『若草物語』英文/和訳 【11-2. 経験】

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At teatime they compared notes,[意見を交換する] and all agreed that it had been a delightful,[愉快な, 快適な] though unusually long day.


Meg, who went shopping in the afternoon and got a ‘sweet blue muslin’,

午後に買い物に行って『きれいなブルーモスリンの布 』を手に入れたメグは、

had discovered,[発見する] after she had cut the breadths off, that it wouldn’t wash, which mishap[不幸な予測できない結果] made her slightly cross.


Jo had burned[ひどく日に焼ける] the skin off her nose boating, and got a raging[猛烈な, 猛威をふるう] headache by reading too long.


Beth was worried by the confusion[乱雑,混乱] of her closet and the difficulty of learning three or four songs at once,


and Amy deeply regretted the damage done her frock, for Katy Brown’s party was to be the next day and now like Flora McFlimsey, she had ‘nothing to wear’.

エイミーは自分の服を傷めてしまったことをとても後悔した。明日はケイティ・ブラウンのパーティーがあるのに、フローラ・マクリムジーのように、今では彼女には 『着るものが何もない』 からだ。

But these were mere trifles, and they assured their mother that the experiment was working finely.


She smiled, said nothing, and with Hannah’s help did their neglected work, keeping home pleasant and the domestic machinery[からくり,機構] running smoothly.


It was astonishing what a peculiar and uncomfortable state of things was produced by the ‘resting and reveling[大いに楽しむ] process.


The days kept getting longer and longer, the weather was unusually[((口))非常に,ひどく] variable[変化しやすい] and so were tempers; an unsettled[定まらない] feeling possessed[~に取りつく] everyone,


and Satan found plenty of[豊富, 多量] mischief for the idle hands to do.


As the height of luxury, Meg put out some of her sewing, and then found time hang so heavily,


that she fell to snipping[チョキンと切る] and spoiling her clothes in her attempts to furbish[磨きをかける] them up a la Moffat.


Jo read till her eyes gave out[疲れ果てる] and she was sick of books, got so fidgety[そわそわする] that even good-natured Laurie had a quarrel with her,


and so reduced[減らす, 減少させる] in spirits that she desperately[必死になって, 絶望的に] wished she had gone with Aunt March.


Beth got on pretty well, for she was constantly[しょっちゅう] forgetting that it was to be all play and no work, and fell back into[もとの状態に戻る] her old ways now and then.


But something in the air affected her, and more than once[一度ならず] her tranquility was much disturbed,


so much so that[~するほど〜だった] on one occasion she actually shook[揺すぶる] poor dear Joanna and told her she was ‘a fright’.[お化けみたいな(醜い)人]


Amy fared[〔出来事がある様態で〕起こる] worst of all, for her resources[退屈しのぎ] were small, and when her sisters left her to amuse herself,


she soon found that accomplished[成就した, 完成した] and important little self a great burden.[重い荷物]


She didn’t like dolls, fairy tales were childish, and one couldn’t draw all the time.


Tea parties didn’t amount to much, neither did picnics, unless very well conducted.[きちんと運営された]


“If one could have a fine house, full of nice girls, or go traveling, the summer would be delightful,


but to stay at home with three selfish sisters and a grown-up boy was enough to try the patience of a Boaz,”


complained Miss Malaprop, after several days devoted to pleasure, fretting,[苛立ち] and ennui.[手もちぶさた]


No one would own[認める,自白する] that they were tired of the experiment, but by Friday night each acknowledged to herself that she was glad the week was nearly done.


Hoping to impress[銘記させる] the lesson more deeply, Mrs. March, who had a good deal of[沢山の] humor, resolved to finish off[とどめを刺す] the trial in an appropriate[適当な, 適切な] manner,


so she gave Hannah a holiday and let the girls enjoy the full effect of the play system.


When they got up on Saturday morning, there was no fire in the kitchen, no breakfast in the dining room, and no mother anywhere to be seen.


“Mercy on us! What has happened?” cried Jo, staring about[きょろきょろする] her in dismay.[狼狽して]


Meg ran upstairs and soon came back again, looking relieved but rather bewildered,[うろたえた] and a little ashamed.


“Mother isn’t sick, only very tired, and she says she is going to stay quietly in her room all day and let us do the best we can.


It’s a very queer thing for her to do, she doesn’t act a bit like herself.


But she says it has been a hard week for her, so we mustn’t grumble but take care of ourselves.”


“That’s easy enough, and I like the idea, I’m aching for[思い焦がれる] something to do, that is, some new amusement, you know,” added Jo quickly.


In fact it was an immense[計りしれない,限りない] relief to them all to have a little work, and they took hold with a will,[本気になって]


but soon realized the truth of Hannah’s saying, “Housekeeping ain’t no joke.”


There was plenty of food in the larder, and while Beth and Amy set the table, Meg and Jo got breakfast,


wondering as they did why servants[召使い] ever talked about hard work.


“I shall take some up to Mother, though she said we were not to think of her, for she’d take care of herself,” said Meg,


who presided[食卓で主人役を務める] and felt quite matronly[貫禄のある] behind the teapot.


So a tray was fitted out[必要品のしたくをする] before anyone began, and taken up with the cook’s compliments.


The boiled tea was very bitter, the omelet scorched, and the biscuits speckled[小さな斑点をつける] with saleratus,


but Mrs. March received her repast with thanks[感謝の気持ちを込めて] and laughed heartily over it after Jo was gone.
