『若草物語』英文/和訳【11-5. 経験】
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Here lies Pip March, Who died the 7th of June;
Loved and lamented sore,[心を痛める]
And not forgotten soon.
At the conclusion[終結, 結び] of the ceremonies,[儀式,式典] Beth retired to her room, overcome with[~に圧倒される、~にやられる] emotion[感情,情緒] and lobster,
but there was no place of repose, for the beds were not made, and she found her grief[深い悲しみ] much assuaged[緩和する] by beating up[強くうちのめす] the pillows and putting things in order.
Meg helped Jo clear away[(食後に)片づける] the remains[残り] of the feast,[饗宴] which took half the afternoon and left them so tired that they agreed to be contented with tea and toast for supper.[昼食をディナーとした場合の比較的軽い夕食]
Laurie took Amy to drive, which was a deed[行為] of charity, for the sour cream seemed to have had a bad effect upon[悪い影響を与えた] her temper.
Mrs. March came home to find the three older girls hard at work in the middle of the afternoon,
and a glance at the closet gave her an idea of[(人)に~がどのようなものであるか知らせる] the success of one part of the experiment.
Before the housewives could rest, several people called, and there was a scramble to get ready to see[~に目配りする] them.
Then tea must be got, errands done, and one or two necessary bits of sewing neglected[おろそかにする] until the last minute.
As twilight fell, dewy and still, one by one they gathered on the porch[建物・教会などで外に張り出した屋根付きの玄関] where the June roses were budding[芽を出しかけた] beautifully,
and each groaned or sighed as she sat down, as if tired or troubled.
“What a dreadful day this has been!” began Jo, usually the first to speak.
“It has seemed shorter than usual, but so uncomfortable,”[不愉快な] said Meg.
“Not a bit like home,” added Amy.
“It can’t seem so without Marmee[Mommy] and little Pip,” sighed Beth, glancing with full eyes at the empty cage[鳥かご] above her head.
“Here’s Mother, dear, and you shall have another bird tomorrow, if you want it.”
As she spoke, Mrs. March came and took her place among them, looking as if her holiday had not been much pleasanter than theirs.
“Are you satisfied with your experiment, girls, or do you want another week of it?” she asked,
as Beth nestled up to her and the rest turned toward her with brightening[~を輝かせる] faces, as flowers turn toward the sun.
“I don’t!” cried Jo decidedly.
“Nor I,” echoed the others.
“You think then, that it is better to have a few duties[義務,やらなければならない事] and live a little for others, do you?”
“Lounging and larking doesn’t pay,”[割にあわない] observed Jo, shaking her head.
“I’m tired of it and mean to go to work[仕事をしに行く] at something right off.”
“Suppose you learn plain cooking.
That’s a useful accomplishment,[特技,教養] which no woman should be without,” said Mrs. March, laughing inaudibly[聞こえないように] at the recollection of[~を思い出して] Jo’s dinner party,
とても役に立つたしなみよ、女性には欠かせないものですからね」 とマーチ夫人言った。夫人は、ジョーの晩餐会を思い出して声を出さないように笑った。
for she had met Miss Crocker and heard her account of it.
“Mother, did you go away and let everything be, just to see how we’d get on?”[仕事などを進める] cried Meg, who had had suspicions all day.
“Yes, I wanted you to see how the comfort of all depends on[~次第である] each doing her share[割り当て,負担] faithfully.[誠実に]
While Hannah and I did your work, you got on pretty well, though I don’t think you were very happy or amiable.
So I thought, as a little lesson, I would show you what happens when everyone thinks only of herself.
Don’t you feel that it is pleasanter to help one another, to have daily duties which make leisure sweet when it comes,
and to bear and forbear, that home may be comfortable and lovely to us all?”
“We do, Mother, we do!” cried the girls.
“Then let me advise you to take up[取り上げる, 手に取る] your little burdens again, for though they seem heavy sometimes, they are good for us, and lighten as we learn to carry them.[運ぶことを学ぶにつれて]
Work is wholesome,[健康によい] and there is plenty for everyone.
It keeps us from[人に~させないようにする] ennui and mischief, is good for health and spirits, and gives us a sense of power and independence better than money or fashion.”
“We’ll work like bees,[ミツバチ] and love it too, see if[〜かどうか確かめる] we don’t,” said Jo.
“I’ll learn plain[平易な, 簡単な] cooking for my holiday task, and the next dinner party I have shall be a success.”
“I’ll make the set of shirts for father, instead of letting you do it, Marmee[Mommy].
I can and I will, though I’m not fond of sewing.
That will be better than fussing over[こだわる,やきもきする] my own things, which are plenty nice enough as they are.” said Meg.
“I’ll do my lessons every day, and not spend so much time with my music and dolls.
I am a stupid thing,[愚かな] and ought to be studying, not playing,” was Beth’s resolution,
while Amy followed their example by heroically declaring, “I shall learn to make buttonholes, and attend to[専心する,取り掛かる] my parts of speech.”
“Very good! Then I am quite satisfied with the experiment, and fancy that[~だと思う] we shall not have to repeat it, only don’t go to the other extreme and delve[掘り下げる] like slaves.
Have regular hours for work and play, make each day both useful and pleasant,
and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing[用いる,使用する] it well.
Then youth will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets, and life become a beautiful success, in spite of poverty.”
“We’ll remember, Mother!” and they did.