『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【4-1. 地獄の罠】
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When the race was over, a crowd of people, streaming toward the exit from the grand stand, pushed against Nicolas Dugrival.
He brought his hand smartly to the inside pocket of his jacket.
“What’s the matter?” asked his wife.
“I still feel nervous … with that money on me! I’m afraid of some nasty[たちの悪い,卑劣な] accident.”
She muttered: “And I can’t understand you. How can you think of carrying such a sum about with you?
Every farthing[英国で使われた青銅硬貨] we possess![所有する] Lord knows, it cost us trouble enough to earn!”[稼ぐのに十分な手間がかかった]
私たちの全財産なのよ!私たちがそれを稼ぐのにどんなに大変だったことか… (神のみぞ知る)」
“Pooh!” he said. “No one would guess that it is here, in my pocket-book.”
“Yes, yes,” she grumbled.
“That young man-servant whom we discharged[解雇した] last week knew all about it, didn’t he, Gabriel?”
“Yes, aunt,” said a youth standing beside her.
Nicolas Dugrival, his wife and his nephew Gabriel were well-known figures at the race-meetings, where the regular frequenters saw them almost every day:
Dugrival, a big, fat, red-faced man, who looked as if he knew how to enjoy life;
his wife, also built on heavy lines, with a coarse, vulgar face, and always dressed in a plum-coloured silk much the worse for wear;
the nephew, quite young, slender, with pale features, dark eyes and fair and rather curly hair.
As a rule,[概して] the couple remained[存続する] seated throughout the afternoon.
It was Gabriel who betted[賭ける] for his uncle, watching the horses in the paddock, picking up[拾い上げる] tips[情報] to right and left[四方八方で] among the jockeys and stable-lads,
running backward and forward between the stands and the pari-mutuel[フランス語で発券機].
Luck had favoured them that day, for, three times, Dugrival’s neighbours[隣人] saw the young man come back and hand him money.
The fifth race was just finishing. Dugrival lit a cigar.
At that moment, a gentleman in a tight-fitting brown suit, with a face ending[顔の先端に] in a peaked grey beard, came up to him and asked, in a confidential[機密の,内々の] whisper:
“Does this happen to belong to you, sir?”
And he displayed a gold watch and chain.
Dugrival gave a start:[びくりとする]
“Why, yes … it’s mine…. Look, here are my initials, N. G.: Nicolas Dugrival!”
And he at once, with a movement of terror, clapped his hand to his jacket-pocket. The note-case[札入れ] was still there.
“Ah,” he said, greatly relieved, “that’s a piece of luck!… But, all the same,[それでも, やはり] how on earth[一体どうやったら] was it done?… Do you know the scoundrel?”
“Yes, we’ve got him locked up.[閉じ込める] Pray come with me and we’ll soon look into the matter.”
“Whom have I the honour[honor] …?”
“M. Delangle, detective-inspector. I have sent to let M. Marquenne, the magistrate, know.”
Nicolas Dugrival went out with the inspector; and the two of them started for the commissary’s office, some distance behind the grand stand.[(競馬場・競技場などの)正面特別観覧席]
They were within fifty yards[0.9144 メートル] of it, when the inspector was accosted by a man who said to him, hurriedly:
“The fellow with the watch has blabbed; we are on the tracks of a whole gang.
M. Marquenne wants you to wait for him at the pari-mutuel and to keep a look-out[看視する] near the fourth booth.”
There was a crowd outside the betting-booths and Inspector Delangle muttered:
“It’s an absurd arrangement[取り決め,手はず]…. Whom am I to look out for?… That’s just like Marquenne!…”
He pushed aside a group of people who were crowding[混雑している] too close upon him:
“By Jove, one has to use one’s elbows here and keep a tight hold on one’s purse.
That’s the way you got your watch pinched, M. Dugrival!”
“I can’t understand….”
“Oh, if you knew how those gentry go to work! One never guesses what they’re up to next.
One of them treads on your foot, another gives you a poke in the eye with his stick and the third picks your pocket before you know where you are….
I’ve been had that way myself.”
He stopped and then continued, angrily.
“But, bother it, what’s the use of hanging about here! What a mob![群衆] It’s unbearable!…
Ah, there’s M. Marquenne making signs to us!… One moment, please … and be sure and wait for me here.”
He shouldered his way through the crowd. Nicolas Dugrival followed him for a moment with his eyes.
Once the inspector was out of sight, he stood a little to one side, to avoid[避けて] being hustled.[押し込む]