『若草物語』英文/和訳【12-6. キャンプ・ローレンス】

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“He’s a true John Bull. Now, Miss Sallie, you shall have a chance without waiting to draw.


I’ll harrrow[harrow] up your feelings first by asking if you don’t think you are something of a flirt,”[恋をもてあそぶ人] said Laurie, as Jo nodded to Fred as a sign that peace was declared.[平和宣言がなされた]

まず、あなたの気分を悪くさせるかもしれないけど、あなたは自分の事を少し尻軽だと思いませんか」 とローリーは言い、ジョーは仲直りの合図としてフレッドにうなずいた。

“You impertinent[生意気な] boy! Of course I’m not,” exclaimed[強い語調で言う, 声をあげる] Sallie, with an air that proved the contrary.


“What do you hate most?” asked Fred.


“Spiders and rice pudding.”[牛乳と米で作った甘いプディング]


“What do you like best?” asked Jo.


“Dancing and French gloves.”


“Well, I think Truth is a very silly play. Let’s have a sensible game of Authors[トランプゲームの一種] to refresh our minds,” proposed Jo.

「『真実』 はバカバカしい遊びだと思うわ。気分を変えて、気の利いた『オーサーズ』ゲームをしようよ」とジョーは提案した。

Ned, Frank, and the little girls joined in this, and while it went on, the three elders sat apart, talking.


Miss Kate took out her sketch again, and Margaret watched her, while Mr. Brooke lay on the grass with a book, which he did not read.


“How beautifully you do it! I wish I could draw,” said Meg, with mingled admiration[感嘆, 感心] and regret[残念, 遺憾] in her voice.


“Why don’t you learn? I should think you had taste and talent for it,” replied Miss Kate graciously.


“I haven’t time.”


“Your mamma prefers other accomplishments, I fancy.


So did mine, but I proved to her that I had talent by taking a few lessons privately, and then she was quite willing I should go on.


Can’t you do the same with your governess?”[住み込みで子供の教育にあたる女家庭教師]


“I have none.”


“I forgot young ladies in America go to school more than with us.


Very fine schools they are, too, Papa says. You go to a private one, I suppose?”


“I don’t go at all. I am a governess myself.”


“Oh, indeed!” said Miss Kate, but she might as well have said, “Dear me, how dreadful!” for her tone implied[含蓄された, 暗に含まれた] it,


and something in her face made Meg color, and wish she had not been so frank.


Mr. Brooke looked up and said quickly, “Young ladies in America love independence as much as their ancestors did,


and are admired and respected for supporting themselves.”[自分たちを支える]


“Oh, yes, of course it’s very nice and proper in them to do so.


We have many most respectable and worthy young women who do the same and are employed by the nobility,


because, being the daughters of gentlemen, they are both well bred and accomplished, you know,” said Miss Kate in a patronizing[恩着せ顔の] tone that hurt Meg’s pride,

というのは、(彼女たちは)身分の高い方々の娘さんたちですので育ちもよく、教養があ【る】りますもの。そうでしょう」 とミス・ケイトは、メグのプライドを傷つけるようなお高く止まった言い方をして、

and made her work seem not only more distasteful, but degrading.


“Did the German song suit, Miss March?” inquired Mr. Brooke, breaking an awkward pause.[小休止]


“Oh, yes! It was very sweet, and I’m much obliged to whoever translated it for me.” And Meg’s downcast[うつむいた, しおれた] face brightened as she spoke.


“Don’t you read German?” asked Miss Kate with a look of surprise.


“Not very well. My father, who taught me, is away, and I don’t get on very fast alone, for I’ve no one to correct my pronunciation.”


“Try a little now. Here is Schiller’s Mary Stuart and a tutor who loves to teach.”


And Mr. Brooke laid his book on her lap with an inviting smile.


“It’s so hard I’m afraid to try,” said Meg, grateful, but bashful[恥ずかしがりの, 内気な] in the presence of the accomplished[熟達した] young lady beside her.


“I’ll read a bit to encourage you.” And Miss Kate read one of the most beautiful passages in a perfectly correct but perfectly expressionless manner.


Mr. Brooke made no comment as she returned the book to Meg, who said innocently, “I thought it was poetry.”


“Some of it is. Try this passage.”


There was a queer smile about Mr. Brooke’s mouth as he opened at poor Mary’s lament.[哀悼の詩]


Meg obediently following the long grass-blade[草の葉身] which her new tutor used to point with, read slowly and timidly,


unconsciously making poetry of the hard words by the soft intonation[抑揚] of her musical voice.


Down the page went the green guide,[草のガイドがページを下ると] and presently, forgetting her listener in the beauty of the sad scene,


Meg read as if alone, giving a little touch of[~を少々] tragedy[悲劇的場面] to the words of the unhappy queen.


If she had seen the brown eyes then, she would have stopped short, but she never looked up, and the lesson was not spoiled for her.


“Very well indeed!” said Mr. Brooke, as she paused, quite ignoring[無視する, 知らないふりをする] her many mistakes, and looking as if he did indeed love to teach.


Miss Kate put up her glass, and, having taken a survey[(高い所などから)見渡す] of the little tableau[絵画的な描写, 活人画] before her, shut her sketch book,


saying with condescension, “You’ve a nice accent and in time[早晩, やがて] will be a clever reader.

恩着せがましい態度で言った。 「いいアクセントだから、そのうち上手な読み手になるわよ。

I advise you to learn, for German is a valuable accomplishment to teachers. I must look after Grace, she is romping.”


And Miss Kate strolled[ぶらつく, 散歩する] away, adding to herself with a shrug, “I didn’t come to chaperone[付き添い] a governess,[女家庭教師] though she is young and pretty.

ミス・ケイトはぶらっと歩いていって、肩をすくめ【る】ながらこうつぶやいた。 「あの子は若くてきれいだけど、私は家庭教師の付き添いに来たつもりはないのよ。

What odd people these Yankees are. I’m afraid Laurie will be quite spoiled among them.”


“I forgot that English people rather turn up their noses[軽蔑する,鼻であしらう] at governesses and don’t treat them as we do,” said Meg,


looking after the retreating figure with an annoyed expression.


“Tutors also have rather a hard time of it there, as I know to my sorrow.


There’s no place like America for us workers, Miss Margaret.”


And Mr. Brooke looked so contented and cheerful that Meg was ashamed[~を恥じた] to lament[嘆き悲しむ] her hard lot.


“I’m glad I live in it then. I don’t like my work, but I get a good deal of satisfaction out of it after all, so I won’t complain.


I only wished I liked teaching as you do.”


“I think you would if you had Laurie for a pupil.


I shall be very sorry to lose him next year,” said Mr. Brooke, busily punching holes in the turf.

来年、彼がいなくなってしまうのはとても残念です」 とブルック氏は芝生せっせと穴を開けながら言った。

“Going to college, I suppose?” Meg’s lips asked the question, but her eyes added, “And what becomes of you?”


“Yes, it’s high time he went, for he is ready, and as soon as he is off, I shall turn soldier. I am needed.”


“I am glad of that!” exclaimed Meg.


“I should think every young man would want to go, though it is hard for the mothers and sisters who stay at home,” she added sorrowfully.
