『若草物語』英文/和訳 【10-4. P.CとP.O】
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As the President finished reading the paper (which I beg leave to[~をする許しを請う] assure[保証する] my readers is a bona fide[真実の] copy of one written by bona fide girls once upon a time),
a round of applause followed,[続く] and then Mr. Snodgrass rose to make a proposition.
“Mr. President and gentlemen,” he began, assuming[~と仮定する] a parliamentary[〈言葉が〉議会に適した] attitude and tone,
“I wish to propose[提案する] the admission[入るのを許すこと] of a new member—one who highly deserves[~の価値がある] the honor,
would be deeply grateful for it, and would add immensely[莫大に, 広大に] to the spirit of the club, the literary value of the paper, and be no end[際限ないほどに] jolly and nice.
I propose Mr. Theodore Laurence as an honorary member of the P. C. Come now,[さあさあ] do have him.”
Jo’s sudden change of tone made the girls laugh, but all looked rather anxious, and no one said a word as Snodgrass took his seat.
“We’ll put it to a vote,”[票決に付する] said the President.
“All in favor of this motion please to manifest it by saying, ‘Aye’.”
A loud response from Snodgrass, followed, to everybody’s surprise, by a timid one from Beth.
“Contrary-minded say, ‘No’.”
「反対の方は 『いいえ』 と言ってください」
Meg and Amy were contrary-minded, and Mr. Winkle rose to say with great elegance, “We don’t wish any boys, they only joke and bounce about.
This is a ladies’ club, and we wish to be private and proper.”[きちんと,上品に]
“I’m afraid he’ll laugh at our paper, and make fun of us afterward,” observed[述べる] Pickwick, pulling the little curl on her forehead, as she always did when doubtful.
Up rose Snodgrass, very much in earnest.
“Sir, I give you my word as a gentleman, Laurie won’t do anything of the sort.[そういう類のこと]
He likes to write, and he’ll give a tone[気風] to our contributions and keep us from being sentimental, don’t you see?
We can do so little for him, and he does so much for us, I think the least we can do[私たちができる最小限のこと] is to offer him a place here, and make him welcome if he comes.”
This artful[技巧に富んだ] allusion[ほのめかし, 暗示] to benefits conferred[授与する, 贈る] brought[~という結果をもたらす] Tupman to his feet, looking as if he had quite made up his mind.
“Yes; we ought to do it, even if we are afraid. I say he may come, and his grandpa, too, if he likes.”
This spirited[元気のよい, 勇ましい] burst from Beth electrified[電気をかける] the club, and Jo left her seat to shake hands approvingly.
“Now then, vote again.
Everybody remember it’s our Laurie, and say, ‘Aye!'” cried Snodgrass excitedly.
“Aye! Aye! Aye!” replied three voices at once.
“Good! Bless you! Now, as there’s nothing like[越したものはない] ‘taking time by the fetlock[正しくはforelock]‘,[チャンスの前髪をつかむ] as Winkle characteristically observes, allow me to present the new member.”
And, to the dismay of the rest[残り] of the club, Jo threw open the door of the closet,[押入れ] and displayed Laurie sitting on a rag bag, flushed and twinkling with suppressed laughter.
“You rogue![悪党, ごろつき] You traitor! Jo, how could you?” cried the three girls,
as Snodgrass led her friend triumphantly[鼻高々,誇らしげに] forth, and producing[提示する,出して見せる] both a chair and a badge, installed[設置する,置く] him in a jiffy.[一瞬で]
“The coolness of you two rascals[ならず者, ごろつき] is amazing,” began Mr. Pickwick, trying to get up an awful frown and only succeeding in[〜でのみ成功する] producing[~を作り出す] an amiable[好意的な] smile.
But the new member was equal to the occasion,[臨機応変に対処する] and rising, with a grateful salutation to the Chair,
said in the most engaging manner, “Mr. President and ladies—I beg pardon, gentlemen—allow me to introduce myself as Sam Weller, the very humble[謙虚,控えめな] servant of the club.”
