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NEXT morning we were awakened by a great racket.
There was a procession[行列] coming down the street, a number of[かなりの] men in very gay clothes followed by[~に続いて] a large crowd of admiring[称賛する] ladies and cheering children.
I asked the Doctor who they were.
“They are the bullfighters,” he said. “There is to be a bullfight to-morrow.”
“What is a bullfight?” I asked.
To my great surprise the Doctor got red in the face with anger.
It reminded me of the time when he had spoken of the lions and tigers in his private zoo.
“A bullfight is a stupid, cruel, disgusting[胸が悪くなるような] business,”[商売] said he.
“These Spanish people are most lovable and hospitable[もてなしのよい] folk.[人々]
How they can enjoy these wretched[哀れな] bullfights is a thing I could never understand.”
Then the Doctor went on[しゃべり続ける] to explain[説明する] to me how a bull was first made very angry by teasing[いじめる, からかう]
and then allowed to run[駆けこむのを可能にする] into a circus[円形競技場] where men came out with red cloaks, waved them at him, and ran away.
Next the bull was allowed to tire himself out[疲れ切る] by tossing[ぽいと投げる] and killing a lot of poor, old, broken-down horses who couldn’t defend themselves.
Then, when the bull was thoroughly out of breath and wearied by this,[この時までに] a man came out with a sword and killed the bull.
“Every Sunday,” said the Doctor, “in almost every big town in Spain there are six bulls killed like that and as many horses.”
“But aren’t the men ever killed by the bull?” I asked.
“Unfortunately very seldom,” said he.
“A bull is not nearly as dangerous as he looks, even when he’s angry, if you are only quick on your feet and don’t lose your head.
These bullfighters are very clever and nimble.[動きの速い] And the people, especially the Spanish ladies, think no end of[(~を)賞賛する] them.
A famous bullfighter (or matador, as they call them) is a more important man[重要な人物] in Spain than a king
—Here comes another crowd of them round the corner, look.
See the girls throwing kisses to them. Ridiculous business!”
At that moment our friend the bed-maker came out to see the procession go past.
And while he was wishing[言う,告げる] us good morning and enquiring how we had slept, a friend of his walked up and joined us.
The bed-maker introduced this friend to us as Don Enrique Cardenas.
Don Enrique when he heard where we were from, spoke to us in English.
He appeared to be[~であるように思われる] a well-educated,[高学歴の] gentlemanly sort of[種類の] person.
“And you go to see the bullfight to-morrow, yes?” he asked the Doctor pleasantly.
“Certainly not,” said John Dolittle firmly. “I don’t like bullfights—cruel, cowardly shows.”
Don Enrique nearly exploded. I never saw a man get so excited. He told the Doctor that he didn’t know what he was talking about.
He said bullfighting was a noble sport and that the matadors were the bravest men in the world.
“Oh, rubbish[廃物, くだらないもの]!” said the Doctor.
“You never give the poor bull a chance. It is only when he is all tired and dazed that your precious matadors dare to try and kill him.”
I thought the Spaniard was going to strike the Doctor he got so angry.
While he was still spluttering[口角泡を飛ばす] to find words, the bed-maker came between them and took the Doctor aside.[わきへ連れていく]
He explained to John Dolittle in a whisper that this Don Enrique Cardenas was a very important person;
that he it was who supplied[供給する, 与える] the bulls—a special, strong black kind—from his own farm for all the bullfights in the Capa Blancas.
彼が、カパ・ブランカで行われる全ての闘牛に、自分の農場から –特別に強い黒毛の牛を– 提供していたのだ。
He was a very rich man, the bed-maker said, a most important personage.[名士, 偉い人] He mustn’t be allowed to[~しても構わない] take offense[怒る] on any account.
I watched the Doctor’s face as the bed-maker finished, and I saw a flash of boyish mischief come into[~になる] his eyes as though an idea had struck[心に浮かぶ] him.
He turned to the angry Spaniard.