【Enthrall – 魅了する】


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【Enthrall – 魅了する】という単語の語源とか由来を知っていますか?



“Enthrall” is used to mean captivating someone, taking their heart, or making them captive. The origin of this word can be traced back to the Middle English “enthrallen,” which is believed to derive from the Old English “þræl,” meaning a slave or captive. Thus, the original meaning of “enthrall” was literally “to enslave” or “to bind.”

Over time, the meaning of “enthrall” has evolved into something more metaphorical. In contemporary English, it is used to describe the ability to deeply attract someone or to completely capture their attention or emotions. This change reflects the shift in people’s use of the word from referring to physical bondage to indicating emotional or mental allure or influence.



  1. Captivate: 強く引きつける、心を奪う。
  2. Fascinate: 魅力で引きつける、興味深くさせる。
  3. Mesmerize: 催眠術にかけるように魅了する。
  4. Bewitch: 魔法にかけるかのように魅了する。
  5. Charm: 魅力で人を引きつける。
  6. Enchant: 魔法にかけるかのように完全に魅了する。


  1. Bore: 退屈させる。
  2. Repel: 忌避させる、反感を抱かせる。
  3. Disenchant: 幻滅させる、魅力を失わせる。
  4. Disgust: 嫌悪感を抱かせる。
  5. Alienate: 疎外する、遠ざける。
  6. Deter: 思いとどまらせる、威嚇する。


  1. Enthuse: 熱狂させる、大いに興奮させる。この単語は、特に感情や情熱を引き起こすことに焦点を当てていますが、「enthrall」は注意や興味を強く引きつけることに重点を置いています。
  2. Entrance: 魅了する、夢中にさせる。この単語も「enthrall」と非常に似ていますが、「entrance」は時に人を夢中にさせることができるほどの強い魅力や影響を意味し、催眠状態に近い感覚を暗示することがあります。
  3. Enrapture: 歓喜させる、うっとりさせる。「enrapture」は「enthrall」と近い意味を持ちますが、特に喜びや歓喜をもたらすような強い魅力に焦点を当てています。


The singer’s voice completely enthralled the audience.

The book was so well-written that it immediately enthralled me and I couldn’t put it down.

The magical atmosphere of the carnival completely enthralled the children.

The dancer’s performance was so mesmerizing that the audience was completely enthralled.

The beauty of the sunset enthralled us all and we stood in awe, watching as the sun disappeared below the horizon.

【Enthrall – 魅了する】のコロケーション

  1. Enthrall audiences: 聴衆を魅了する。演劇、映画、音楽ライブなどのパフォーマンスが非常に素晴らしく、観客を夢中にさせる様子を表します。
  2. Enthrall readers: 読者を魅了する。小説や記事が非常に面白く、読者が物語や内容に引き込まれる様子を示します。
  3. Enthrall viewers: 視聴者を魅了する。テレビ番組や映画などが視聴者の注意を強く引きつけ、没入させることを意味します。
  4. Enthrall with a story: 物語で魅了する。語り手が面白い話や興味深い物語を通じて聞き手を引き込む様子を表します。
  5. Enthrall with beauty: 美しさで魅了する。ある人物や風景の美しさが人々の心を奪うほどに魅力的であることを示します。








In the vast expanse of human expression and experience, the power to “enthrall” stands out as a captivating art, weaving a spell of enchantment across various domains.

“Enthrall audiences” speaks to the magic of performance. Imagine a theater dimly lit, a stage set for an epic, the air thick with anticipation. As the actors deliver their lines, the music swells, and the scene unfolds, there’s a palpable magic that ensnares the audience, holding them spellbound. This is the essence of enthrallment in the realms of theater, film, and live music performances, where the exceptional quality of the act transcends the mundane and transports spectators into a state of rapture.

To “enthrall readers” is to weave words into a tapestry so vivid, so compelling, that those who dare to peer into its threads find themselves lost in a world crafted from mere letters. Whether through a novel’s twists and turns or the compelling truths in an article, this form of enthrallment captivates the mind, drawing readers into a vortex of narrative and insight, where time becomes a forgotten companion.

“Enthrall viewers” encompasses the allure of the screen, where television shows and movies become more than flickering images; they become windows to other lives, other worlds. In this space, viewers are not merely observers but voyagers, drawn into the heart of stories that unfold with the press of a button, their attention tethered to the unfolding drama, laughter, and tears.

“Enthrall with a story” harks back to the ancient tradition of storytelling, where the power of a well-told tale transcends the spoken word. Here, the storyteller is a weaver of dreams, capturing the listener’s imagination, leading them through landscapes of thought and emotion, crafted from the simple power of narrative.

Lastly, to “enthrall with beauty” is to captivate through the sheer force of aesthetic wonder. It’s the kind of beauty that stops you in your tracks, whether manifested in a person, a landscape, or a moment of sublime grace. This form of enthrallment speaks to the soul, eliciting awe and admiration, and leaving an indelible mark on the heart.

In each expression, whether through performance, literature, visual media, storytelling, or beauty, the essence of enthrallment is the same: it is the capturing of the heart and mind, a testament to the profound power of human creativity and expression to move, engage, and, ultimately, enchant.