“Good! Good!” cried Jo, pounding with the handle of the old warming pan[床(とこ)暖め器] on which she leaned.
“My faithful friend and noble[高潔な] patron,” continued Laurie with a wave of the hand,
“who has so flatteringly[へつらって, お世辞を使って] presented me, is not to be blamed[責められる] for the base stratagem[基本戦略] of tonight.
I planned it, and she only gave in[折れて希望などに従う] after lots of teasing.”[しつこく求める]
“Come now, don’t lay it all on yourself. You know I proposed the cupboard,” broke in[(会話などに)口をはさむ] Snodgrass, who was enjoying the joke amazingly.[驚くばかりに]
“Never mind what she says. I’m the wretch that did it, sir,” said the new member, with a Welleresque[Weller+esque] nod to Mr. Pickwick.
“But on my honor, I never will do so again, and henceforth[これからは] devote myself to[~に身をささげる] the interest of[~の利益のために] this immortal club.”
“Hear! Hear!” cried Jo, clashing the lid of the warming pan like a cymbal.
“Go on, go on!” added Winkle and Tupman, while the President bowed benignly.[優しい態度で]
“I merely wish to say, that as a slight token[証拠, 記念品] of my gratitude[謝意] for the honor done me,
and as a means of[~の手段として] promoting[昇進させる,増進する] friendly relations between adjoining nations,
I have set up[建てる] a post office in the hedge in the lower corner of the garden
a fine, spacious building with padlocks on the doors and every convenience for the mails, also the females, if I may be allowed the expression.
ドアに南京錠がついていて、立派な広々とした建物です。さまざまな郵便物[mails とmalesで韻を踏んでいる]に便利なようになっています。恐縮ですが、この表現をお許しください。
It’s the old martin house, but I’ve stopped up[穴・出口などを塞ぐ] the door and made the roof open, so it will hold all sorts of things, and save our valuable time.
Letters, manuscripts, books, and bundles can be passed in there, and as each nation has a key, it will be uncommonly[特別に, 異常なほどに] nice, I fancy.
Allow me to present the club key, and with many thanks for your favor, take my seat.”
Great applause as Mr. Weller deposited[預ける] a little key on the table and subsided,[どっかと腰を下ろす]
the warming pan clashed and waved wildly, and it was some time before order could be restored.
A long discussion followed, and everyone came out surprising, for everyone did her best.
So it was an unusually lively meeting, and did not adjourn[延期する, 延会する] till a late hour, when it broke up with three shrill[金切り声の, かん高い] cheers for the new member.
No one ever regretted[後悔する] the admittance of Sam Weller, for a more devoted, well-behaved, and jovial member no club could have.
He certainly did add ‘spirit’ to the meetings, and ‘a tone’ to the paper,
for his orations[式辞] convulsed[激しく笑わせる] his hearers and his contributions[投稿] were excellent, being patriotic, classical, comical, or dramatic, but never sentimental.
彼の演説は聞き手を身もだえさせた。 彼の寄稿は優秀で、愛国的で古典的で、面白く、ドラマティックではあったが、感傷的ではなかった。
Jo regarded[みなす] them as worthy of Bacon, Milton, or Shakespeare, and remodeled her own works with good effect, she thought.
The P. O.[post office] was a capital little institution, and flourished wonderfully, for nearly as many queer things passed through it as through the real post office.
Tragedies and cravats, poetry and pickles, garden seeds and long letters, music and gingerbread,[ショウガ風味のケーキ] rubbers, invitations, scoldings, and puppies.
The old gentleman liked the fun, and amused himself by sending odd bundles, mysterious messages, and funny telegrams,
and his gardener, who was smitten with[~に心を奪われる] Hannah’s charms, actually sent a love letter to Jo’s care.[相手の住所ではなく、その人と関係のある所に送る時付ける語]
How they laughed when the secret came out, never dreaming how many love letters that little post office would hold in the years to come.