『若草物語』英文/和訳 【5-2.お隣りどうし】

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“All right, show her up,[彼女の姿を見せて] it’s Miss Jo,” said Laurie, going to the door of his little parlor to meet Jo,


who appeared, looking rosy and quite at her ease, with a covered dish in one hand and Beth’s three kittens in the other.


“Here I am, bag and baggage,” she said briskly.


“Mother sent her love, and was glad if I could do anything for you.


Meg wanted me to bring some of her blanc mange,[牛乳で作る冷たいお菓子] she makes it very nicely, and Beth thought her cats would be comforting.


I knew you’d laugh at them, but I couldn’t refuse, she was so anxious to do something.”


It so happened that Beth’s funny loan was just the thing,[おあつらえ向き] for in laughing over the kits, Laurie forgot his bashfulness, and grew sociable at once.


“That looks too pretty to eat,” he said, smiling with pleasure, as Jo uncovered the dish,


and showed the blanc mange, surrounded[包囲する] by a garland of green leaves, and the scarlet[緋色, 深紅色] flowers of Amy’s pet[お気に入りの] geranium.


“It isn’t anything, only they all felt kindly and wanted to show it.


Tell the girl to put it away for your tea.

メイドさん[The girl]にお茶の時まで取っておいてって言ってね。

It’s so simple[簡単に食べられる] you can eat it, and being soft, it will slip down[滑り落ちる] without hurting your sore throat.[のどの痛み]


What a cozy room this is!”


“It might be if it was kept nice, but the maids are lazy, and I don’t know how to make them mind. It worries me[それは、私を悩ませる] though.”


“I’ll right it up in two minutes, for it only needs to have the hearth brushed,[ハースブラシで磨く] so—and the things made straight on the mantelpiece,

「2分で綺麗にしてあげる[do it up right 片付ける]わ。暖炉はちょっとブラシで掃くだけでいいし、そうね、炉棚の上の物はまっすぐに並べて、

so—and the books put here, and the bottles there, and your sofa turned from the light,[明かりからくるりと後ろを向けて] and the pillows plumped up a bit.


Now then, you’re fixed.”[決まる・定まる]


And so he was,[そうして、彼はそうなった] for, as she laughed and talked, Jo had whisked[さっさと動いて] things into place[正しい位置に] and given quite a different air to the room.


Laurie watched her in respectful silence, and when she beckoned him to his sofa, he sat down with a sigh[ため息をつく] of satisfaction, saying gratefully…


“How kind you are! Yes, that’s what it wanted. Now please take the big chair and let me do something to amuse my company.”

君って、なんて親切なんだろう!そう、僕はこうしたかったんですよ。 さあ、その大きな椅子に座って。今度は僕がお客様であるあなたを楽しませ【る】なくっちゃ」

“No, I came to amuse you. Shall I read aloud?”[大きな声で読む] and Jo looked affectionately toward some inviting[心を奪う・誘惑的な] books near by.


“Thank you! I’ve read all those, and if you don’t mind, I’d rather talk,” answered Laurie.


“Not a bit.[ちっとも気にしない] I’ll talk all day if you’ll only set me going.[始動させる・動かす] Beth says I never know when to stop.”[いつ止めたらいいか分からない]


“Is Beth the rosy one, who stays at home good deal[たいてい・大部分] and sometimes goes out with a little basket?” asked Laurie with interest.


“Yes, that’s Beth. She’s my girl, and a regular good one she is, too.”


“The pretty one is Meg, and the curly-haired one is Amy, I believe?”


“How did you find that out?”


Laurie colored up, but answered frankly, “Why, you see I often hear you calling to one another,

ローリーは顔を赤らめたが、率直に答えた。 「ほら、よくお互いに呼び合っているのが聞こえるんだよ。

and when I’m alone up here, I can’t help looking over at your house, you always seem to be having such good times.[素晴らしい時を過ごす]


I beg your pardon for being so rude, but sometimes you forget to put down the curtain at the window where the flowers are.


And when the lamps are lighted, it’s like looking at a picture to see the fire, and you all around the table with your mother.


Her face is right opposite, and it looks so sweet behind the flowers, I can’t help watching it.[見ずにはいられない]


I haven’t got any mother, you know.” And Laurie poked the fire to hide a little twitching of the lips that he could not control.

僕には母親がいないから」 と唇がひきつるのを抑えられないローリーは、火を突っついてそれを隠そうとした。

The solitary, hungry look in his eyes went straight[まっすぐに行く] to Jo’s warm heart.


She had been so simply taught[単純に教えられていたので] that there was no nonsense in her head, and at fifteen she was as innocent and frank as any child.


Laurie was sick and lonely, and feeling how rich she was in home and happiness, she gladly tried to share it with him.


Her face was very friendly and her sharp voice unusually gentle as she said…


“We’ll never draw that curtain any more,[もはや~ない] and I give you leave to look[見られるように残す] as much as you like.


I just wish, though, instead of peeping, you’d come over and see us.


Mother is so splendid, she’d do you heaps of good,[山ほど] and Beth would sing to you if I begged her to, and Amy would dance.


Meg and I would make you laugh over[大笑いさせる] our funny stage properties, and we’d have jolly times.


Wouldn’t your grandpa[grandfather] let you?”[あなたに~させてあげる]


“I think he would, if your mother asked him.


He’s very kind, though he does not look so, and he lets me do what I like, pretty much,[ほとんど]


only he’s afraid I might be a bother to strangers,” began Laurie, brightening more and more.

ただ、僕が知らない人に迷惑かけるのではないかと心配しているだけです」 と、ローリーはどんどん明るくなっていった。

“We are not strangers, we are neighbors, and you needn’t [don’t need to] think you’d be a bother.


We want to know you, and I’ve been trying to do it this ever so long.


We haven’t been here a great while,[ずいぶん長い期間] you know, but we have got acquainted with all our neighbors but you.”


“You see, Grandpa[grandfather] lives among his books, and doesn’t mind much what happens outside.


Mr. Brooke, my tutor, doesn’t stay here, you know, and I have no one to go about with me, so I just stop at home and get on as I can.”


“That’s bad.


You ought to make an effort and go visiting everywhere you are asked, then you’ll have plenty of friends, and pleasant places to go to.


Never mind being bashful. It won’t last long[こんな事は長くは続かない] if you keep going.”


Laurie turned red again, but wasn’t offended at being accused of[非難されて] bashfulness,


for there was so much good will[善意] in Jo it was impossible not to take her blunt speeches as kindly as they were meant.


“Do you like your school?” asked the boy, changing the subject, after a little pause, during which he stared at the fire and Jo looked about her, well pleased.


“Don’t go to school, I’m a businessman—girl, I mean.


I go to wait on my great-aunt, and a dear, cross old soul she is, too,” answered Jo.

私は大叔母の所に(世話をしに)行っているのよ、いい人なんだけど年を取った怒りっぽい[霊魂・魂]なの」 とジョーは答えた。

Laurie opened his mouth to ask another question,


but remembering just in time[ぎりぎり間に合う] that it wasn’t manners to make too many inquiries into people’s affairs,[人の個人的な問題]


he shut it again, and looked uncomfortable.


Jo liked his good breeding,[礼儀作法] and didn’t mind having a laugh at Aunt March,


so she gave him a lively description[生き生きとした描写] of the fidgety old lady, her fat poodle, the parrot that talked Spanish, and the library where she reveled.
