『若草物語』英文/和訳【2-3. 楽しいクリスマス】
このサイトで使われている作品のすべては著作権の切れた名作などの全文を電子化して、インターネット上で公開しているProject Gutenberg(プロジェクト・グーテンベルク)、LibriVox(リブリヴォックス、朗読図書館)の作品を出典としています。
On Christmas night, a dozen girls piled onto[山と積まれた] the bed
which was the dress circle, and sat before the blue and yellow chintz curtains in a most flattering state of expectancy.[期待]
There was a good deal of rustling and whispering behind the curtain, a trifle of lamp smoke,
and an occasional giggle from Amy, who was apt to get hysterical[ヒステリーを起こす] in the excitement of the moment.
Presently a bell sounded, the curtains flew apart, and the operatic tragedy began.
“A gloomy wood,” according to the one playbill, was represented[表現されていた] by a few shrubs[低木, 灌木] in pots,[植木鉢] green baize[布生地] on the floor, and a cave in the distance.
This cave was made with a clothes horse for a roof, bureaus for walls, and in it was a small furnace[かまど] in full blast,
with a black pot on it and an old witch bending over it.
The stage was dark and the glow of the furnace had a fine effect, especially as real steam issued from the kettle when the witch took off the cover.
舞台は暗く、炉の赤い輝きが絶妙な効果を発揮し、特に 魔女が蓋を取ったときに やかんから出てくる本物の蒸気などは、すばらしい効果があった。
A moment was allowed for the first thrill[ぞくぞくする感じ] to subside,[低下する] then Hugo, the villain, stalked in[威張って歩く] with a clanking sword at his side,
最初の身震いがおさまるまでのほんの一瞬の後、悪党ヒューゴが 脇に差した刀をガチャンガチャンと音を立てて 大股で入って来た。
a slouching hat, black beard, mysterious cloak, and the boots.
After pacing to and fro in much agitation, he struck his forehead, and burst out[突然~しだす] in a wild strain, singing of his hatred for Roderigo,
his love for Zara, and his pleasing resolution to kill the one and win[勝ち取る] the other.
The gruff[しわがれた] tones of Hugo’s voice, with an occasional shout when his feelings overcame him, were very impressive,
and the audience applauded the moment he paused for breath.
Bowing with the air of one accustomed to public praise, he stole to the cavern and ordered Hagar to come forth with a commanding,[堂々と]
“What ho, minion![お気に入り] I need thee!”
Out came Meg, with gray horsehair hanging about her face, a red and black robe, a staff, and cabalistic signs upon her cloak.
Hugo demanded a potion to make Zara adore him, and one to destroy Roderigo.
Hagar, in a fine dramatic melody, promised both, and proceeded[進行する] to call up the spirit who would bring the love philter.
Hither, hither, from thy home,
Airy sprite, I bid thee come!
Born of roses, fed on dew,
Charms and potions canst thou brew?
Bring me here, with elfin speed,
The fragrant philter which I need.
妖精の如き速さで、この場所へ我を運び、/ 我が求める、芳(かぐわ)しき霊薬(れいやく)を。
Make it sweet and swift and strong,
Spirit, answer now my song!
甘き香(か)に、疾(はや)きこと、力強さよ、/ 精霊よ、今、我が歌に頷(うなず)け!
A soft strain of music sounded, and then at the back of the cave appeared a little figure[容姿] in cloudy white,
with glittering[きらめく] wings, golden hair, and a garland of roses on its head. Waving a wand, it sang…
Hither I come,
From my airy home,
Afar in the silver moon.
此方(こなた)へ来たれり、/ わが軽(かろ)き住処(すみか)より、/ 銀の月、遥(はる)か彼方(かなた)に。
Take the magic spell,
And use it well,
Or its power will vanish soon!
魔法の呪文を手に取り、/ 然るべく用いよ。/ さもなくば、その力は速やかに失われるであろう!
