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“That he did, you may be sure,” said I. “I knew that blind man too. His name was Pew.”
“It was!” cried Silver, now quite excited. “Pew! That were his name for certain.
Ah, he looked a shark, he did! If we run down this Black Dog, now, there’ll be news for Cap’n Trelawney! Ben’s a good runner; few seamen run better than Ben.
ああ、奴は詐欺師に見えたな!今、このブラックドッグを追い詰めたらトレローニー船長にいい知らせになる!ベンは走るのが早いからな、 ベンより速く走る船乗りはほとんどいないさ。
He should run him down, hand over hand[ロープなどをだぐる], by the powers! He talked o’ keel-hauling, did he? I’ll keel-haul him!”
All the time he was jerking out[口にする] these phrases he was stumping up[遊説してまわる] and down the tavern on his crutch, slapping tables with his hand,
and giving such a show of excitement as would have convinced an Old Bailey judge or a Bow Street runner.[ロンドンで最初のプロの警察]
My suspicions had been thoroughly reawakened on finding Black Dog at the Spy-glass, and I watched the cook narrowly[念入りに:詳しく].
But he was too deep, and too ready, and too clever for me,
and by the time the two men had come back out of breath and confessed that they had lost the track in a crowd, and been scolded like thieves,
I would have gone bail for[保証する] the innocence of Long John Silver.
“See here, now, Hawkins,” said he, “here’s a blessed[神聖な:いまいましい] hard thing on a man like me, now, ain’t it? There’s Cap’n Trelawney—what’s he to think?
「なあ、ホーキンス 」と彼は言い 「俺みたいな男には相当キツイ話だぜ、なあ、そうだろ? トレローニー船長はどう思うだろうな?
Here I have this confounded[けしからぬ,べらぼうな] son of a Dutchman sitting in my own house drinking of my own rum!
Here you comes and tells me of it plain; and here I let him give us all the slip before my blessed deadlights[明り取り用の窓]! Now, Hawkins, you do me justice with the cap’n.
You’re a lad, you are, but you’re as smart as paint. I see that when you first come in.
Now, here it is: What could I do, with this old timber[材木] I hobble on?
When I was an A B master mariner I’d have come up alongside[横に並んで] of him, hand over hand,[ロープなどをたぐり寄せる] and broached[船を方向転換させる] him to in a brace of old shakes, I would; but now—”
And then, all of a sudden, he stopped, and his jaw dropped as though he had remembered something.
“The score!” he burst out. “Three goes o’ rum! Why, shiver my timbers, if I hadn’t forgotten my score!”
「勘定!」と彼は急に大声を出して 「ラム酒を3杯だ!まったくなんてこった、この俺が勘定を忘れるとはな」
And falling on a bench, he laughed until the tears ran down his cheeks.
I could not help joining[参加せずにはいられない], and we laughed together, peal after peal, until the tavern rang again.
“Why, what a precious[まったくの] old sea-calf I am!” he said at last, wiping his cheeks. “You and me should get on well, Hawkins, for I’ll take my davy[誓う] I should be rated ship’s boy.
「ああ、俺も老いぼれたアザラシになったもんだなぁ」と言いながら 頬をぬぐった。「仲良くやってい[く]こうな、ホーキンス、きっと俺も船のボーイ扱いされるだろうからな。
But come now, stand by to go about. This won’t do. Dooty is dooty[duty is duty], messmates[船で同じ飯を食った仲間].
I’ll put on my old cockerel[雄のニワトリ] hat, and step along of you to Cap’n Trelawney, and report this here affair[事柄:事件].
For mind you, it’s serious, young Hawkins; and neither you nor me’s come out of[~から抜ける] it with what I should make so bold as to[思い切って…する] call credit.
Nor you neither, says you; not smart—none of the pair of us smart. But dash my buttons![驚きや苛立ちの口語的表現] That was a good un[=good one] about my score.”
And he began to laugh again, and that so heartily, that though I did not see the joke as he did, I was again obliged to join him in his mirth.[笑いさざめき, 歓喜]
On our little walk along the quays, he made himself the most interesting companion,
telling me about the different ships that we passed by, their rig,[艤装] tonnage, and nationality, explaining the work that was going forward
—how one was discharging, another taking in cargo, and a third making ready for sea
—and every now and then telling me some little anecdote of ships or seamen or repeating a nautical phrase till I had learned it perfectly.
I began to see that here was one of the best of possible shipmates.
When we got to the inn, the squire and Dr. Livesey were seated together, finishing a quart of ale[ハーブや香辛料で苦みを付けた醸造酒] with a toast in it, before they should go aboard the schooner on a visit of inspection.
Long John told the story from first to last, with a great deal of spirit and the most perfect truth.
“That was how it were, now, weren’t it, Hawkins?” he would say, now and again, and I could always bear him entirely out.[言葉を間違いないと言う]
The two gentlemen regretted that Black Dog had got away, but we all agreed there was nothing to be done, and after he had been complimented, Long John took up his crutch and departed.
“All hands aboard by four this afternoon,” shouted the squire after him.
“Aye, aye, sir,” cried the cook, in the passage.
“Well, squire,” said Dr. Livesey, “I don’t put much faith in your discoveries[発見したもの], as a general thing; but I will say this, John Silver suits me[私の意見に適している].”
“The man’s a perfect trump,” declared the squire.
“And now,” added the doctor, “Jim may come on board with us, may he not?”
“To be sure he may,” says squire. “Take your hat, Hawkins, and we’ll see the ship.”
「もちろんだとも」と大地主さんは言った。 「帽子被れ、 ホーキンス、船を見に行くぞ」