『若草物語』英文/和訳【10-1. P.CとP.O】
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As spring came on, a new set of amusements[娯楽] became the fashion, and the lengthening[~を長くする] days gave long[長時間] afternoons for work and play of all sorts.
The garden had to be put in order,[整頓, 整える] and each sister had a quarter of the little plot to do what she liked with.[~を好きなように使える]
Hannah used to say, “I’d know which each of them gardings[gardens] belonged to, ef[if] I see ‘em[them] in Chiny[China],” and so she might, for the girls’ tastes differed as much as their characters.
Meg’s had roses and heliotrope,[濃い紫色をした小花] myrtle,[梅に似た白い花] and a little orange tree in it. Jo’s bed was never alike two seasons,[二つの季節] for she was always trying experiments.
This year it was to be a plantation of sun flowers, the seeds[種子] of which cheerful and aspiring[高い目標を目ざしている] plant[植物] were to feed Aunt Cockle-top and her family of chicks.[ひな鳥]
Beth had old-fashioned fragrant flowers in her garden, sweet peas
and mignonette,[金木犀に似た香りの背の高い草] larkspur,[燕が飛んでいる姿に似た花] pinks,[ナデシコ] pansies, and southernwood, with chickweed[ハコベ] for the birds and catnip[イヌハッカ] for the pussies.[猫, 猫ちゃん]
Amy had a bower[木陰の休息所] in hers, rather small and earwiggy,[earwig] but very pretty to look at,
with honeysuckle[スイカズラ] and morning-glories[アサガオ] hanging their colored[着色した] horns[角ラッパ,警笛] and bells in graceful wreaths[渦巻き, 花冠] all over it, tall white lilies,[ユリの花]
delicate ferns,[シダ] and as many brilliant, picturesque[絵のような] plants as would consent to blossom[咲くことに合意する] there.
Gardening, walks, rows on the river, and flower hunts employed[使用する] the fine days, and for rainy ones, they had house diversions,[わきへそらすこと] some old, some new, all more or less original.
One of these was the ‘P.C.’, for as secret societies were the fashion,
it was thought proper[適当である] to have one, and as all of the girls admired Dickens, they called themselves the Pickwick Club.
With a few interruptions, they had kept this up for a year, and met every Saturday evening in the big garret, on which occasions[儀式] the ceremonies[式典] were as follows:
Three chairs were arranged[配列する] in a row[一列に] before a table on which was a lamp, also four white badges, with a big ‘P.C.’ in different colors on each,
and the weekly newspaper called, The Pickwick Portfolio, to which all contributed[貢献する] something, while Jo, who reveled in[~を大いに楽しむ] pens and ink, was the editor.
そして『ピックウイック ポートフォリオ』と呼ばれる週刊新聞に、みんな何かしらの寄稿をしていた。書くことが大好きなジョーは編集長だった。
At seven o’clock, the four members ascended to the clubroom,[部室,クラブの活動のための部屋] tied their badges round their heads, and took their seats with great solemnity.
Meg, as the eldest, was Samuel Pickwick, Jo, being of a literary turn, Augustus Snodgrass, Beth, because she was round[丸い] and rosy, Tracy Tupman,
and Amy, who was always trying to do what she couldn’t, was Nathaniel Winkle.
Pickwick, the president, read the paper, which was filled with original tales, poetry, local news, funny advertisements, and hints,
in which they good-naturedly[親切に,おだやかに] reminded[思い出させる,気づかせる] each other of their faults and short comings.
On one occasion, Mr. Pickwick put on[身につける] a pair of spectacles without any glass, rapped upon the table, hemmed,
and having stared hard at Mr. Snodgrass, who was tilting back[~を後ろに傾ける] in his chair, till he arranged himself properly, began to read:
MAY 20, 18—
ANNIVERSARY ODE[〈フランス語〉厳格な韻律を持った詩形]
『ピクウイック ポートフォリオ』 18ー年5月20日 詩のコーナー。記念の歌
Again we meet to celebrate With badge and solemn rite,[(宗教的な型どおりに行なわれる荘厳な)儀式] Our fifty-second anniversary,[記念日] In Pickwick Hall, tonight.
We all are here in perfect health, None gone from our small band: Again we see each well-known[よく知っている] face, And press each friendly hand.
Our Pickwick, always at his post,[持ち場にいる] With reverence[崇敬, 尊敬] we greet, As, spectacles on nose, he reads Our well-filled weekly sheet.
Although he suffers from a cold, We joy to hear him speak, For words of wisdom from him fall, In spite of croak or squeak.
Old six-foot Snodgrass looms on high, With elephantine grace, And beams upon the company,[仲間] With brown and jovial face.
Poetic fire lights up his eye, He struggles[もがく, あがく] ‘gainst[against] his lot. Behold ambition on his brow,[眉,表情] And on his nose, a blot.
Next our peaceful Tupman comes, So rosy, plump, and sweet, Who chokes[息を詰まらせる] with laughter at the puns, And tumbles off his seat.
Prim[潔癖すぎる, いやに上品ぶる] little Winkle too is here, With every hair in place, A model of propriety,[作法,礼儀] Though he hates to wash his face.
The year is gone, we still unite To joke and laugh and read, And tread[歩く, 行く] the path of literature That doth[do] to glory lead.
Long may our paper prosper[繁栄する] well, Our club unbroken be, And coming years their blessings pour[注ぐ, つぐ] On the useful, gay ‘P. C.’. A. SNODGRASS
栄よ我らの新聞よ。わが結社が綿々と続くように。来る年々に神の恵みが注がれしことを。価値ある陽気な『P.C.』 よ。A・スノッドグラス