『若草物語』英文/和訳 【4-1.重荷】

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“Oh, dear, how hard it does seem to take up our packs and go on,” sighed Meg the morning after the party,


for now the holidays were over, the week of merrymaking[お祭り騒ぎの週] did not fit her for going on easily with the task she never liked.


“I wish it was Christmas or New Year’s all the time. Wouldn’t it be fun?” answered Jo, yawning dismally.


“We shouldn’t enjoy ourselves half so much as we do now.


But it does seem so nice to have little suppers and bouquets, and go to parties, and drive home, and read and rest, and not work.


It’s like other people, you know, and I always envy girls who do such things, I’m so fond of luxury,” said Meg,


trying to decide[決定する, 決める] which of two shabby gowns was the least shabby.


“Well, we can’t have it, so don’t let us grumble but shoulder our bundles and trudge along as cheerfully as Marmee[mommy] does.


I’m sure Aunt March is a regular Old Man of the Sea to me,


but I suppose when I’ve learned to carry her without complaining, she will tumble off, or get so light that I shan’t[shall not]mind her.”


This idea tickled Jo’s fancy and put her in good spirits, but Meg didn’t brighten,[明るくする] for her burden, consisting of[から構成される] four spoiled children, seemed heavier than ever.


She had not heart enough even to make herself pretty as usual by putting on a blue neck ribbon and dressing her hair in the most becoming way.[最もふさわしい方法で]


“Where’s the use of[役に立つこと, 効用] looking nice, when no one sees me but those cross midgets,[不機嫌な小人]


and no one cares whether I’m pretty or not?” she muttered, shutting her drawer with a jerk.[急にぐいと引くこと] 


“I shall have to toil and moil all my days, with only little bits of fun now and then, and get old and ugly and sour,


because I’m poor and can’t enjoy my life as other girls do. It’s a shame!”


So Meg went down, wearing an injured look, and wasn’t at all agreeable at breakfast time.


Everyone seemed rather out of sorts[かげんが悪くて,ぷりぷりして] and inclined to croak.


Beth had a headache and lay on the sofa, trying to comfort herself with the cat and three kittens.


Amy was fretting because her lessons were not learned, and she couldn’t find her rubbers.


Jo would whistle and make a great racket getting ready.


Mrs. March was very busy trying to finish a letter, which must go at once, and Hannah had the grumps, for being up late didn’t suit[似つかわしくなく] her.


“There never was such a cross family!” cried Jo,


losing her temper when she had upset an inkstand, broken both boot lacings, and sat down upon her hat.


“You’re the crossest person in it!” returned Amy, washing out[洗い落とす] the sum[算術問題, 計算] that was all wrong with the tears that had fallen on her slate.


“Beth, if you don’t keep these horrid[いまわしい] cats down cellar I’ll have them drowned,”


exclaimed Meg angrily as she tried to get rid of[取り除く] the kitten which had scrambled up her back and stuck like a burr just out of reach.


Jo laughed, Meg scolded, Beth implored, and Amy wailed because she couldn’t remember how much nine times twelve was.


“Girls, girls, do be quiet one minute! I must get this off by the early mail,

「あなた達、ちょっと静かにして頂戴! 急いで郵便でこれを【る】らなければならないのに、

and you drive[~せざるをえないようにする] me distracted with[気が散って] your worry,” cried Mrs. March, crossing out[棒線を引いて消す] the third spoiled sentence in her letter.


There was a momentary[瞬間的な] lull,[小康,凪] broken by Hannah, who stalked in, laid two hot turnovers on the table, and stalked out again.


These turnovers were an institution,[慣例] and the girls called them ‘muffs’,


for they had no others and found the hot pies very comforting[慰めて] to their hands on cold mornings.


Hannah never forgot to make them, no matter how busy or grumpy she might be,


for the walk was long and bleak; The poor things got no other lunch and were seldom home before two.


“Cuddle your cats and get over[乗り越える] your headache, Bethy. Goodbye, Marmee.


We are a set of rascals[ならず者, ごろつき] this morning, but we’ll come home regular angels.


Now then, Meg!” And Jo tramped[どしんどしん歩く] away, feeling that the pilgrims were not setting out[着手する] as they ought to do.

さあ行きましょう、メグ!」 とジョーは重い足取りで歩いて行った。始めてなくてはならない巡礼者ごっこのやるべき事をやっていない気がしていた。

They always looked back before turning the corner, for their mother was always at the window to nod and smile, and wave her hand to them.


Somehow it seemed as if they couldn’t have got through the day without that,


for whatever their mood might be, the last glimpse of that motherly[慈悲深い] face was sure to affect them like sunshine.


“If Marmee[mommy] shook her fist instead of kissing her hand to us, it would serve us right,[自業自得・当然の仕打ち] for more ungrateful wretches[ろくでなし] than we are were never seen,” cried Jo,


taking a remorseful[後悔する, 良心の呵責に耐えない] satisfaction in the snowy walk and bitter wind.


“Don’t use such dreadful expressions,” replied Meg from the depths of the veil in which she had shrouded herself like a nun sick of the world.


“I like good strong words that mean something,” replied Jo, catching her hat as it took a leap off[飛び下りる] her head preparatory[何かに備えるさま] to flying away altogether.


“Call yourself any names you like, but I am neither a rascal nor a wretch[ろくでなし] and I don’t choose[望む] to be called so.”


“You’re a blighted[くじく,損なう] being, and decidedly[明らかに] cross today because you can’t sit in the lap of luxury all the time.


Poor dear, just wait till I make my fortune, and you shall revel in carriages


and ice cream and high-heeled slippers, and posies, and red-headed boys to dance with.”


“How ridiculous you are, Jo!” But Meg laughed at the nonsense and felt better in spite of herself.


“Lucky for you I am, for if I put on crushed airs and tried to be dismal, as you do, we should be in a nice state.


Thank goodness, I can always find something funny to keep me up. Don’t croak any more, but come home jolly, there’s a dear.”


Jo gave her sister an encouraging pat on the shoulder as they parted for the day, each going a different way, each hugging her little warm turnover,


and each trying to be cheerful in spite of wintry weather, hard work, and the unsatisfied desires of pleasure-loving youth.


When Mr. March lost his property in trying to help an unfortunate friend, the two oldest girls begged to be allowed to do something toward their own support, at least.


Believing that they could not begin too early to cultivate energy, industry, and independence, their parents consented,


and both fell to work with the hearty good will which in spite of all obstacles is sure to succeed at last.
