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『若草物語』英文/和訳【18-4. 暗い日々】
Hannah, quite worn out, lay down on the sofa at the bed’s foot and fell fast asleep,
Mr. Laurence marched to and fro[行ったり来たり] in the parlor, feeling that he would rather face a rebel battery[砲撃陣] than Mrs. March’s countenance as she entered.
Laurie lay on the rug, pretending to rest, but staring into the fire with the thoughtful look which made his black eyes beautifully soft and clear.
The girls never forgot that night,
for no sleep came to them as they kept their watch,[番をする,見張る] with that dreadful[恐ろしい] sense of powerlessness which comes to us in hours like those.
“If God spares[見逃す] Beth, I never will complain again,” whispered Meg earnestly.
“If god spares Beth, I’ll try to love and serve Him all my life,” answered Jo, with equal fervor.
“I wish I had no heart, it aches so,” sighed Meg, after a pause.
“If life is often as hard as this, I don’t see how we ever shall get through[乗り切る] it,” added her sister despondently.[落胆して]
Here the clock struck twelve, and both forgot themselves in watching Beth, for they fancied a change passed over her wan face.
The house was still[音のしない, しんとした] as death, and nothing but the wailing[慟哭, 号泣] of the wind broke the deep hush.[静けさ, 静寂]
Weary Hannah slept on, and no one but the sisters saw the pale shadow which seemed to fall upon the little bed.
An hour went by, and nothing happened except Laurie’s quiet departure for the station.
Another hour, still no one came, and anxious fears[不安な心配] of delay in the storm, or accidents by the way, or, worst of all, a great grief at Washington, haunted the girls.
It was past two, when Jo, who stood at the window thinking how dreary[陰気な, 荒涼とした] the world looked in its winding sheet[(死体を包む)きょうかたびら] of snow,
heard a movement by the bed, and turning quickly, saw Meg kneeling before their mother’s easy chair with her face hidden.
A dreadful fear passed coldly over Jo, as she thought, “Beth is dead, and Meg is afraid to tell me.”
She was back at her post[持ち場] in an instant, and to her excited eyes a great change seemed to have taken place.[起こる、生じる]
The fever flush[熱によって起こる顔の紅潮] and the look of pain were gone, and the beloved little face looked so pale[青白い, 蒼白な] and peaceful in its utter repose[完全な静けさや安らぎ] that Jo felt no desire to weep or to lament.
Leaning low over this dearest of her sisters, she kissed the damp forehead with her heart on her lips, and softly whispered, “Good-by, my Beth. Good-by!”
As if awaked by the stir,[騒ぎ, どよめき] Hannah started out of her sleep, hurried to the bed, looked at Beth, felt her hands, listened at her lips,
and then, throwing her apron over her head,[エプロンを頭にかぶる] sat down to rock to and fro, exclaiming, under her breath,
“The fever’s turned, she’s sleepin‘[sleeping] nat’ral[natural], her skin’s damp, and she breathes easy. Praise be given![褒美は与えられた] Oh, my goodness me!”
Before the girls could believe the happy truth, the doctor came to confirm it.
He was a homely man, but they thought his face quite heavenly when he smiled and said, with a fatherly look at them,
“Yes, my dears, I think the little girl will pull through[乗り越える] this time.
Keep the house quiet, let her sleep, and when she wakes, give her…”
What they were to give, neither heard, for both crept into the dark hall, and, sitting on the stairs, held each other close, rejoicing[喜ぶ] with hearts too full for words.[言葉が足りない]
When they went back to be kissed and cuddled by faithful Hannah,
they found Beth lying, as she used to do, with her cheek pillowed on[もたせかける] her hand, the dreadful pallor gone, and breathing quietly, as if just fallen asleep.
“If Mother would only come now!” said Jo, as the winter night began to wane.[減少する]
“See,” said Meg, coming up with a white, half-opened rose,
“I thought this would hardly be ready to lay[まったく準備ができていない=間に合わない] in Beth’s hand tomorrow if she—went away from us.
But it has blossomed in the night, and now I mean to put it in my vase here,
so that when the darling wakes, the first thing she sees will be the little rose, and Mother’s face.”
Never had the sun risen so beautifully,
and never had the world seemed so lovely as it did to the heavy eyes[重々しい目] of Meg and Jo, as they looked out in the early morning, when their long, sad vigil[長時間にわたる見張りや待機] was done.
“It looks like a fairy world,” said Meg, smiling to herself, as she stood behind the curtain, watching the dazzling sight.
“Hark!” cried Jo, starting to her feet.
Yes, there was a sound of bells at the door below, a cry from Hannah, and then Laurie’s voice saying in a joyful whisper, “Girls, she’s come! She’s come!”