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There were fine sunsets[日没] even in the square, sometimes. One could only see parts of them, however, between the chimneys and over the roofs.


From the kitchen windows one could not see them at all, and could only guess that they were going on[事態などが起こる] because the bricks looked warm and the air rosy or yellow for a while,


or perhaps one saw a blazing[まばゆい] glow[輝き] strike[光が~を照りつける] a particular[特有の] pane of glass somewhere.[どこか,ある所]


There was, however, one place from which one could see all the splendor of them:


the piles of[山ほどの] red or gold clouds in the west; or the purple ones edged with dazzling[目もくらむばかりの] brightness;


or the little fleecy,[羊毛でおおわれた] floating ones, tinged with[~の色を帯びる] rose-color and looking like flights of pink doves scurrying[あわてて(ちょこちょこ)走る] across the blue in a great hurry if there was a wind.


The place where one could see all this, and seem at the same time to breathe[息をする] a purer[より清浄な] air, was, of course, the attic window.


When the square suddenly seemed to begin to glow in an enchanted way and look wonderful in spite of its sooty[すすだらけの] trees and railings, Sara knew something was going on in the sky;


and when it was at all possible to leave the kitchen without being missed[そつなく] or called back, she invariably[常に] stole away[こっそりと離れる] and crept up the flights of stairs,


and, climbing on[乗っかる] the old table, got her head and body as far out of the window as possible.


When she had accomplished this, she always drew a long breath and looked all round her.


It used to seem as if she had all the sky and the world to herself. No one else ever looked out of the other attics.


Generally the skylights were closed; but even if they were propped open[〔ドアなどが閉じないように〕支えられて開いている] to admit[入ることを許す] air, no one seemed to come near them.


And there Sara would stand, sometimes turning her face upward to the blue which seemed so friendly and near—


just like a lovely vaulted ceiling—sometimes watching the west and all the wonderful things that happened there:


the clouds melting or drifting[漂流する] or waiting softly to be changed pink or crimson or snow-white or purple or pale[青白い] dove-gray.


Sometimes they made islands or great mountains enclosing[取り囲む] lakes of deep turquoise[トルコ石]-blue, or liquid[液体の] amber,[琥珀] or chrysoprase-green;


sometimes dark headlands jutted into strange, lost seas; sometimes slender strips of wonderful lands joined other wonderful lands together.


There were places where it seemed that one could run or climb or stand and wait to see what next was coming—until, perhaps, as it all melted,[溶けていくように] one could float away.[漂っていく]


At least it seemed so to Sara, and nothing had ever been quite so beautiful to her as the things she saw as she stood on the table—

少なくともセーラにはそう思えた。テーブルの上に立って、 ~見る光景ほど美しいものはなかった。

her body half out of the skylight—the sparrows twittering with sunset softness on the slates.

スレート屋根の上で夕暮れ時の優しい雰囲気の中で雀たちさえずるのを聞きながら、天窓から半身を乗り出して、( 見る光景ほど美しいものはなかった。 )

The sparrows always seemed to her to twitter with a sort of subdued[抑えられた] softness just when these marvels were going on.


There was such a sunset as this a few days after the Indian gentleman was brought to his new home;

インド人の紳士が新居に引っ越してきた 数日後にもこのような夕焼けがあった。

and, as it fortunately happened[たまたま] that the afternoon’s work was done in the kitchen and nobody had ordered her to go anywhere or perform[行なう] any task,


Sara found[(望むことを)得る] it easier than usual to slip away and go upstairs.


She mounted her table and stood looking out. It was a wonderful moment.


There were floods[洪水] of molten[溶けた] gold covering the west, as if a glorious tide was sweeping over[席巻する] the world.


A deep, rich yellow light filled the air; the birds flying across the tops of the houses showed quite black against it.


“It’s a Splendid one,” said Sara, softly, to herself.


“It makes me feel almost afraid—as if something strange was just going to happen. The Splendid ones always make me feel like that.”


She suddenly turned her head because she heard a sound a few yards[0.9144 メートル] away from her.


It was an odd sound like a queer little squeaky chattering. It came from the window of the next attic.


Someone had come to look at the sunset[日没] as she had.


There was a head and a part of a body emerging from[~から現れる] the skylight, but it was not the head or body of a little girl or a housemaid;


it was the picturesque white-swathed[包まれた] form and dark-faced, gleaming-eyed,


white-turbaned head of a native Indian man-servant“a Lascar,”[(インドの)水平] Sara said to herself quickly—


and the sound she had heard came from[~から来た] a small monkey he held in his arms as if he were fond of it, and which was snuggling and chattering against his breast.
