『ルパンの告白』英文/和訳【3-7. 影の合図】

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There was a fresh pause;[休止] and Lupin asked:


“What is your own opinion, Maître Valandier?”


“My private opinion is that there’s nothing in it.


What credit[信用] can we give to the statements[声明] of an old servant enfeebled by age?


What importance can we attach[重要性などを…に置く] to the crotchets[気まぐれ] of a madman?


Besides, if the farmer-general had realized[現金化していた] his fortune, don’t you think that that fortune would have been found?


One could manage to hide a paper, a document, in a confined space like that, but not treasures.”


“Still, the pictures?…”


“Yes, of course. But, after all, are they a sufficient proof?”


Lupin bent over the copy which the solicitor had taken from the cupboard and, after examining it at length, said:


“You spoke of three pictures.”


“Yes, the one which you see was handed to[手渡す] my predecessor by the heirs of Charles.


Louise d’Ernemont possesses another. As for the third, no one knows what became of it.”


Lupin looked at me and continued:


“And do they all bear the same date?”


“Yes, the date inscribed[刻み込む] by Charles d’Ernemont when he had them framed, not long before his death….


The same date, that is to say the 15th of April, Year II, according to[~によれば] the revolutionary calendar, as the arrest took place in April, 1794.”


“Oh, yes, of course,” said Lupin. “The figure 2 means….”


He thought for a few moments and resumed:[再び始める]


“One more question, if I may. Did no one ever come forward to solve the problem?”


Maître Valandier threw up his arms:


“Goodness gracious me!”[いい加減にしてくれ] he cried.


“Why[意外な事の発見、承認に対しての発声], it was the plague of the office! One of my predecessors, Maître Turbon,


was summoned to Passy no fewer than[少なくとも ~も] eighteen times, between 1820 and 1843, by the groups of heirs,


whom fortune-tellers, clairvoyants, visionaries, impostors of all sorts had promised that they would discover the farmer-general’s treasures.


At last, we laid down a rule: any outsider applying to[~を適用する] institute[開始する] a search was to begin by depositing a certain sum.”


“What sum?”


“A thousand francs.”


“And did this have the effect of frightening them off?”[勇気を失わせる]


“No. Four years ago, an Hungarian hypnotist tried the experiment and made me waste a whole day.


After that, we fixed the deposit at five thousand francs.


In case of success, a third of the treasure goes to the finder.


In case of failure, the deposit is forfeited to the heirs. Since then, I have been left in peace.”


“Here are your five thousand francs.”


The lawyer gave a start:


“Eh? What do you say?”


“I say,” repeated Lupin, taking five bank-notes from his pocket and calmly spreading them on the table,


“I say that here is the deposit of five thousand francs.


Please give me a receipt and invite all the d’Ernemont heirs to meet me at Passy on the 15th of April next year.”


The notary could not believe his senses. I myself, although Lupin had accustomed me to these surprises, was utterly taken back.


“Are you serious?” asked Maître Valandier.


“Perfectly serious.”


“But, you know, I told you my opinion. All these improbable stories rest upon no evidence of any kind.”


“I don’t agree with you,” said Lupin.


The notary gave him the look which we give to a person[…な人に向ける] who is not quite right in his head.


Then, accepting the situation,[状況を受け入れ] he took his pen and drew up a contract on stamped paper,


acknowledging the payment of the deposit by Captain Jeanniot and promising him a third of such moneys as he should discover:


“If you change your mind,” he added, “you might let me know a week before the time comes.


I shall not inform[通知する] the d’Ernemont family until the last moment, so as not to give those poor people too long a spell[魔法,呪文] of hope.”


“You can inform them this very day, Maître Valandier. It will make them spend a happier year.”


We said good-bye. Outside, in the street, I cried:


“So you have hit upon something?”


“I?” replied Lupin. “Not a bit of it! And that’s just what amuses me.”


“But they have been searching for a hundred years!”


“It is not so much a matter of searching[A] as of thinking.[B]


Now I have three hundred and sixty-five days to think in.


It is a great deal more than I want; and I am afraid that I shall forget all about the business, interesting though it may be.


Oblige[義務を負わせる] me by reminding me, will you?”
