『若草物語』英文/和訳【12-4. キャンプ・ローレンス】
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“One person begins a story, any nonsense you like, and tells as long as he pleases,
only taking care[注意する] to stop short at some exciting point, when the next takes it up[取り入れる, 吸い上げる] and does the same.
It’s very funny when well done, and makes a perfect jumble of tragical comical stuff[物, 話] to laugh over.
Please start it, Mr. Brooke,” said Kate, with a commanding air, which surprised Meg, who treated the tutor with as much respect as any other gentleman.
Lying on the grass at the feet of the two young ladies,
Mr. Brooke obediently[従順に, すなおに] began the story, with the handsome brown eyes steadily fixed upon[釘付けにする] the sunshiny river.
“Once on a time, a knight went out into the world[世に出た] to seek his fortune,[幸運,出世] for he had nothing but his sword and his shield.
He traveled a long while, nearly eight-and-twentys [twenty eight] year, and had a hard time of it,
till he came to the palace of a good old king, who had offered a reward to anyone who could tame[飼い慣らす] and train a fine but unbroken colt,[荒馬] of which he was very fond.
The knight agreed to try, and got on slowly but surely, for the colt was a gallant fellow, and soon learned to love his new master,[すぐに新しい主人を愛することを学んだ] though he was freakish and wild.
Every day, when he gave his lessons to this pet[お気に入り] of the king’s, the knight rode him through the city, and as he rode,
he looked everywhere for a certain beautiful face, which he had seen many times in his dreams, but never found.
One day, as he went prancing[躍りはねて進む, 意気揚々と歩く] down a quiet street, he saw at the window of a ruinous castle the lovely face.
He was delighted, inquired who lived in this old castle, and was told that several captive princesses were kept there by a spell,[呪文,魔力]
and spun all day to lay up money to buy their liberty.
The knight wished intensely[激烈に] that he could free them, but he was poor and could only go by each day,
watching for the sweet face and longing to see it out in the sunshine.
At last he resolved to get into the castle and ask how he could help them.
He went and knocked. The great door flew open, and he beheld…”
“A ravishingly[魅惑させるほどに] lovely lady, who exclaimed,[声をあげる] with a cry of rapture,[狂喜, 歓喜] ‘At last! At last!'” continued Kate, who had read French novels, and admired[敬慕する] the style.
「うっとりするほど美しい女性が、歓喜の叫び声をあげたのを。 『ついに!ついに!』と、ケイトが続けた。ケイトはフランスの小説を読んでいて、その文体に傾倒していたのだ。
“‘Tis[It is] she!’ cried Count Gustave, and fell at her feet in an ecstasy[無我夢中, 有頂天] of joy.
‘Oh, rise!’ she said, extending a hand of marble[大理石] fairness.[色白]
‘Never! Till you tell me how I may rescue you,’ swore the knight, still kneeling.
‘Alas, my cruel fate condemns[定めている,運命づける] me to remain here till my tyrant is destroyed.’
‘Where is the villain?’
‘In the mauve[薄い青みがかった紫] salon. Go, brave heart, and save me from despair.’
‘I obey, and return victorious or dead!’
With these thrilling words he rushed away, and flinging[(勢いよく)投げる] open the door of the mauve salon, was about to enter, when he received…”
“A stunning blow from the big Greek lexicon, which an old fellow in a black gown fired[~めがけて発砲する] at him,” said Ned.
“Instantly,[直ちに, 即座に] Sir What’s-his-name[何某] recovered himself, pitched[~に投げる] the tyrant[暴君, 圧制者] out of the window, and turned to join the lady, victorious,[勝ち誇る] but with a bump[コブ] on his brow,[額]
found the door locked, tore up the curtains, made a rope ladder,
got halfway down when the ladder broke, and he went headfirst into the moat, sixty feet below.
Could swim like a duck, paddled[犬かきのように泳ぐ] round the castle till he came to a little door guarded by two stout[頑丈な, 太った] fellows,
knocked their heads together till they cracked[割る, 砕く] like a couple of nuts,
then, by a trifling[わずかに] exertion[行使] of his prodigious[驚異的な, けたはずれの] strength,
he smashed in the door, went up[昇る, 登る] a pair of[一連の,連なり] stone steps covered with dust a foot thick,
toads as big as your fist, and spiders that would frighten you into hysterics,[ヒステリックに怖がらせる] Miss March.
At the top of these steps he came plump[突然に,いきなり] upon a sight that took his breath away and chilled his blood…”
“A tall figure, all in white with a veil over its face and a lamp in its wasted hand,” went on Meg.
“It beckoned, gliding[音もなく歩く, すうっと動く] noiselessly[音を立てないで] before him down a corridor as dark and cold as any tomb.
Shadowy effigies[肖像, 彫像] in armor stood on either side, a dead silence[死んだような沈黙] reigned,[支配する] the lamp burned blue,
and the ghostly figure ever and anon[ときどき] turned its face toward him, showing the glitter[きらきら輝く] of awful eyes through its white veil.
They reached a curtained door, behind which sounded lovely music.
He sprang forward to enter, but the specter plucked[ぐいと引っ張る] him back, and waved threateningly before him a…”
“Snuffbox,” said Jo, in a sepulchral tone, which convulsed[激しく震動させる,けいれんさせる] the audience.[聴衆]
“‘Thankee[Thank you],’ said the knight politely, as he took a pinch and sneezed seven times so violently that his head fell off.
‘Ha! Ha!’ laughed the ghost, and having peeped through the keyhole at the princesses spinning away for dear life,
the evil spirit picked up her victim and put him in a large tin box,
where there were eleven other knights packed together without their heads, like sardines, who all rose and began to…”
“Dance a hornpipe,”[17世紀後半に生まれたイギリスのフォークダンス] cut in[急に言葉をさしはさむ, さえぎる] Fred, as Jo paused for breath, “and, as they danced, the rubbishy[くずの, がらくたの] old castle turned to a man-of-war in full sail.
‘Up with the jib, reef the tops’l[topsail] halliards[halyards], helm[操舵装置] hard alee,
and man the guns!’ roared the captain, as a Portuguese pirate hove in sight, with a flag black as ink flying from her foremast.
‘Go in and win, my hearties!’ says the captain, and a tremendous fight began.
「野郎ども、行くぞ!やっつけろ! 」と船長は言った。そしてものすごい戦いが始まった。
Of course the British beat—they always do.”
“No, they don’t!” cried Jo, aside.[脇で叫ぶ]