『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【4-8. 地獄の罠】

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“I can’t find it anywhere,” said the young man, running back in dismay.


“It has gone from my room! I can’t make it out!”[理解できない]


“Never mind!” cried the Widow Dugrival, half demented.[発狂した] “All the better! I will do the business[必要なことをする] myself.”


She seized Lupin by the throat, clutched him with her ten fingers, digging[掘る,突き立てる] her nails into his flesh,[肉体] and began to squeeze with all her might.


Lupin uttered a hoarse rattle and gave himself up for lost.[死んだものと諦める]


Suddenly, there was a crash at the window. One of the panes was smashed to pieces.


“What’s that? What is it?” stammered[どもりながら言う] the widow, drawing herself[すっくと立ち上がる] erect, in alarm.


Gabriel, who had turned even paler than usual, murmured:


“I don’t know…. I can’t think….”


“Who can have done it?” said the widow.


She dared[~する勇気がある] not move, waiting for what would come next.


And one thing above all terrified her, the fact that there was no missile[飛び道具] on the floor around them,


although the pane[窓ガラス(の 1 枚)] of glass, as was clearly visible,[明らかに目に見えて] had given way[崩れる, 破れる] before the crash of a heavy and fairly large object, a stone, probably.


After a while, she looked under the bed, under the chest of drawers:


“Nothing,” she said.


“No,” said her nephew, who was also looking. And, resuming her seat, she said:


“I feel frightened … my arms fail me … you finish him off….”


Gabriel confessed:“I’m frightened also.”


“Still … still,” she stammered, “it’s got to be done…. I swore it….”

「それでも……それでも 」と、彼女は口ごもった「やらなければならない…。あたしは誓ったんだから…」

Making one last effort, she returned to Lupin and gasped his neck with her stiff fingers.


But Lupin, who was watching her pallid face, received[受け取る] a very clear sensation[感覚, 知覚] that she would not have the courage to kill him.


To her he was becoming something sacred, invulnerable.[傷つけられない]


A mysterious power was protecting him against every attack,


a power which had already saved him three times by inexplicable[説明のできない] means[方法, 手段] and which would find other means to protect him against the wiles[策略] of death.


She said to him, in a hoarse voice:


“How you must be laughing at me!”


“Not at all, upon my word. I should feel frightened myself, in your place.”


“Nonsense, you scum[人間のクズ] of the earth! You imagine that you will be rescued … that your friends are waiting outside? It’s out of the question,[論外だ] my fine fellow.”


“I know. It’s not they defending me … nobody’s defending me….”


“Well, then?…”


“Well, all the same,[どうでもよい] there’s something strange at the bottom of it, something fantastic and miraculous that makes your flesh creep,[人をぞっとさせる] my fine lady.”


“You villain!You’ll be laughing on the other side of your mouth[あなたの口の裏側で笑う 吠え面をかく] before long.”


“I doubt it.”


“You wait and see.”


She reflected[熟考する] once more and said to her nephew:


“What would you do?”


“Fasten his arm again and let’s be off,”[離れる] he replied.


A hideous suggestion! It meant condemning Lupin to the most horrible of all deaths, death by starvation.


“No,” said the widow. “He might still find a means of escape. I know something better than that.”


She took down the receiver of the telephone, waited and asked:


“Number 82248, please.”


And, after a second or two:


“Hullo!… Is that the Criminal Investigation Department?… Is Chief-inspector Ganimard there?… In twenty minutes, you say?… I’m sorry!… However!…

「もしもし…犯罪捜査局ですか? ガニマール警部はいますか?…20分後ですね?…残念ですが…でも…、

When he comes, give him this message from Mme. Dugrival….


Yes, Mme[Madam]. Nicolas Dugrival…. Ask him to come to my flat. Tell him to open the looking-glass door of my wardrobe;

ええ、二コラ・デュグリバル夫人です…。 警部に私のアパートに来るように頼んでください。あたしの洋服ダンス姿見の扉を開けるように言ってください。

and, when he has done so, he will see that the wardrobe hides an outlet which makes my bedroom communicate with[通じ合う] two other rooms.


In one of these, he will find a man bound hand and foot. It is the thief, Dugrival’s murderer….


You don’t believe me?… Tell M. Ganimard; he’ll believe me right enough….[まったく申し分のない] Oh, I was almost forgetting to give you the man’s name: Arsene Lupin!”

信じられませんか?… ガニマール氏に伝えて下さい。彼ならきっと信じて下さいます…。 そういえば、そいつの名前を言うのを忘れていました。アルセーヌ・ルパンです!」