『若草物語』英文/和訳【3-2. ローレンス少年】

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After various lesser mishaps, Meg was finished at last, and by the united exertions[努力, 尽力] of the entire family Jo’s hair was got up and her dress on.


They looked very well in their simple suits, Meg’s in silvery drab, with a blue velvet snood,[女性が髪をまとめて留めるためのネット] lace frills, and the pearl pin.


Jo in maroon, with a stiff, gentlemanly linen collar, and a white chrysanthemum or two for her only ornament.


Each put on one nice light[良い明るい] glove, and carried one soiled one, and all pronounced[宣言する] the effect[効果] “quite easy and fine”.


Meg’s high-heeled slippers were very tight and hurt[~を痛める] her, though she would not own[告白する] it,


and Jo’s nineteen hairpins all seemed stuck straight into her head, which was not exactly comfortable, but, dear me, let us be elegant or die.[優雅でいるか、死ぬかのどちらか]


“Have a good time, dearies!” said Mrs. March, as the sisters went daintily down the walk.


“Don’t eat much supper, and come away[離れる, 去る] at eleven when I send Hannah for you.”


As the gate clashed behind them, a voice cried from a window…


“Girls, girls! Have you you both got nice pocket handkerchiefs?”


“Yes, yes, spandy[ルイーザ・メイ・オルコットの造語] nice, and Meg has cologne on hers,” cried Jo, adding with a laugh as they went on,[進む]


“I do believe Marmee would ask that if we were all running away from an earthquake.”


“It is one of her aristocratic tastes,[趣味嗜好] and quite proper,[適切な] for a real lady is always known by neat boots, gloves, and handkerchief,”


replied Meg, who had a good many little ‘aristocratic tastes’ of her own.

​とメグは答えた。そのメグ自身もちょっとした「貴族趣味 」をたくさん持っていた。

“Now don’t forget to keep the bad breadth[幅] out of sight, Jo.


Is my sash right? And does my hair look very bad?” said Meg, as she turned from the glass in Mrs. Gardiner’s dressing room after a prolonged[長期の] prink.

私のドレスの帯は大丈夫? それに髪はおかしくない?」ガーディナー夫人の化粧室長いおめかしをして、鏡の前から離れたばかりのメグが言った。

“I know I shall forget.


If you see me doing anything wrong, just remind me by a wink, will you?” returned Jo, giving her collar a twitch and her head a hasty brush.


“No, winking isn’t ladylike.


I’ll lift my eyebrows if any thing is wrong, and nod if you are all right.


Now hold your shoulder straight, and take short steps, and don’t shake hands if you are introduced to anyone. It isn’t the thing.”


“How do you learn all the proper[適切な] ways? I never can. Isn’t that music gay?”[派手な]


Down they went, feeling a trifle[つまらないもの, ささいな事] timid,


for they seldom went to parties, and informal[正装を必要としない] as this little gathering was, it was an event[出来事] to them.


Mrs. Gardiner, a stately[品位のある] old lady, greeted them kindly and handed them over to the eldest of her six daughters.


Meg knew Sallie and was at her ease[気持ちが楽になる] very soon, but Jo, who didn’t care much for girls or girlish gossip,[女の子らしい噂話]


stood about, with her back carefully[慎重に] against the wall, and felt as much out of place as a colt in a flower garden.


Half a dozen[半ダース] jovial lads were talking about skates in another part of the room, and she longed to go and join them, for skating was one of the joys of her life.


She telegraphed[〔顔つき・身ぶりなどで〕それとなく感づかせる] her wish to Meg, but the eyebrows went up so alarmingly that she dared not stir.


No one came to talk to her, and one by one the group dwindled away till she was left alone.


She could not roam about and amuse herself, for the burned breadth would show,


so she stared at people rather forlornly[わびしく] till the dancing began.


Meg was asked at once, and the tight slippers tripped[軽快な足どりで歩く,踊る] about so briskly that none would have guessed the pain their wearer suffered smilingly.


Jo saw a big red headed youth approaching her corner, and fearing he meant to engage her,


she slipped into a curtained recess, intending to peep and enjoy herself in peace.


Unfortunately, another bashful person had chosen the same refuge,


for, as the curtain fell behind her, she found herself face to face with the ‘Laurence boy’.

というのは、下りた幕を後ろにしたとき、彼女は 「ローレンス・ボーイ」 と面と向き合ったのである。

“Dear me, I didn’t know anyone was here!” stammered Jo, preparing to back out as speedily as she had bounced in.


But the boy laughed and said pleasantly, though he looked a little startled, “Don’t mind me, stay if you like.”


“Shan’t[shall not の短縮形] I disturb[平安を乱す] you?”


“Not a bit. I only came here because I don’t know many people and felt rather strange at first, you know.”


“So did I. Don’t go away, please, unless you’d rather.”


The boy sat down again and looked at his pumps,[ダンス靴, 運動靴] till Jo said, trying to be polite and easy,


“I think I’ve had the pleasure of seeing you before.


You live near us, don’t you?”


“Next door.”


And he looked up and laughed outright,


for Jo’s prim manner was rather funny when he remembered how they had chatted about cricket when he brought the cat home.


That put Jo at her ease and she laughed too, as she said, in her heartiest way, “We did have such a good time over your nice Christmas present.”


“Grandpa sent it.”


“But you put it into his head, didn’t you, now?”


“How is your cat, Miss March?” asked the boy, trying to look sober while his black eyes shone with fun.


“Nicely, thank you, Mr. Laurence. But I am not Miss March, I’m only Jo,” returned the young lady.


“I’m not Mr. Laurence, I’m only Laurie.”


“Laurie Laurence, what an odd name.”


“My first name is Theodore, but I don’t like it, for the fellows[仲間] called me Dora, so I made them say Laurie instead.”

「僕の名前はセオドアだけど、好きじゃないんだ、 みんなドーラと呼ぶからね。だから代わりにローリーと呼ばせているんだ」

“I hate my name, too, so sentimental![感傷的な] I wish every one would say Jo instead of Josephine.

「私も自分の名前が嫌いだわ!あまりにセンチメンタルなんですもの!ジョセフィーヌの代わりにジョーと呼んで欲しいわ 」

How did you make the boys stop calling you Dora?”


“I thrashed[打ちのめす,むち打つ] ‘em[them].”


“I can’t thrash Aunt March, so I suppose I shall have to bear it.” And Jo resigned herself with a sigh.

「マーチおばさんを殴ることはできないので、我慢するしかないわね」 ジョーはため息をついてあきらめた。

“Don’t you like to dance, Miss Jo?” asked Laurie, looking as if he thought the name suited her.


“I like it well enough[十分好きです] if there is plenty of room, and everyone is lively.[活気がある]


In a place like this I’m sure to upset something, tread on people’s toes, or do something dreadful,[恐ろしいこと] so I keep out of mischief[いたずらをしないようにして] and let Meg sail about.[泳がせておく]


Don’t you dance?”


“Sometimes. You see I’ve been abroad a good many years, and haven’t been into company enough yet to know how you do things here.”


“Abroad!” cried Jo. “Oh, tell me about it! I love dearly to hear people describe their travels.”
