『若草物語』英文/和訳【11-4. 経験】
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Sallie began to laugh, but Meg nodded and lifted her eyebrows as high as they would go,
which caused[~を原因として] the apparition[幻影,幽霊] to vanish and put the sour bread[酸っぱいパン] into the oven without further delay.
Mrs. March went out, after peeping here and there to see how matters went,
マーチ夫人は、事の成り行きを見ようとあちこち覗きこんだ後、 ~をして出かけた。
also saying a word of comfort to Beth, who sat making a winding sheet,[死体を包む埋葬用の衣類] while the dear departed[故人, 死者] lay in state in the domino box.
愛しい小鳥の亡骸をドミノ箱の中に安置して、経帷子を作りながら座っているベスに慰めの言葉をかけ (出かけた。)
A strange sense of helplessness fell upon[ふりかかる] the girls as the gray bonnet vanished round the corner,
and despair seized them[絶望が姉妹を占有する] when a few minutes later Miss Crocker appeared, and said she’d come to dinner.[日曜・祭日には昼食がdinnerのことも多く,この場合の夕食はsupperまたはteaという]
Now this lady was a thin, yellow spinster,[未婚婦人] with a sharp nose and inquisitive eyes, who saw everything and gossiped about[~のうわさ話をする] all she saw.
They disliked her, but had been taught to be kind to her, simply because[~であるばかりに] she was old and poor and had few friends.
姉妹はミス・クロッカー を嫌っていたが、彼女は年老いて貧しく友達もほとんどいないのだから、親切にするように教えられていた。
So Meg gave her the easy chair and tried to entertain[楽しませようとする] her, while she asked questions, criticized everything, and told stories of the people whom she knew.
Language cannot describe the anxieties, experiences, and exertions[努力] which Jo underwent[耐える,忍ぶ] that morning, and the dinner she served up became a standing joke.[いつ聞いてもおもしろいジョーク]
Fearing to ask any more advice, she did her best alone, and discovered that something more than energy[気力, 元気] and good will[好意, 善意] is necessary to make a cook.
She boiled the asparagus for an hour and was grieved[~で深く悲しむ] to find the heads[(アスパラガスの)頭] cooked off[~を煮て取り除く] and the stalks harder than ever.
The bread burned black; for the salad dressing so aggravated[~を悩ます] her that she could not make it fit to eat.
The lobster was a scarlet mystery to her, but she hammered and poked till it was unshelled and its meager[貧弱な, 乏しい] proportions[割り前, 分け前] concealed[隠れる] in a grove[小さい森, 木立] of lettuce leaves.
The potatoes had to be hurried, not to keep the asparagus waiting,[待たせることはできない] and were not done at the last.
The blanc mange was lumpy, and the strawberries not as ripe as they looked, having been skilfully ‘deaconed’.[ペテンにかける]
ブランマンジェは固まりだらけで凸凹していて、イチゴは見た目ほど熟しておらず、巧みに 『ごまかされて』いた。
“Well, they can eat beef and bread and butter,[バター付きのパン] if they are hungry, only it’s mortifying[悔しい, しゃくにさわる] to have to spend your whole morning for nothing,” thought Jo,
as she rang the bell half an hour later than usual, and stood, hot, tired, and dispirited,[元気がない, 意気消沈した]
surveying[調査する] the feast spread before Laurie, accustomed to all sorts of elegance, and Miss Crocker, whose tattling[むだ口をきく] tongue would report them far and wide.
あらゆる種類の優雅な料理に慣れているローリーとお喋りな舌でこの話をいろいろなところに(遠く広く, あまねく)広めるのだろうミス・クロッカーの前に並んだご馳走を眺めていた。
Poor Jo would gladly have gone under the table, as one thing after another was tasted and left,
while Amy giggled, Meg looked distressed,[~に苦しむ] Miss Crocker pursed her lips, and Laurie talked and laughed with all his might[力いっぱいに] to give a cheerful tone to the festive scene.
Jo’s one strong point was the fruit, for she had sugared it well, and had a pitcher of rich[濃厚な] cream to eat with it.
Her hot cheeks cooled a trifle,[いくぶん] and she drew a long breath[長大息,大息] as the pretty glass plates went round,[一周する, 巡回する]
and everyone looked graciously at the little rosy islands floating in a sea of cream.
Miss Crocker tasted first, made a wry face, and drank some water hastily.
Jo, who refused, thinking there might not be enough, for they dwindled[だんだん小さくなる] sadly after the picking over, glanced at Laurie,
but he was eating away[おいしいものをかたっぱしから食べる] manfully, though there was a slight pucker about his mouth and he kept his eye fixed on his plate.
Amy, who was fond of delicate fare,[(食事に出される)食物] took a heaping spoonful, choked,[窒息した] hid[~を隠す] her face in her napkin, and left the table precipitately.[大慌てで]
“Oh, what is it?” exclaimed Jo, trembling.
“Salt instead of[~の代わりに] sugar, and the cream is sour,” replied Meg with a tragic gesture.[悲痛な身振りで]
Jo uttered a groan and fell back in her chair,
remembering that she had given a last hasty powdering to the berries out of one of the two boxes on the kitchen table, and had neglected[怠った] to put the milk in the refrigerator.
台所のテーブルの上の2つの箱のうちの1つから、最後に急いでイチゴに振りかけた事や ミルクを冷蔵庫に入れなかった事を思い出しながら。
She turned scarlet and was on the verge of crying, when she met Laurie’s eyes, which would look merry in spite of his heroic efforts.[勇敢に頑張っている]
The comical side of the affair suddenly struck her,[事件の滑稽な一面が突然彼女を襲い] and she laughed till the tears ran down her cheeks.
So did everyone else, even ‘Croaker’[ガアガア鳴くもの] as the girls called the old lady, and the unfortunate dinner ended gaily, with bread and butter, olives and fun.
“I haven’t strength of mind[精神力] enough to clear up now, so we will sober[~の酔いをさます] ourselves with a funeral,” said Jo, as they rose,
and Miss Crocker made ready to go, being eager to tell the new story at another friend’s dinner table.
They did sober themselves for Beth’s sake.
Laurie dug a grave under the ferns in the grove,[小さい森, 木立]
little Pip was laid in, with many tears by his tender-hearted mistress, and covered with moss,
while a wreath[花輪, 花冠] of violets[スミレ] and chickweed[ハコベ] was hung on the stone which bore[記載され] his epitaph,[故人をしのぶ碑文体の詩] composed by[〜によって構成される] Jo while she struggled with the dinner.