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Perhaps it’s round his neck, suggested[ほのめかす・提案する] my mother. Overcoming a strong repugnance, I tore open his shirt at the neck, and there,

「たぶん首にかけてあるんだよ」 と母はそれとなく言った。強い嫌悪感を克服して、僕はキャプテンのシャツの首のところを引き裂くと、そこには、

sure enough,[はたして, 本当に] hanging to a bit of tarry[タールを塗った] string,[(rope より細く thread より太い)] which I cut with his own gully, we found the key.


At this triumph[大成功] we were filled with hope[希望に満ちている] and hurried upstairs without delay to the little room where he had slept so long


and where his box had stood[~の状態にある] since the day of his arrival.


It was like any other seaman’s chest on the outside, the initial “B” burned on the top of it with a hot iron,


and the corners somewhat smashed and broken as by long, rough usage.[使用]


Give me the key, said my mother; and though the lock was very stiff, she had turned it and thrown back the lid in a twinkling.[またたく間に]


A strong smell of tobacco and tar rose[riseの過去形] from the interior, [内側]


but nothing was to be seen on the top except a suit of very good clothes, carefully brushed and folded.


They had never been worn,[一度も着てない服] my mother said.


Under that, the miscellany began —


a quadrant, a tin[ブリキ] canikin, several sticks of tobacco, two brace[つがい] of very handsome pistols,


a piece of bar silver, an old Spanish watch and some other trinkets[つまらないもの] of little value and mostly[大部分] of foreign make,


a pair of compasses mounted with brass, and five or six curious West Indian shells.


I have often wondered since why he should have carried about these shells with him in his wandering, guilty, and hunted life.


In the meantime, we had found nothing of any value but the silver and the trinkets, and neither of these were in our way.


Underneath there was an old boat-cloak, whitened with sea-salt on many a harbour-bar.


My mother pulled it up with impatience,[性急に] and there lay before us, the last things in the chest,


a bundle[かたまり] tied up in oilcloth, and looking like papers, and a canvas bag that gave forth,[音や匂いなどを発する] at a touch, the jingle of gold.


I’ll show these rogues that I’m an honest woman, said my mother.


“I’ll have my dues, and not a farthing[少し, わずか] over. Hold Mrs. Crossley’s bag.”


And she began to count over the amount of the captain’s score from the sailor’s bag into the one that I was holding.


It was a long, difficult business, for the coins were of all countries and sizes–


doubloons, and louis d’ors, and guineas, and pieces of eight, and I know not what besides, all shaken together at random.


The guineas, too, were about the scarcest, and it was with these only that my mother knew how to make her count.


When we were about half-way through, I suddenly put my hand upon her arm,


for I had heard in the silent frosty air a sound that brought my heart into my mouth–


the tap-tapping of the blind man’s stick upon the frozen road.


It drew nearer and nearer, while we sat holding our breath.


Then it struck sharp on the inn door,


and then we could hear the handle being turned and the bolt rattling as the wretched[実に不快な] being tried to enter;


and then there was a long time of silence both within and without.


At last the tapping recommenced,[再び始まる] and, to our indescribable[筆舌に尽くしがたい] joy and gratitude, died slowly away again until it ceased to be heard.


Mother, said I, “take the whole and let’s be going,”


for I was sure the bolted door must have seemed suspicious and would bring the whole hornet’s nest about our ears,[スズメバチの巣を持ってくる]


though how thankful I was that I had bolted it, none could tell who had never met that terrible blind man.


But my mother, frightened as she was,


would not consent[~に同意する] to take a fraction[ほんの少し, 少量] more than was due to her and was obstinately unwilling to be content[満足しない] with less.


It was not yet seven, she said, by a long way;[はるかに…でない] she knew her rights and she would have them;


and she was still arguing with[論争する] me when a little low whistle sounded a good way off upon the hill.


That was enough, and more than enough, for both of us.


“I’ll take what I have,” she said, jumping to her feet. “And I’ll take this to square the count,” said I, picking up the oilskin packet.


Next moment we were both groping downstairs, leaving the candle by the empty chest;


and the next we had opened the door and were in full retreat.[退却] We had not started a moment too soon.[ぎりぎりだった]


The fog was rapidly dispersing; already the moon shone quite clear on the high ground on either side;


and it was only in the exact bottom of the dell[小さな谷] and round the tavern[居酒屋, 宿屋] door


that a thin veil still hung unbroken to conceal[隠す] the first steps of our escape.


Far less than half-way to the hamlet, very little beyond the bottom of the hill, we must come forth into the moonlight.


Nor was this all, for the sound of several footsteps running came already to our ears,


and as we looked back in their direction, a light tossing to and fro and still rapidly advancing[前進する] showed that one of the newcomers[新来者] carried a lantern.


My dear, said my mother suddenly, “take the money and run on.

「ねえ、」 母は突然言った。 「お金を持って逃げなさい。

I am going to faint.” This was certainly the end for both of us, I thought.

私はもう気絶しそうだよ」 僕は、これで間違いなく二人とも終わりだと思った。

How I cursed the cowardice of the neighbours;


how I blamed my poor mother for her honesty and her greed, for her past foolhardiness and present weakness!


We were just at the little bridge, by good fortune;


and I helped her, tottering as she was, to the edge of the bank, where, sure enough,[案の定] she gave a sigh and fell on my shoulder.


I do not know how I found the strength to do it at all,


and I am afraid it was roughly done, but I managed to drag her down the bank and a little way[非常に近い所にある] under the arch.


Farther[もっと先に] I could not move her, for the bridge was too low to let me do more than crawl below it.


So there we had to stay –my mother almost entirely[完全に] exposed[むきだしの] and both of us within earshot of the inn.
