convent, but she won’t hear of it,
and after a touching appeal, is about to faint[卒倒し] when Roderigo dashes in and demands her hand.
Don Pedro refuses, because he is not rich.
They shout and gesticulate tremendously but cannot agree, and Rodrigo is about to[まさに~しようとする] bear away the exhausted Zara,
when the timid servant enters with a letter and a bag from Hagar, who has mysteriously disappeared.
The latter[letter] informs the party[ある目的で集まった一行] that she bequeaths untold[数えられない] wealth to the young pair and an awful doom to Don Pedro, if he doesn’t make them happy.
手紙は彼女が若い二人に莫大な財産を遺言で譲る。もしドン・ペドロがふたりを幸せにしなければ 恐ろしい運命が待っているだろうと集まっている人々に伝えた。
The bag is opened, and several quarts of tin[錫] money shower down upon the stage till it is quite glorified with the glitter.
袋が開けられ、何クォートものブリキのお金が ステージに降り注がれ、そのぴかぴかの輝きが舞台を華やかに彩る。
This entirely softens the stern[厳格な] sire. He consents without a murmur, all join in a joyful chorus,
and the curtain falls upon the lovers kneeling to receive Don Pedro’s blessing in attitudes[態度] of the most romantic grace.[気品]
Tumultuous applause followed but received an unexpected check, for the cot bed, on which the dress circle was built,
suddenly shut up and extinguished[消し去る] the enthusiastic audience.
Roderigo and Don Pedro flew to the rescue, and all were taken out unhurt, though many were speechless with laughter.
The excitement had hardly subsided[静まる] when Hannah appeared, with “Mrs. March’s compliments, and would the ladies walk down to supper.”
This was a surprise even to the actors, and when they saw the table, they looked at one another in rapturous amazement.
It was like Marmee to get up a little treat for them, but anything so fine as this was unheard of since the departed[過去の] days of plenty.
みんなのためにちょっとしたご馳走を用意するのは お母さまらしいことですが、これほど立派なものは昔の豊かだった日々以来、聞いたこともなかった。
There was ice cream, actually two dishes of it, pink and white, and cake and fruit and distracting[気が散る] French bonbons and,
アイスクリームがあって、(しかもまさかと思うかもしれないが)本当に ピンクと白の2皿、ケーキと果物と心を奪われるようなフレンチボンボンがあって、
in the middle of the table, four great bouquets of hot house flowers.
It quite took their breath away, and they stared first at the table and then at their mother, who looked as if she enjoyed it immensely.
“Is it fairies?” asked Amy.
“Santa Claus,” said Beth.
“Mother did it.” And Meg smiled her sweetest, in spite of[にもかかわらず] her gray beard and white eyebrows.
“Aunt March had a good fit[ふさわしい] and sent the supper,” cried Jo, with a sudden inspiration.
“All wrong. Old Mr. Laurence sent it,” replied Mrs. March.
“The Laurence boy’s grandfather! What in the world put such a thing into his head? We don’t know him!” exclaimed Meg.
“Hannah told one of his servants about your breakfast party. He is an odd old gentleman, but that pleased him.
He knew my father years ago, and he sent me a polite note this afternoon,
saying he hoped I would allow him to express[表現することを許す] his friendly feeling toward my children by sending them a few trifles in honor of the day.
I could not refuse, and so you have a little feast at night to make up for the bread-and-milk breakfast.”
“That boy put it into his head, I know he did! He’s a capital fellow, and I wish we could get acquainted.
He looks as if he’d like to know us but he’s bashful, and Meg is so prim she won’t let me speak to him when we pass,” said Jo,
彼も私たちのことを知りたがっているようだけど、恥ずかしがり屋なのよ。それにメグったらつんとすまして、すれ違っても話させてくれないんだもの」 とジョーは言った。
as the plates went round, and the ice began to melt out of sight, with ohs and ahs of satisfaction.[満足感]
“You mean the people who live in the big house next door, don’t you?” asked one of the girls.
“My mother knows old Mr. Laurence, but says he’s very proud and doesn’t like to mix with his neighbors.
He keeps his grandson shut up, when he isn’t riding or walking with his tutor, and makes him study very hard.
あの方はご自分の孫を、家庭教師と一緒に馬車に乗ったり、あるいは散歩でもするとき以外は、家に閉じ込めて 一生懸命勉強させているそうよ。
We invited him to our party, but he didn’t come. Mother says he’s very nice, though he never speaks to us girls.”
“Our cat ran away once, and he brought her back, and we talked over the fence, and were getting on capitally,[見事にはかどる] all about cricket, and so on,
when he saw Meg coming, and walked off.
I mean to know him some day, for he needs fun,[戯れ] I’m sure he does,” said Jo decidedly.
いつか彼と知り合いになりたいわ。彼には楽しみが必要だもの。きっとそうよ」 とジョーはきっぱりと言った。
“I like his manners,[態度] and he looks like a little gentleman, so I’ve no objection[異論] to your knowing him, if a proper[適切な] opportunity comes.
He brought the flowers himself, and I should have asked him in, if I had been sure what was going on upstairs.
He looked so wistful as he went away, hearing the frolic[浮かれ騒ぎ] and evidently having none of his own.”
“It’s a mercy you didn’t, Mother!” laughed Jo, looking at her boots.
“But we’ll have another play sometime that he can see. Perhaps he’ll help act.
Wouldn’t that be jolly?”
“I never had such a fine bouquet before! How pretty it is!” And Meg examined her flowers with great interest.
「こんな素敵な花束は初めて! なんてきれいなの!」 メグは興味津々で花を吟味した。
“They are lovely. But Beth’s roses are sweeter to me,” said Mrs. March, smelling the half-dead[半分死んだ] posy in her belt.
Beth nestled up to her, and whispered softly, “I wish I could send my bunch[束] to Father.
I’m afraid he isn’t having such a merry Christmas as we are.”