And dropping a small, gilded[金色に塗られた] bottle at the witch’s feet, the spirit vanished.
Another chant from Hagar produced another apparition,[幽霊] not a lovely one, for with a bang an ugly black imp appeared and,
having croaked a reply, tossed a dark bottle at Hugo and disappeared with a mocking laugh.
Having warbled his thanks and put the potions in his boots,
Hugo departed,[出発し] and Hagar informed the audience that as he had killed a few of her friends in times past,
she had cursed him, and intends to[~を意図し] thwart his plans, and be revenged on him.
Then the curtain fell, and the audience reposed and ate candy while discussing the merits of[品定めする] the play.
A good deal of hammering went on before the curtain rose again,
but when it became evident what a masterpiece[傑作] of stage carpentery[大工仕事] had been got up, no one murmured at the delay.
It was truly superb. [他を圧するほどすばらしい]
A tower rose to the ceiling, halfway up appeared a window with a lamp burning in it,
塔は天井までそびえ立ち、中腹に ランプが燃えている 窓が現れていた。
and behind the white curtain appeared Zara in a lovely blue and silver dress, waiting for Roderigo.
He came in gorgeous array,[衣装] with plumed cap, red cloak, chestnut lovelocks,[頬のあたりに数本垂らした髪の毛] a guitar, and the boots, of course.
Kneeling at the foot of the tower, he sang a serenade in melting tones.
Zara replied and, after a musical dialogue, consented to fly.
Then came the grand effect[壮大な効果] of the play.
Roderigo produced a rope ladder,[なわばしご] with five steps to it, threw up one end, and invited Zara to descend.
Timidly she crept from her lattice, put her hand on Roderigo’s shoulder,
and was about to leap gracefully down when “Alas! Alas for Zara!” she forgot her train.
It caught in the window, the tower tottered, leaned forward, fell with a crash, and buried the unhappy lovers in the ruins.
A universal shriek arose as the russet boots waved wildly from the wreck and a golden head emerged, exclaiming,
“I told you so! I told you so!”
With wonderful presence of mind, Don Pedro, the cruel sire,[家畜の雄親] rushed in, dragged out his daughter, with a hasty aside…
“Don’t laugh! Act as if it was all right!” and, ordering Roderigo up, banished him from the kingdom with wrath[激怒, 憤り] and scorn.
「笑うな!大丈夫なようにふるまうんだ!」 そして、ロデリゴに「起きろ!」と命令し、怒り軽蔑しながら彼を王国から追放した。
Though decidedly[明らかに] shaken by the fall from the tower upon him, Roderigo defied[ものともしない] the old gentleman and refused to stir.
This dauntless[びくともしない, 豪胆な] example fired Zara. She also defied her sire,[家畜の雄親] and he ordered them both to the deepest dungeons of the castle.
A stout little retainer[家臣] came in with chains and led them away,
looking very much frightened[おびえた] and evidently forgetting the speech he ought to have made.
Act third was the castle hall, and here Hagar appeared, having come to free the lovers and finish Hugo.
She hears him coming and hides, sees him put the potions into two cups of wine and bid the timid little servant,
“Bear[運ぶ] them to the captives in their cells,[独房] and tell them I shall come anon.”[そのうち]
「これを牢の捕虜たちのところに持って行き、 わしがほどなく行くと伝えろ」
The servant[召使い] takes Hugo aside to tell him something, and Hagar changes the cups for two others which are harmless.[無害な]
Ferdinando, the ‘minion’, carries them away, and Hagar puts back the cup which holds the poison meant for[~のために作られた] Roderigo.
『お気に入り』 のフェルディナンドがそれを運び去り、ハガーはロデリゴのために用意された毒を入れるコップを元に戻す。
Hugo, getting thirsty after a long warble, drinks it, loses his wits, and after a good deal of clutching and stamping, falls flat[うつぶせに(ぱったり)倒れる] and dies,
while Hagar informs him what she has done in a song of exquisite power and melody.