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WE all agreed[同意した] afterwards that none of us had ever worked so hard in our lives before as we did that day.


For my part, I know I was often on the point of[(まさに)…しかかって] dropping[ばったりと倒れる] exhausted with fatigue;[疲労, 疲れ]


but I just kept on going—like a machine—determined that, whatever happened, I would not be the first to give up.


When we had scrambled[はって進む, はい回る] to the top of a high peak, almost instantly we saw the strange mountain pictured in the letter.


In shape it was the perfect image of a hawk’s head, and was, as far as we could see, the second highest summit in the island.


Although we were all out of breath from our climb, the Doctor didn’t let us rest a second[秒, 瞬間] as soon as he had sighted it.


With one look at the sun for direction, down he dashed again, breaking through[~を押し通る] thickets,[茂み, 雑木林] splashing over[~に〈水・泥などを〉はねかける] brooks,[小川] taking all the short cuts.


For a fat man, he was certainly the swiftest cross-country runner I ever saw. We floundered[もがきながら進む] after him as fast as we could.


When I say we, I mean Bumpo and myself; for the animals, Jip, Chee-Chee and Polynesia, were a long way ahead—even beyond the Doctor—enjoying the hunt like a paper-chase.[(紙をまき散らして逃げる人を他の大勢が追いかける遊び)]


At length we arrived at the foot of the mountain we were making for;[~に進む] and we found its sides very steep.


Said the Doctor, “Now we will separate and search for caves. This spot where we now are, will be our meeting-place.[待ち合わせ場所]


If anyone finds anything like a cave or a hole where the earth and rocks have fallen in,[落ち込む, めり込む] he must shout and hulloa to the rest of us.


If we find nothing we will all gather here in about an hour’s time—Everybody understand?” Then we all went off our different ways.


Each of us, you may be sure, was anxious to[〜することを切望] be the one to make a discovery. And never was a mountain searched so thoroughly.


But alas! nothing could we find that looked in the least like a fallen-in cave.

しかし残念ながら… 窪んだ洞窟のようなものは何も見つからなかった。

There were plenty of places where rocks had tumbled down[崩れ落ちる、崩壊する] to the foot of the slopes; but none of these appeared as though caves or passages could possibly lie behind them.[その後ろに横たわる]


One by one, tired and disappointed, we straggled[だらだらと歩く] back to the meeting-place.


The Doctor seemed gloomy and impatient but by no means[決して…しない] inclined to[~したいと思う] give up.


“Jip,” he said, “couldn’t you smell anything like an Indian anywhere?”


“No,” said Jip. “I sniffed at every crack on the mountainside. But I am afraid my nose will be of no use to you here, Doctor.


The trouble is, the whole air is so saturated[しみ込んだ] with the smell of spider-monkeys that it drowns[音などをかき消す] every other scent[匂い]—And besides, it’s too cold and dry for good smelling.”


“It is certainly that,” said the Doctor—“and getting colder all the time. I’m afraid the island is still drifting[漂流する] to the southward.


Let’s hope it stops before long,[まもなく] or we won’t be able to get even nuts and fruit to eat—everything in the island will perish[(突然または非業な死に方で)死ぬ, 枯れる]—Chee-Chee, what luck did you have?”


“None, Doctor. I climbed to every peak and pinnacle[(とがった)峰, 頂点] I could see. I searched every hollow and cleft. But not one place could I find where men might be hidden.”


“And Polynesia,” asked the Doctor, “did you see nothing that might put us on the right track?”[私たちを正しい軌道に乗せる可能性のあるもの]


“Not a thing, Doctor—But I have a plan.”


“Oh good!” cried John Dolittle, full of hope renewed. “What is it? Let’s hear it.”


“You still have that beetle with you,” she asked—“the Biz-biz, or whatever it is you call the wretched insect?”


“Yes,” said the Doctor, producing the glass-topped box from his pocket, “here it is.”
