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“Come on, then! Why not? You go and surprise your father, and I’ll stir up old Brooke.


It would be a glorious joke. Let’s do it, Jo.


We’ll leave a letter saying we are all right, and trot off at once. I’ve got money enough.


It will do you good, and no harm, as you go to your father.”


For a moment Jo looked as if she would agree, for wild as the plan was, it just suited her.


She was tired of care and confinement, longed for change, and thoughts of her father blended temptingly with the novel charms of camps and hospitals, liberty and fun.


Her eyes kindled as they turned wistfully toward the window, but they fell on the old house opposite, and she shook her head with sorrowful decision.


“If I was a boy, we’d run away together, and have a capital time, but as I’m a miserable girl, I must be proper and stop at home.


Don’t tempt me, Teddy, it’s a crazy plan.”


“That’s the fun of it,” began Laurie, who had got a willful fit on him and was possessed to break out of bounds in some way.


Hold your tongue!” cried Jo, covering her ears. “‘Prunes and prisms’ are my doom, and I may as well make up my mind to it.


I came here to moralize, not to hear things that make me skip to think of.


“I know Meg would wet-blanket such a proposal, but I thought you had more spirit,” began Laurie insinuatingly.


“Bad boy, be quiet! Sit down and think of your own sins, don’t go making me add to mine.


If I get your grandpa to apologize for the shaking, will you give up running away?” asked Jo seriously.


“Yes, but you won’t do it,” answered Laurie, who wished to make up, but felt that his outraged dignity must be appeased first.


“If I can manage the young one, I can the old one,” muttered Jo, as she walked away, leaving Laurie bent over a railroad map with his head propped up on both hands.


“Come in!” and Mr. Laurence’s gruff voice sounded gruffer than ever, as Jo tapped at his door.


“It’s only me, Sir, come to return a book,” she said blandly, as she entered.


“Want any more?” asked the old gentleman, looking grim and vexed, but trying not to show it.

「もっと読みたいかね?」と老紳士は、険しく[いかめしい, 厳格な]苛立った様子だったがが、それを表に出さないようにして尋ねた。

“Yes, please. I like old Sam so well, I think I’ll try the second volume,” returned Jo,


hoping to propitiate him by accepting a second dose of Boswell’s Johnson, as he had recommended that lively work.


The shaggy eyebrows unbent a little as he rolled the steps toward the shelf where the Johnsonian literature was placed.


Jo skipped up, and sitting on the top step, affected to be searching for her book, but was really wondering how best to introduce the dangerous object of her visit.


Mr. Laurence seemed to suspect that something was brewing in her mind,


for after taking several brisk turns about the room, he faced round on her, speaking so abruptly that Rasselas tumbled face downward on the floor.


“What has that boy been about? Don’t try to shield him. I know he has been in mischief by the way he acted when he came home.


I can’t get a word from him, and when I threatened to shake the truth out of him he bolted upstairs and locked himself into his room.”


“He did wrong, but we forgave him, and all promised not to say a word to anyone,” began Jo reluctantly.


“That won’t do. He shall not shelter himself behind a promise from you softhearted girls.


If he’s done anything amiss, he shall confess, beg pardon, and be punished. Out with it, Jo. I won’t be kept in the dark.


Mr. Laurence looked so alarming and spoke so sharply that Jo would have gladly run away, if she could, but she was perched aloft on the steps,


and he stood at the foot, a lion in the path, so she had to stay and brave it out.

ローレンス氏は行く手を阻むライオンのように足元に立っていたので、彼女はそこにとどまって立ち向かう[ひるまずに立ち向かう, 最後まで屈しない]しかなかった。

Indeed, Sir, I cannot tell. Mother forbade it. Laurie has confessed, asked pardon, and been punished quite enough.


We don’t keep silence to shield him, but someone else, and it will make more trouble if you interfere. Please don’t.


It was partly my fault, but it’s all right now. So let’s forget it, and talk about the Rambler or something pleasant.


“Hang the Rambler! Come down and give me your word that this harum-scarum boy of mine hasn’t done anything ungrateful or impertinent.


If he has, after all your kindness to him, I’ll thrash him with my own hands.”


The threat sounded awful, but did not alarm Jo,


for she knew the irascible old gentleman would never lift a finger against his grandson, whatever he might say to the contrary.

怒りっぽい[かんしゃく持ちの, 短気な]老紳士がそう言う反面、何を言っても、孫に指一本触れないことを彼女は知っていたからである。

She obediently descended, and made as light of the prank as she could without betraying Meg or forgetting the truth.
